20 : Love Yourself

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Y/N took a long breath as she stare at the door. It's been almost 5 minutes since she stand in front of the room right now and she's been contemplating whether to come in or not. Her hands go up and down repeatedly to the door handle.

She took a deep breathe. She's not sure she's ready. She's about to walk off from the door before she remember what Dawon said.

"Be yourself, Love yourself"

and with that, Y/N close her eyes as she start to push the door handle down and pull it towards her. She opened her eyes at seven pairs of eyes looking at her. She gulps and took a deep breath before she took a step forward.

"Oppadeul! I-I bought snack!" she announced as she lift up her hands that's holding a convenience store bag.

"I-I bought all of your favorite! You must've been really hungry right? Here here" she start to head towards the table in the corner of the room, putting the bag on it as she start to take out the things from the bag. She tried her best not to make an eye contact with the boys. She's not sure if she's ready. Meanwhile the boys just stare at her, not moving from their position.

As she took out the snack, she noticed that there are empty container of food next to her bag. It looks like they just eat, and she saw a note on the container.

From : Minji

She stoped her action as she said "Oh well, would you look at that, you guys already ate haha. Okay I'll just take this again with me then"

Y/N blink back her tears as she start to hurriedly take the snack back inside of the bag. As she turned, she come face to face to Jimin who look at her worryingly. She just let out a small smile before she took the bag with her and burst out of the room before Jimin could respond.

Y/N wipe her tears away as she ran in the hall. She didn't know where her destination is, she just want to run. She now know for sure.

That her position is being replaced.

A hand pull her back making her to stop her running. The figure turn her body as now she's facing him as she wide in shock.


It was the least person she expected to be. She expected that her brother or Jimin would chase after her, but Jungkook? Why?

Jungkook didn't say anything as he start to drag her into a room. He close the door as he motion her to sit in the sofa. As she sit, he follow her as he sit next to her.

The room goes silence before Jungkook clear his throat.

"The hyungs miss you"

YN turned her head at his words

"We're not stupid. We know that you act weird these days and it's not because of your appereance. We notice how you would hold yourself back when we told some jokes, or even when I bullies you. We notice how you would hide your pout and big laugh. We notice how you would hold your excitement. We notice all of it. and to be honest, we don't really like it. At first it feels like you're just becoming more mature but this is not about that, this is how you forcefully change yourself into someone who's not you"

Jungkook gaze fell on her as she turned her attention to the floor.

Jungkook sighed before he continued "...and one more thing Y/N"

"You will never be replaced by anyone"

Jungkook words make Y/N wide her eyes as she turned her head at the boy. She bit her lips as she start to hold back her tears.

"Minji is nice, she's Jimin cousin, she's much younger than we are so of course we gave her affection as we should to a little girl. But she's not you, she's not the one who could give us strength and motivation. She's not you who can comfort us with your words and action. She's not you and you're still Y/N"

Jungkook ran his arm through his hair "I don't know why you trying to be mature and stuff but fuck-i miss you my friend"

"You don't know how hard it is for me to not having friend to bicker, to snatch each other food, to bullied each other"

"So please come back"

Y/N smile at Jungkook words. Jungkook was never a type of person who openly talk about his emotions. So Y/N felt honored to be able to hear his real thoughts.

Y/N start to stand up, making the boy look up to her.

"What? Jeon Jungkook, are you crying? You are a cry baby after all" Y/N start to ruffle his hair, making the boy smile.

"Get your hands off me you dinosaur, you're no better than me" Jungkook stick out his tongue.

The two friends start to laugh at each other as they continued to talk.


"What is taking him so long?"

"Relax hyung"

"What if they're having a fight?"

"I'm pretty sure they'll be fine"

"No! Don't you feel chills when Jungkook stormed out from the room trying to chase Y/N?? It feels like robbery and police game all along"

"Hyung, just-"

The door of the practice room open, revealing the two figure that laughing at each other. Seokjin doesn't take a second thoughts before he ran into the figure.

The tall figure.

"Ya Jeon Jungkook what are you doing to my sister?" Seokjin shake Jungkook body repeatedly while Y/N just laugh at him.

Hearing her laugh, Seokjin start to let Jungkook go as he ran both of his arms around the girl body.

"My sister! I'm sorry! I've been a bad brother to you! I know I'm wrong, just punish me. But wait don't tell mom she'll kill me. But you know I thought you're on your period all the time so I try to ignore you- I don't want to deal with girls issues I even told the boys to stay away from you because maybe you're on your period but you should know that I love you and I miss you a lot and I-"

Y/N put her hand in Seokjin mouth, blocking him to speak any longer.

"I get it oppa. Stop it you're being dramatic" Y/N laugh.

Jungkook smile at the sight before he start to went to the corner of the room as he rummaging the bag that he took-that Y/N bought, pulling out a Banana Kick.

He start to open the package as Y/N gaze fell on him.

"Hey! Jeon Jungkook! It's not yours!" Y/N broke out Seokjin hug as she start to run to the boy.

Jungkook stick his tongue as he began to run across the room, making Y/N chase around him. All the boys in the room just smile and let out a loud laugh at their scene.

Particullary, someone.

She's back.

and she just made his day with her smile.

Anyone still read this shit story? .-.

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