49 : The Late Night Date

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Y/N bit her lips as she eyed the three girls nervously.

"Seriously Y/N why you didn't tell us sooner?!" Dawon exclaimed.

"Eonni! I literally told you the next day after that happened" Y/N pouted.

"Well, you should've told us the day it happened" Eunjin rolled her eyes.

"You can't blame her Eunjin. She must've too happy to even fall asleep" Dawon laughed, making Eunjin laugh along with her.

"Eonni!" Y/N pouted.

"But seriously ferris wheel is a romantic place, why he didn't kiss you there?" Eunjin shook her head.

"Maybe he's afraid he cannot stop" Dawon giggle.

"UGH! Stop it!!!"

Eunjin and Dawon let out a loud laugh as they tease the girl.

The three then grew silence as they eyed one girl who just sit silently while looking outside the window. They glance each other and shrug. What is wrong with Geongmin?

"Geongmin" Y/N called her slowly.

Geongmin come back to her sense as she blinked.

"Oh? Yes? Ah right! Congratulations Y/N! I'm really happy for you!"

The three girls tilt their head.

"What's wrong Geongmin?"

"Something in your mind?"

Geongmin sighed.

"I had a fight with my brother" she hang her head low.

"Namjoon oppa? Really?"

"Eyy, it's normal for siblings to fight right?"

Geongmin shook her head at Eunjin questions.

"No, it's different"

"Oh, a big fight?"

Geongmin sighed before slapping her hand on her cheeks. She then turned to face the three.

"No, just forget it okay? I don't want to remember about it. I just want to hang around today"

The three nodded at the girl but can't help feeling worried for her.




"Ya Jungkook, open the door" Seokjin ordered the youngest one who's sitting on the floor while he's sitting on the sofa. They're now watching a TV in the living room.

"Why me?" Jungkook pouted.

"You're the maknae right? How old are you?" Seokjin answered.

"Geez it must be good being old huh?" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Yes it's really good. I really like being old"

"Wah, you must've feel like you own the world?"

"Yes I did! Asa! I own the world"

Namjoon sighed at the two bickering. He put down his newspaper as he stand up.

"I'll open it. I'm going out anyway"

"Where are you going hyung?" Jungkook asked the boy curiously.


The two surprise at their leader tone. Namjoon began to walk to the door.

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