39 : Closer

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After the night, no one really said anything. Y/N were nervous as hell when she head towards the dining room for breakfast that morning. But no one really said anything. Everything seems normal. Her brother also didn't say a thing about that, he just act normal, which maker Y/N felt more nervous.

As Y/N arrived at the company with the boys, they bid their goodbye as the boys went to the dance practice while Y/N is having another meeting, continuing their last one. The project require her to be more toned, as it is a photoshoot at the beach. The photoshoot will take on next month, which means she still have time to build up her body.

As she finished the meeting, she then realized that it's been almost a month since she stay at the BTS dorm. She doesn't mind but sometimes she think that her and the boys also need a privacy. So she utter her thoughts to her manager and Bang PD nim about it. She thought that she's fine now and she could go back to her old apartment.

At first Bang PD nim refused her as he thought that she still need a lot of people around. But as he got a permission from Dr. Lee, he let her move back. But he decided that she should move to a much high security apartment and closer to the boys dorm.

The news spread quickly to the boys as the maknae line all approach her in the meeting room, making her startled at the door opening.

"What? Why would you move?" Jimin pouted as he approach the girl.

"You startled me oppa!" Y/N said as she put her hand on her chest, calming it down.

"Do you felt uncomfortable around us?" Taehyung asked, making Y/N quickly move her hand, making a no sign.

"No! It's not that at all"

"Is it because of last night?" Jungkook asked.

Y/N sighed "No, it has nothing to do with last night"

"Then why?"

"Oppa, you know that I can't stay at the dorm forever. I have to move out someday. And since I'm going back to work again and so do you guys, we're gonna be busy. And Dr. Lee even approved it, saying that I'm already doing well"

"But you can't suddenly leave like that"

"Of course not. Bang PD nim demand me to find another apartment with higher security so I guess I'll search for it first"

"Can't you just live in the dorm with us?" Jungkook and Taehyung looking at her with pleading eyes.

"I would love too but there's too much risk. I promise I'll visit you guys regularly"


Taehyung and Jungkook still have the pout on their face as they entered the practice room. Jimin enter first and the two later follow him. The rest of the boys turned their head at their arrival.

"What's with the pouty face?" Hoseok asked as the maknae line start to sit on the floor.

"She's really moving" Jungkook pouted.

"Of course she'll be moving someday, why would you think that she's gonna live with us forever?" Namjoon said.

"B-but it'll be different without her! The dorm feel so much more livelier with her!" Taehyung pouted.

"Don't you think so too hyung?" Jungkook asked the boy.

"Of course. But we can't be selfish. Soon enough we're gonna be busy with promotion and won't have a lot of time on the dorm. You think Y/N would be happy to stay in such a big dorm alone?" Namjoon said, making the two silence.

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