Chapter 8

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Abigail noticed the cold stares between Elizabeth and Angelica. Angelica would walk into the room to nurse her and Elizabeth would clench her jaw and stare at her. Angelica ignored it while she took care of Abigail.

Another day went by. It was now Elizabeth's third day on the Black Pearl, and she'd be leaving tomorrow. She would get her young son, and she would become the captain. Abigail dreaded it, but she hoped she'd meet Elizabeth sailing on her boat.

The morning of Elizabeth's departure Abigail woke up with a terrible headache. She was nauseous, and her stomach hurt where she was wounded. She waited for someone to pass by to get help, "Gibbs!"

"What?" He asked going over to her.

"Get Angelica. I'm hurting."

Angelica rushed into their room, and Abigail explained the painful situation. The first way she explained was by puking into the bucket by her bed. "I also have a headache that hurt really bad, and my wound hurts."

Angelica felt of her forehead noticing she had a high fever, and then checked her wound. It looked really bad and infected. "I'll go get Jack." She rushed out of the room.

She found him at the wheel. "Abigail's got a bad infection we need to get her to a hospital."

"We're almost to Port Royal."

"Port Royal is where she's wanted. Its were you wanted too. We have to go somewhere else."

"Let me see the girl."

"It's really bad," Angelica said undoing the buttons to Abigail nightgown. They had mad a cut in all of her clothes so she didn't have to get naked just to take care of her wound.

Jack nodded and left to change the ships course to Tortuga. In a few more days maybe she'd be better. He hoped they'd stay safe there.

Tortuga was a pirate island, even though it did have dangerous East India Trading Company people walking around everywhere, it was their safest bet. He had many pirate friends there to take care of him if he had to ask. He also had many pirate enemies there...

Angelica was avoiding Abigail again. It was like when they first met. Elizabeth started nursing her, and Abigail decided Angelica was letting her spend some last minute time with her cousin.

Elizabeth sailed with them to Tortuga. She was going to get off at Port Royal, but they didn't have time, and had to get Abigail to a doctor. Elizabeth was doubtful of the doctors in Tortuga. The best thing was this wouldn't be the first stab wound they would've seen.

When they arrived in Tortuga they headed straight for a friend of Jack's father. His friend had been to medical school before moving to Tortuga. He was mostly truthful, but did do some occasional pirate actions.

The man was in his 70s Abigail assumed. He put his glasses on his elderly face.

"How long has it been since you were stabbed?" He measured the depth of the wound.

"A week yesterday." Abigail bit her bottom lip.

"It's a inch and a half deep." He put his tools up and looked at her. "How long where you on the ship before you where hurt?" He asked in a questioning voice.

"5 days." She studied the old man. He looked like a sweet grandfather. The top of his head was missing his white hair but the sides had plenty of it.

He shook his head. "You can stay here for a little while of you'd like. I'll watch over you."

"Thank you," Abigail said.

Elizabeth stayed with her while everyone else, who hadn't already, went to stores and bars. They talked for a little while, but mostly remained silent.

It wasn't until dusk before Joshua was back. He smelt like whiskey and Abigail's face and eyes burned in anger. She couldn't help but think of the women he was probably with.

He came over to her and gave her a sloppy kiss. She pushed him back making him stumble back. He smiled. "You know you want me."

"Come on, son." The doctor took him by the shoulders pushing him out the door.

Angelica noticed the tears on Abigail's face when she walked in. She quietly asked Elizabeth about it. Elizabeth explained Joshua's drunken attitude, and yet another broken heart.

Angelica sat beside Abigail half on her makeshift bed on the floor and looked in her dark eyes for a minute. "I know you loved Joshua. I loved Jack, but things didn't work out between us. He did worse to me than Joshua did to you. He left me for a prostitute. I met him again later in life, and..." She became quiet. And what? They weren't together now. She wasn't Angelica Sparrow, now was she. "I still love him," she finished.


Jack stood at the door listening to Angelica. She loved him. He heard her say it on the little island when he abandoned her, but after that he didn't think she possibly still could. He really didn't know if it was true even at the time, or if she just wanted off the island. He calmed down and walked into the room.

Elizabeth was on her knees petting Abigail's forehead. He decided if he should interrupt or not. "I brought food." He acted like he had heard nothing. He noticed Abigail quickly wiping the tears away.

Angelica got the food and took it over to Elizabeth and Abigail and they ate together. It was still awkward between her and Elizabeth, but maybe she was slowly forgiving her.

"Thomas cheated too," Abigail said quietly.

"Hey now," Elizabeth said. "He's in the past. Remember?"

"So was Jack. I got to thinking." She looked down at her hands. She looked up. "Thomas and I go back to when we were 15 and friends, and then when we started courting last year. Maybe we're right for each other. I don't even know Joshua. I thought I did, but I thought her never drink."

"Cheating is worse than drinking," Angelica said.

There was silence again and Abigail noticed Elizabeth and Angelica just didn't like each other. They'd talk to her, but wouldn't utter a word to each other. She tried to brink both of them into the conversation, but they kept quiet for the most part.

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