34 : Girls Night

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Y/N stare outside of the car window as her thoughts wonder around. A voice startled her as her manager told her that they just arrived. She smile at him as she thank him. She then proceed to step out of the car and walk inside a cafe.

Her gaze wonder around before she found the person she's looking for. The person is waving at her as she approach them. She took them by suprise as she start to hug them as soon as she reach them. The girls just chuckle at her behavior.

"I miss you guys" Y/N said as she burried her head on their hair.

"We miss you too Y/N. Do you know how hard it for us to meet?"

"Sorry eonni. It's just-"

"It's okay. Now let's sit and talk about our life" the older girl cut her.

Y/N smile as she began to listen to their stories. It's been such a long time since she meet up with Dawon, Geongmin, and Eunjin. Although they still keep in contact with each other but it's been a long months since they meet up with each other. They couldn't blame it though. As Dawon busy with her new online shop, Geongmin and Eunjin with their college and Y/N with her photoshoot.

Y/N laugh as Eunjin share her story of her college days. She's late on her first day which get her to being kicked out class. Y/N swear nothing is normal on her life, she always make her life seems interesting.

Geongmin share her story as their family decided to move to Seoul. She said that makes her brother visit them more in which she doesn't know whether to be happy or not. As he always break a thing when he's visiting. But she can't complain tho- since he's the one who bought them the apartment to live in.

Dawon share her exhausting work as she have to deal with a lot of frustrating consumer but her boyfriend makes her feel better. She also share her story of traveling with her boyfriend which make the girl blush.

She keep drinking when listening to Dawon story as she know that soon it's her turn to share a story. They laughing along before Dawon notice Y/N action. As she finish her story, she look at the girl before she share a suggestion.

"Girls, how about we have a sleepover tonight?" Dawon suggested.

"Wow! Sound's like a great idea eonni!" Eunjin said excitedly.

"We can have it in my apartment. It's not far from here"

"Let's go then!" Geongmin said.

Dawon stare at the girl who seems to be contemplating.

"How about it Y/N?"

"Umm.. I have to tell Seokjin oppa and my manager first"

"Okay, I'll call him right now" Dawon said as she took her phone out of her purse and dial Seokjin number. Y/N widen her eyes as she just look at the scene. She can hear Dawon talking to her brother before she close it.

"He said he'll tell your manager about it. So, how about it Y/N?" Dawon asked her.

"It would be nice" Y/N said as she smile .


The girls are currently in Dawon apartment. Before that they stop by the supermarket first to buy some things to eat. As soon as they arrived, they began to cook as they take turn to take a shower and changing their clothes. Dawon gave them a pajamas as they all now wear matching pajamas.

After they finish cooking, they start to eat at the dining table while joking around each other. It is soon late as they decided they would watch movie with some popcorn.

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