24 : The Denial

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Yoongi lift up both of his arms as he stretch his body as he took a deep breath and release it. His attention back at his computer screen again before he glance at the clock.


Yoongi ran his arm through his hair as he let out a sighed. It's been an hour since he start to make a beat. But no matter how much he tried, nothing came out.

A sound startled him as he turned his head towards the door.

Someone rang the bell.

Yoongi get up from his seat lazily before he turned his door knob. He furrowed his brows at the sight in front of him.

"Jimin? What are you doing?"

"I'm bored hyung. Can I play in your studio?" Jimin asked cutely, making Yoongi furrowed his brows more.

Not receiving a response from the older, Jimin start to put Yoongi's hand away as he make his way inside the studio. Yoongi tilt his head at his behaviour as he just shrug and close the door.

Jimin is now sitting on the sofa with both of his hand in his leg, sitting neatly. Yoongi just ignore him as he sit back to his rotating chair and give his attention back to his computer.

Jimin pout at the older boy behavior.

"Hyung~" Jimin said cutely.

No answer.

He sighed before he tried again.

"Suga Hyung~"

"Yoongi hyung~"

Yoongi sighed before he turned his chair to the boy direction.


Jimin let out a satisfaction smile as he began to clear his throat.

"I have a question to ask"

Yoongi doesn't gave the boy attention as he just stare at his computer as he sip his coffee.

"Do you like Y/N?"

Yoongi spit his coffee all over his keyboard as he cursed himself. Jimin tried to hold back his laugh at the older boy behavior.

"Aish" Yoongi start to grab some tissues to clean up the mess he made.

"So?" Jimin asked him again.

Yoongi sighed as he start to spoke "Did you come here just to ask me those question?"

"Well, yes and no"

As he finish cleaning up the mess, he throw the tissue in the bin as he start to look back to his computer, ignoring the younger boy.

Jimin sighed again before he rose up from his sit and start to approaching the boy. He put his hand on his chair as he bring up his face next to him.

"So?" Jimin look at the older boy who's not even give him an attention, but Jimin won't gave up.

"What are you talking about Jimin-ah? Of course I like her, she's like our own little sister" Yoongi said, still keeping his attention on his computer. He sounded calm but inside, he wasn't sure himself.

"You know that's not what I meant hyung. Do you like her as a man to a woman?" Jimin nudge his shoulder, giving him a playful look.

"Of course not. You must be crazy. What makes you think like that? You hang around with Taehyung a lot so you're being delusional" Yoongi scoff.

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