17 : Big Hit New Family Member

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Seokjin tapped his fingers at the table.

Y/N glance around the room as she nervously start to played with her fingers.

A loud noise can be heard as Y/N jumped in shock. Seokjin start to stand up as the chair make that noise. Y/N timidly look at her brother face before she divert her eyes at the other direction.

"Y/N, seriously? Why didn't you tell me anything?"

Y/N could feel the sense of anger and dissapointment in her brother voice. She sighed as she didn't blame him for getting angry at her. Especially how he found out about it.

2 hours ago

A figure next to Bang PD nim start to turn their chair, making the boys take a look at their face. The boys start to widen their eyes at the sight in front of them.

"Y-Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Y/N look at Bang PD nim who's attention on her as she start to nod at him. Bang PD nim turned his attention to the boys as he start to speak.

"Boys, meet our newest family member"

"Kim Y/N. Model from Big Hit Entertainment"

After that, her brother of course deserve an explaination. Y/N cursed in her head, it was not supposed to be like this. She didn't plan her brother to know about her like this. At first she and her family wanted to tell him about this in their Family Dinner Plan but it is cancelled because of their mismatch schedule. She was planning to tell him at the next occassion but it turn out this way.

Bang PD nim just asked her to come to the company to discuss some things. Y/N didn't know that the boys will come to the meeting room. They usually immediately went to their dorm after dance pratice. But when Namjoon start to come, Y/N freeze. She start to stay calm as she turned her chair, making the boy couldn't see her. But as Bang PD nim look at her as like telling her to told him, she start to turned around. At first she's okay because it's just Namjoon. But she doesn't know that the other boys are gonna be there too.

Since her friends ask her to become a model, she got a lot of invitation to a photoshoot. Making her start to took an interest in modelling. She start to work out more to make her figure defined, she start to buy and learn make up, and she also change her style of clothes. And not to mention, she also change her behavior into a more mature one.

One day when Y/N come home from a photoshoot, her mother asked her to come to Big Hit. She obey her as her mother often visit Big Hit anyway even though her brother is not in Korea. She furrowed her brows when Bang PD nim start to asked her and her mother for a coffee. She never really talk to him so she's confused what he want to talk about.

She felt embarrased remembering that she spurt out her coffee at his words. She slap her face hoping to wake up from a dream but it is reality as she felt sting in her cheek.

Bang PD nim just offer her a job.

To become the first model of Big Hit Entertainment.

How does he even know that she do modelling? She then turned her attention to her mom. Her mom must've told him about it. She sighed as she decided to turned his offer down, earning a confused look from Bang PD nim and her mother. But then Bang PD nim start to spoke "I didn't offer you because of your mom words. I didn't offer you because of your brother. I offer you this because of your potential. I see a potential in you Y/N. Your a natural. And I believe you could become bigger"

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