38 : The Dinner

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To tell that he's not nervous, of course he is. Yoongi is not stupid, he is a genius himself.

Of course he is nervous. How could he when he thought that he would be meeting Jungkook but then he saw Y/N? He swear he start sweating at the sight. Since that night, he didn't talk to her at all and now he have to have dinner together with her?

Yoongi don't have to think a lot as he know for sure that it's his member doings. No wonder they didn't tease him about Y/N after that night, it's because they're making a plan for him. They're planning to set them up to talk to each other. But he decided not to think to much. He decided to be a professional and a gentleman for the night. Why not just enjoy it rather than being angry at his member plan?

Of course he felt nervous as he know the girl been ignoring him after that night where he kissed her. Until now, he still cursed at himself for his behaviour that night. It was a wrong move. He doesn't know what to do or say to her. She must've been uncomfortable with him.
But he decided that he will change her mind. He decided to make her comfortable with him again. He noticed that it is kinda awkward between them but he decided to break the wall.

"So, what project are you planning about?" Yoongi asked the girl.

"You know, the one that you're having a meeting today" Yoongi continued as he start slicing his steak.

Y/N widen her eyes.

He heard it?

Y/N thought that he  didn't care and didn't hear the conversation. But it turns out that he  always heard everything queitly. He looks like he doesn't care but he  actually does. A smile creep into her face.

"A magazine is offering  me a job to become a project model. Since it is summer soon, it will be  about the activities you can do in the summer"

"I see. So, that's why Bang PD-nim sugessted that you cut your hair?"

"I actually the one  suggested it. Since it is summer, I want to give off a fresh look. A lot  of people would've wanting to cut their hair and I wanted to inspire  them with their look"

Yoongi just noded at the girl as he took a bite of the steak.

Y/N gulp before she muster up her courage to asked him.

"H-how is it oppa?" the girl asked, making the boy lift up his head to look at her.

"W-what do you think about it?" she glance at him.

Yoongi clear his throat as he took a napkin and wiping his lips.

"I think it's good. It'll be super hot in the summer and it could be a hazzle if you have to put your hair up everytime"

Y/N pouted. Yoongi have  never really good at expressing himself. Of course he wanted to tell her  how beautiful and gorgeous she looked, but he 's afraid it would make  things between them more uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, the night  go well as Yoongi start to talk about his work to her. It's been a long  time since Yoongi share about his work to her. He missed that. He also  joke around a lot, which make Y/N startled as he usually not that  talkative, but he does this night. She smile as he make her more  comfortable. She even forget about the kiss.

Yoongi felt glad as he  heard the sound of Y/N's laughter. It's like music to his ear and he  never realized that he needed that music in his life. It's been awhile  since he heard her laugh because of him. Mostly it was Taehyung who  never fail to make her laugh. But now Yoongi feel like a winner and he  got the most amazing price of all. Her laughter.

"Is he already confess?"

"I don't know. I can't see"

"I think they're enjoying each other company well"

"Yeah but our goal is to make him confess!"

"Hyung, can I order more lamb steak?"

"Jeon Jungkook this is not the time for you to eat!!!"

"Why? I'm hungry"

"Wait, are they done? Why are they standing up?"

"I think they are heading home?"

"What? Nu uh! I won't let them leave without him confessing to her!"

"Wait! Seokjin hyung! You'll get tripped!"


A loud sound can be  heard as Seokjin tripped because of Jungkook long legs and then he fell  into him and Jungkook fell into Taehyung and Taehyung into Jimin. They  all look like a pyramid on the floor right now.

The sound makes everyone in the restaurant attention fell on them, including Y/N and Yoongi who's standing from their chair.

Y/N widen her eyes as  she realized who's making that sound, meanwhile Yoongi just rolled his  eyes. Yoongi start to head towards the boys as he put his hand on his  waist.

"Care to explain?"

All of the boys gulps.


After the night, of course the boys would have been dead by now if it wasn't for Y/N. Since she's still stay at their dorm, Yoongi could not do or say anything to them. Meanwhile Y/N blush really hard when she heard from Jimin that the boys knew there's something going on between them. But Y/N just shook her head as there's nothing much to it. They are now sitting in Seokjin's room as they spoke.

Yoongi didn't say anything about the kiss as he just talk to her normally that night. Y/N took the hint as the kiss was just a mistake and Yoongi wanted they to go back to the usual brother and sister relationship. Jimin told her a hundred of times how Yoongi felt the same way with her. Of course she didn't believe a thing that he said. She think he's being delusional.

Jimin scoffed "You both say the same thing"


"I am not being delusional I swear! He told me Y/N" Jimin pouted, making the girl let out a small laugh.

"Okay okay but I won't believe it until he says so"

"Okay okay. Well, couldn't agree more. Why did he didn't confess that night anyway" Jimin shrug.

"Seriously stop plotting for a plan to set us up! I warn you oppa, if you dare to do it again..." Y/N glare at the boy.

"Hey, it's not me who suggested it. It's your brother" Jimin said, making Y/N widen her eyes.

"W-What? M-my brother?"

"Yes, it was your brother and he was really excited about it"

Y/N gulps. Never did she thought that her brother would do that. So is that mean he support their relationship? She thought that he will be mad and won't allow that to happen. She thought that since he is really overprotective of her, he won't let anyone close to her, especially his own group member that he already know so well their inside and out.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions on your mind"

"B-but my brother-he.."

"You could asked him about it" Jimin cut her words as he winked and soon leaving the girl alone in the room.

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