25 : The Confirmation

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Y/N bit her lips. She played with her fingers as she waited for her manager. After the jeans advertisement that she's done. All the media attention are on her. People are curious about her but she doesn't really like the attention. At first she thought this is the start of her peak career but isn't it's unfair for her to be famous just because of one advertisement when she doesn't have that much experience in modelling before?

So after the first interview that she've done, she discuss with Big Hit that it's best for her not to do interview again for the time being, as she doesn't want to be exposed and she doesn't want people to find out that she is Jin of BTS little sister. For the time being, she only accept a photoshoot and advertisement schedule.

After declining a lot of offer, she have particulary some time to visit BTS. She know how the boys needed encouragement and they felt comfortable with her also. But these days, Y/N seems to notice some things.

Like the fact that Yoongi is.. ignoring her?

It took a lot of time for her to control her heart beat everytime she saw and talk to him. Not to mention when he take cares of her. Like the last time he caught her when she almost fell. She could feel like her heart could jump out from her chest in any second.

But she always try to keep it in control as she know that she have to let go of her feelings to him if she wanted to be a figure of a little sister to him. She have to forget about her feelings if she wanted to be close to him. She'll just have to accept that he only saw her as a little sister, not more.

But she couldn't help but notice that ever since that accident, he began to avoiding her. Everytime she was about to talk to him, he would immediately look away and talk to his members. When she asked him about his works and how she wanted to visit Genius Lab, he would say that his studio is messy as he is tidying up things so he doesn't want anyone to visit. But she clearly saw Jungkook coming in and out from his studio. So why wouldn't he let her in?

At first she thought that it's just her feeling, but yesterday when the boys are eating on the cafetaria, Y/N noticed them as she tried to join. She look how the only empty seat are next to Yoongi as she tried to occupy the seat before the boy rose up from his seat to take another food. She didn't think much but when Jungkook confusedly said that he just fill up his food. Y/N couldn't help but think negative thoughts. He must be avoiding her, but why?

What did she do wrong?


Yoongi tapped his fingers a couple time at his table. He rested his head on his hand before he stand up and went outside. As he reach a specific room, he lift his hand to knock at the door. A voice tell him to go inside as open the door. The figure look at him confusedly as he just sit on the sofa.

"Yoongi oppa? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just want to hang"

The girl furrowed her brows at him as she just shrug and continue to do her work.

Not long after Yoongi's arrival, the door open once again, revealing a boy.

"Yoongi? What are you doing here?"

"Just hanging out hyung"

Dohyeong furrowed his brows at the boy. Dohyeong a.k.a Slow Rabbit is one of the producer in Big Hit. He is older than Yoongi and close to Soohyung as they like to discuss a lot of things about their work.

"Okay? Are you discussing on a new song with Soohyung?" Dohyeong furrowed his brows as he began to walk to Soohyung who's sitting on the rotating chair. He then began to take a seat in the chair next to her.

"No oppa. He just said he wanted to hang" Soohyung answer him.

"Are you needed some inspiration?"

"I said I just want to hang" Yoongi said with a flat tone.

The two shrug at his words.

"What ever you say then"

Yoongi keep his silence as he saw Soohyung and Dohyeong working together and discussing thing. The two look at him weirdly as he just stare at the two. But later on the two began so focusly discussing as they didn't aware of the boy's presence again.

Yoongi kept his gaze on the two closely. Not breaking his gaze.

He needed to confirm something.

"Wah as expected Soohyung is the queen of adlib" Dohyeong said as he lift up a thumbs up for her.

"What are you saying oppa? You're such a dork" Soohyung laugh as she hit the boy softly in his shoulders.

Yoongi furrowed his brows.

"Oh what is this Soohyung-ah?"

Dohyeong lift up his hand to touch the figure that's on the table, he tried to hold it but he knock out a glass in the process, making Soohyung jumped at the water that's dripping to her lap.


Soohyung start to stand up as Dohyeong murmurred an apology to her. He then began to pick up some tissue near him to clean up the mess he made.

"Are you okay Soohyung?" Yoongi asked the girl but he still doesn't make a move from the sofa.

"Yeah I'm fine oppa. It's just some water"

Yoongi just noded at the girl. Soohyung then start to smack Dohyeong shoulder as he start to laugh, making the girl imitate his action.

Yoongi furrowed his brows even more.

Dohyeong who noticed the boy stoned behaviour start to approach him as he put his arm on the boy's shoulder, making the boy startled.

"Yoongi, are you okay? You look... weird" Dohyeong asked the boy with confused gaze.

"I-I'm...fine" Yoongi said as he took Dohyeong hands away from his shoulder and he start to make his exit.

Dohyeong and Soohyung stare at each other before they lifted their shoulder at the boy's behaviour.

As Yoongi exited the room, he could hear a voice from a girl and a boy. Yoongi turned his head at the direction as he saw two figure heading towards him. They are laughing at each other before they noticed the boy presence.

"Oh, hyung. Are you coming from Adora Studio? Is Soohyung noona's there?"

"Are you making on a new song oppa?"

Yoongi just look at the two with a blank look before he began to walk passed them, not giving them a second glance.

The boy tilt his head at Yoongi's behaviour as the girl just stare him with sad expression.

Yoongi never turned back. He took both of his leg forward as he hurriedly went to his studio. He opened the door and close it quickly. He then rest his head towards the door as he began to took a deep breath.


Jimin's right.

CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!! Who's with me? ☺️

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