11 : The Concert

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Jimin hated it. He hated all of it.

He know for sure that the girl is no good for his hyung. He said that she gives him comfort? Yeah right, more like she give him headache.

Jimin could see how his hyung changed, and it's not a good one. He can slowly see his hyung 'grumpy' side are coming back. He doesn't know if it's because of their last conversation at the dining table or what, but he is getting sensitive.

"Your too fast Jungkook! Start again"

"Taehyung, how can you miss the note? Start again"

"Jin hyung, please practice first outside"

"Jimin, seriously? Can't you read the notes?"

The boys are on recording studio right now, recording their song and the mood become really tense. Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok are the producer of the song but Yoongi seems really sensitive today.

"Hyung, I think it's good now. Why don't-"

"No! It's not! Repeat again"

Namjoon sighed at the older boy words. He furrowed his brow as he thinking. What makes him change so much? He used to be sensitive before, he know that. He's been living with him the longest than the rest of the member. But he remember he slowly letting go of his sensitive side, so why it suddenly came back? What the cause of it?

"Yoongi, I think you need a break" Pdogg, one of the producer start to put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, trying to make him take a break

"No, I-"


Yoongi know so well the stern of the voice and who the voice belong to. He know he can't win against the man. He is his boss, what could he say?

"Okay PD nim" Yoongi sighed, he start to stand up from the chair and get out of the recording room.

All of the people inside the recording studio can only glance at each other. Not knowing what causing the older boy act like that.


"Look, Suran I'm busy and I-"

"You're always busy! I'm your girlfriend Yoongi! I need your attention"

"I know, but-"

"If you don't come here in an hour then I'll break this relationship off!"

Yoongi sighed as he start to take a deep breath.

"I'll be there at 30"

Yoongi start to put on his jacket as he took his car keys and head towards the door of their dorm when the door flung open.

"Yoongi? Where are you going this late at night?" Seokjin stare at the boy from up and down, noticing the boy casual attire.

"Just..somewhere" Yoongi walked passed the older boy, earning a confused look from Seokjin.



Y/N stare at the ticket in her hand. Tomorrow is the day of BTS concert and the day she would finally met him again.

It's been a couple of months since Y/N saw the boys. She's been busy with school and so was the boys with their schedule and preparation for the concert.

Y/N bit her lips as she imagine how would she act when she met him. That long months of no communication at all with the boy, it will be awkward for sure.

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