Chapter 24

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"Just trust me."

Abigail sighed. "It's not easy to do, especially when I'm curious out of mind."

"You can always trust me. I may have hurt friends, women," Jack monetarily looked at Angelica, "but they weren't family. They defiantly weren't my daughter."

"I know I can trust you, it's just I wanna know whats going on."

Jack smiled. "Curiosity." He raised his eyebrows.

Abigail sipped her rum and stared at a spot on the floor of the ship. Joshua still on their side? How could he be? If he was he would have told her when they were alone. Papa was trying to cheer me up she thought. He knew about her breakup with Thomas and was just sheltering her she was sure.

Abigail rose when she was finished with her rum and stumbled downstairs to bed. She laid down and pulled the covers up to her chin almost asleep. She heard footsteps and frowned in annoyance.

"Goodnight." She felt a peck on her forehead. There was the sound of someone climbing in the hammock above her.

"Want your bed back? My wounds healed now and I can climb."

"Tomorrow." There was a sigh as Angelica got settled.

Abigail felt another peck. She was confused until she heard the familiar voice, "good night, darling." There was more footsteps as Jack climbed up to the deck. He was going to his captains quarters she was sure. There was probably no room down here with Teague's crew spread out. Well, spread out when they were done drinking.

The next morning Abigail rose early glad to be able to actually be a member of the crew. Last night they didn't go asleep until around 3 at least so she got up at 9. When she walked on the top deck she saw they were out of the torch lit cave and were on the sea. They were sailing along moon island.

"Going to get the Pearl," she was informed on what they were doing when she asked.

Jack sent Gibbs to take care of the Pearl until they could get his back. As Abigail watched the corners of her mouth turned up a bit. Jack didn't even trust his first mate with his dear ship. Gibbs was to take the men of Teague's to him. They had boarded his ship when they were on the chase for Barbossa because it was the closest one to get on, and Jack and Teague were in a rush.

Abigail walked up to her father standing at the wheel from the center of the ship. "Where are we going?"

"I made a promise didn't I?"

She smiled and took a few steps to the side and leaned against the railing. She watched the soft ripples of the waves until they were disturbed. Her eyes widened and she stumbled back into Jack when something began to surface. Out came a ship looking like it had been recked in the past.

Jack smiled and strolled to the railing beside where his daughter had just been. "Ah, Will hello!" Jack greeted the young man with a wave.

Abigail scrunched her eyebrows. "William Turner?"

She watched Will study her for a moment. His face lit up in recognition. "Abigail!"

She went back to her original spot in thought. Although Elizabeth had talked about William, or Will as he usually goes by constantly, she had only met him a couple of times. The first time her cousin had mentioned her liking him was when Elizabeth was 15.

"I saw William Turner again today." They were sitting in Elizabeth's room. Elizabeth leaned against the headboard of her bead. 9 year old Abigail was sitting in front of her eating some candy she wasn't suppose to.

"You like him," she teased.

"Do not!"

Abigail leaned on her knees and stared her in the eyes. A smirk began to form on her face. "Admit it, Elizabeth. You have a crush on the smithy's helper and you know it."

"You can be really bothersome at time," Elizabeth snorted. "And yes there's a possibility I like him," she quietly added.

Abigail jumped up from her place on the bed. She ran and grabbed two candles blowing them out. She tossed one to her cousin. "Jack Sparrow, I'll be taking the Black Pearl from ye," she growled.

Elizabeth smirked enjoying the game she was making up. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, one of the most feared pirate of the seven seas."

"Were," Abigail corrected and they began fighting with their candle sticks. Abigail won and they laughed her victory.

"Even though you can be quite bothersome, you seem to be the only one who gets me."

"Girls!" They were being called from by her uncle Wetherby. Abigail accepted the candle that was shoved in we hand and ran and put it back in place.

"Abigail," Wetherby entered the room. "Your fathers here to get you. He's waiting downstairs."

She hugged her cousin goodbye, grabbed her bag and ran outside to go home with her father. There she was taught to be a lady and act presentable. She hated it and got in trouble frequently for being too much of a tom-boy. Her father constantly sighed and shook his head at her.

Later on she had met Will when she was helping Elizabeth with her wedding plans. He was a sweet fellow and she was happy for her cousin. She was spending a couple of days with her uncle and cousin. She spent time with Will and Elizabeth, but at night she snuck out with Thomas since her, uncle Wetherby, and Thomas lived close by.

"Remember me?" She asked Will.

He smiled. "Of course, how is my wife and son doing?"

"Good! She had been on the Black Pearl with us, but had someone babysit William."

Will nodded happy to hear about his family. Abigail caught him up on the happenings of everything. He hated not being able to watch his one year old son grow up. He wouldn't even know his own father until he was almost 10 years old. Will submerged the Flying Dutchman with a note to tell Elizabeth her loved her, and to kiss William for him.

Abigail was now more ready to get home more than ever. She had exciting news to tell Elizabeth and really missed her father. To help pass the time she told Jack she was ready to learn more now that she was able. She hadn't learned much in those 5 days before she was stabbed.

The next day she saw Port Royal coming into view. She grinned as the town came closer and closer. Because they were on a new ship Jack hoped they would be safe, but just to be sure Angelica would take her to see her father and hide so she wouldn't have to worry about him noticing her. Jack wasn't exactly loved by the British to do it himself. Finally, what she wanting for for so long was almost tangible.

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