13 : The Change

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It's a month away from the university test and Y/N doesn't even decided yet where she's gonna go or what major she's gonna take. There seems to be no major or university that excite her.

Her father of course offer her to go into business major so she could work in his company, but of course it's not her passion. Every day at dinner time, he always talk about how exciting it is and her mother also support him. Y/N could only listen to it everyday in silence, she don't have the courage of telling her parents that it's not her passion.

Y/N sighed as she went to her room after dinner. She closed the door as she went to her bed and slam her body into it. She sighed as she stare at the ceiling, before she decided to took her phone and call someone.

It doesn't take long for the other line to accept it.


"Yes dear?" Y/N could hear the other line

Y/N bit her lips. She hold her breath before she answer "C-can you listen to my problem?"

"You have a problem? Of course! Of course I'll listen to it!!" The other line seems to be excited at her request, which make her chuckle a bit.

"Ehem, I mean... of course my little sis. What's bothering you?"

"W..when did you realize your dream?" Y/N asked timidly

"Hmm.. well.."

"Did you always wanted to be a singer?"

Y/N could hear the other line become silence before she can hear his brother voice again

"Well, no. My original dream is as you know to become an actor. Even when Big Hit street cast me, I still don't have that strong will to become a singer. But day after day, I think my member makes me realize my real dream is"

"And what is it?"

"Helping people. Helping them through bad times and good times with our music. Entertain them with our performance. Making them feel better. Making them feel they're not alone. That's I think is my dream" Y/N could sense that her brother is smiling through his words

"What's wrong Y/N?"

"I..it's just that with suneung only a month away and I.. I don't even know what major or university should I took and I.. don't even know what I wanted to be" the younger girl sighed


"Is that so?"

Y/N hummed at the older boy

"You know? I think you know exactly what you wanted. But you're just afraid. Afraid what people would say to it, afraid of failure, and afraid that it's not your real dream" Seokjin said before he continued "What I'm gonna say to you is.. follow your heart Y/N. It'll take you anywhere. Even if something goes wrong along the way, you know that you already follow your heart"

Y/N start to smile, she feel better after talking to her brother. She feel encourage by his words. She didn't know how much his words could affect her to make hher feel better. She have to share her problems more often to her brother.

"Thank you oppa"

"Your welcome my little sister"

"You know? I feel really happy. It feels like I know my sister more"

Y/N could hear a small laugh from the other line.

"Is that so? Then I should tell you my problems more often"

"Sure. I just hope there'll never be a boy problems"

Y/N gulped at the older boy words before she replied "Uuhh... Sure. Hey oppa, mom is just call me to...wash the dishes so I gotta go bye!"

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