Chapter 17

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Heat in his face woke Jack. He opened his eyes to see a fire blazing in from of him. He looked down and saw that he had not shirt on. His clothes were drying and he stood up to get dressed.

"Sleep good papa?" Abigail looked at him. Her body was turned the other way and she was sitting beside Joshua.

He nodded and put his shirt on. After putting his vest on he left his coat there and picked up his belt holding his sword. He strapped it on and withdrew his sword. He looked at it making sure it was okay. He put it up and then picked up the one holding his gun that wrapped around his waist. He examined his gun real quick and then put it up.

"Where is everyone?" Jack asked.

"Looking for food. Some are catching fish, some are hunting while other are gathering berries and anything they can find," Joshua said.

Jack pulled his soggy pants up and went to find his father to see when they'd get a move on. He found him sitting on his knees by Barbossa at a stump for a table with the map spread out in front of them. Jack approached them.

"What are the plans?"

"Tomorrow we'll be going into dangerous territory. We don't even know the types of animals that will be there. It might be best to leave some behind," Teague said.

"Are you talking about Abigail?" Jack knelt down at the table. With their nod Jack added on, "the girls been sent to the gallows, stabbed, and lived. She is mine and Angelica's daughter. She's the granddaughter of you," Jack signaled to Teague with his hand. "And Blackbeard. I think she'll be fine."

"She's already been hurt. If she were to be attacked..." Teague said.

"Hold on," Jack stood and went back to camp.

He held out his hand and she accepted it. "What are we doing?" She asked when she was fully stood. He didn't answer and picked her up, carrying her to the questioning men.

"When we leave the river we'll be running into dangers soon." Teague warned.

Abigail shook her head. "I'll be fine. You were the one who sent me here."

Teague nodded. "I didn't know about the indestructible ships at the time. I wanted my son to meet his daughter."

"If you knew I was you granddaughter then why did you start to shot me?" Abigail remembered their first meeting.

Teague thought for a minute. "I was testing you. I was seeing if you would make it on board the Black Pearl. The look in your eyes and the way you fought with my sword told me you'd be fine."

"So why are you questioning it now?"

Teague smiled. "I don't know."

They had a large lunch of fish, berries, coconuts, and of course rum. They packed away berries in Barbessy's pack. One group of the men had killed some birds that hung down from the mare, drying into jerky in the sun. Abigail almost lost her place on the horse from everything else on her.

When Abigail went to sleep that night she had another dream about Thomas. It was the exact same dream she had when she had first got on the ship. They were having a wonderful time until Charlotte showed up sending her life upside down. She woke up and laid still for a minute before crawling to look at the coals of the fire from that night.

When she was sitting there she heard movement. She looked up to see Jack standing up and rubbing his eyes. He looked at her and made a confused face. "Something wrong love?"

Abigail shrugged. "Yea."

Jack walked away and she could hear him pee. He came back and sat beside her. He picked up a stick and poked the coals. "Tell papa whats wrong."

"I had a dream about Thomas."

"Is he the one that you killed that girl over?" His face went serious. "The one that cheated on you."

Abigail nodded. "The one that cheated."

"Is he still alive?"

Abigail smiled and shook her head. "You don't have to kill him. He's scum to me and I'll be okay, unless he's the one that told about Charlotte to the Royal Navy, then you can do whatever you want to him."

They sat in silence for a minute. "Dreaming about him reminds me of home. I miss my father, but don't worry papa I'll always love you," she looked up at him and smiled. "But your not the only one." Abigail looked back down. "It's been 18 days of its past midnight since I saw him. So when we leave, will you sneak me to Port Royal?" She looked back up.

Jack thought and kept digging at the ash. "If you promise to come back."

Abigail shook her head. "There's no stoping it now. I couldn't hide my sense for adventure or I wouldn't be here. Having that taste of it and learning it's coursing strongly through my veins will keep me right here with you."

They sat in silence and thought until the sun came up an hour later. When it did Angelica stirred and was about to go back to sleep when she saw them sitting together. She got up and sat by Abigail.

"Time to get ready isn't it?"

Jack nodded and stood. He went around yelling for everyone to get up and kicking them when they wouldn't budge. They would then groan and hug their thigh before rising.

"Jack, no need to be so hurtful," Regettai said when he stood up.

Around 2 p.m. there came a downpour of rain. Abigail stuck her arm out and snapped a large leave off. She put it on her head and let the raindrops fall off in front of her face. It didn't do much good so she broke of another and it worked a little better.

When they stopped for lunch they set up tarps so they could make a fire. Angelica, Jack, Abigail, Joshua, and Teague sat at one fire together. Angelica was telling them about when she spied on Abigail. She started off telling them about her 5th birthday part even though Jack had already heard it.

"I remember that," Teague said.

"You were there too?" Abigail asked.

"It where I ran into Angelica. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was watching her daughter, so that's when I leaned I did have a grandchild."

"Tell more stories," Abigail demanded.

Angelica started to tell one with Thomas, but didn't think she should do that until she was alone with Abigail. She decided on the one where there was a boy but she was only 5. She laughed. "There was a little boy, who I don't even remember his name, and he had a crush on Abigail, and he was bringing her a birthday present."

Abigail laughed a little embarrassed. She put her face in her hands and shook her head.

"He brought her a her a frog to show her he liked her. They played with the frog together until the got tired so they killed it." Angelica was now laughing. "They started a fire and cook it."

Abigail was leaning over and holding her wound laughing. It was kinda painful, but she ignored it. She was such a weird little kid sometimes. She was defiantly a tomboy.

"I remember that. We had gone into the house and snuck a candle out and lit some leaves."

"Did you actually cook?" Joshua asked.

Abigail nodded. "But it stunk so bad we never ate it." Abigail made a big smile.

"This boy," Joshua said. "Where is he now?"

Abigail shook her head. "He moved away 2 years later."

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