Chapter 1

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 Abigail's friends had dared her yet another dare. Her father hated it because of the bad name it gave their family. She shrugged the thought off and went in.

Women where everywhere. Prostitutes where everywhere. At least I'm not like them she thought.

The dare was to come in and stay 15 minutes. She wasn't old enough to come in, but everyone was to drunk to really care.

There was a shot and a man fell down a couple of tables from her. Abigail's eyes where the size of coconuts as she hid in the corner.

Fighting had been going on for a while before a sword fell at her feet. She picked it up and examined it while memories flooded to her mind. The man who lost the sword walked up to her. He pointed a gun deciding if he should shoot or not.

Abigail would have never dreamed this would have happened and did the only thing she could think off. She kicked him. Between the legs. He leaned over in pain and she punched him knocking him down.

There were gunshots and clanking of swords all around her and she joined in. She did get hit but leaned back enough to only cut her like blackberry bushes did when she was only a little girl.

When everything calmed down she held on to her bleeding side with her left hand and held the sword in her right hand looking for the man she "borrowed" it from. He was pretty old with a hat on. He had long hair and crosses in his hair.

He was sitting down at a table drinking rum. She confidently walked over to him. "Here's your sword."

"You're the girl who knocked me out. Have a seat." He motioned his hand at the chair in front of him.

"You remind me of my son. He was pretty good with a sword at your age as I see you are. Where'd you learn it from? You look like your the kings daughter, not someone you'd see around here."

She bowed her head thinking of the times she'd have sneaking off to the lake and sword fighting with her love. It was only a couple a months ago they had their last fight but it seems so long ago. Then a real fight broke out between them. "A friend," she said quietly.

"Your friend has taught you well. My son is looking for work on his ship, the Black Pearl. I think you should find him."

She scrunched her eyebrows together. "The pirate ship? Your son is Jack Sparrow?" She didn't know how she missed it. Jack was the spitting image of his father.


"I'll think about. My friends are waiting for me."

She went outside to find her friends freaking out after the gunshots broke out and worried about her cut. She lightly touched her right side tracing the cut. Her thought where on Jack Sparrows own flesh and blood father.

Over the next few days kept telling herself sailing with a pirate was crazy, but she warmed up more and more to the idea. Her cousin Elizabeth Turner and her son was coming for a visit and was going to ask her about it.

When she brought up the idea, Elizabeth closed her eyes dreaming about Jack Sparrow and his crew. She was dreaming about her dear Will too Abigail knew.

"If you came with me maybe father would let me."

She shook her head. "I have a son to take care of, and you know your father will definitely still say no. I will be on my own ship in another year when he gets bigger so maybe then."

"Elizabeth I want to go now."

"You'll have to break your fathers heart."

She nodded. She knew she had to do it now while she could. She hugged her dear cousin and went up to her room to pack. And break her fathers heart.


Jack smiled at his beautiful ship free of its confines where she was suppose to be, in the sea.

"We did it," Gibbs said.

They climbed on the pearl and sailed to town to find help.


"I'm Abigail Swann and I've come to be help on your ship. I've come a long way and broke my fathers heart so you have to let me on," she said when she approached Jack.

"Swann?" Jack arched his eyebrows. He began to circle her. "Are you related to Elizabeth Swann by chance?"

She nodded and Jack whispered to Gibbs, "hide the rum around this one too."

Gibbs scrammed to hide the rum while Jack and Abigail continued their conversation. "Have you ever sailed before?"

"No, but I crave adventure and I learn fast."

"I don't have time to train a newcomer," He said starting to walk off.

Abigail drew her sword, the clanking metal drawing his attention. "How about defense?"

Jack drew his. "Let's just see how good you are shall we?"

"I have good word from your father," she said as she brought the sword down over his head.

"My father?"

"Yes, he said I reminded him of you and sent me."

Jack stopped her sword and starred at her. "I guess you're in if my father sent you." Jack put his sword away

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