Chapter 4

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The Black Pearl docked at lunch the next day. Jack and some of the crew went in for items such as food, bullets, and of course rum. Abigail and Joshua went with some to look at weapons.

Abigail picked up a sword and examined it. Thomas had one exactly like it. Her mind kept replaying the look on Charlottes face when she stabbed her. She slammed it down and walked over to where Joshua was.

"Anything you like?" Joshua asked her.

"I don't have any money to buy it with if I did."

Joshua smiled. "I would buy my girl anything she wanted."

Abigail blushed. "I'm good."

Joshua bought a sword before they left. Abigail's hand were literally sweating hoping he wouldn't buy one similar to Thomas'. Thankfully he didn't.

Joshua had to spoil his girl and stopped at the general store to get some peppermint sticks. They ate them on their way to the Black Pearl.

That night as Abigail laid beside Joshua looking at the stars she decided to tell him more about the killing she had done.

"After Thomas showed up at my window he convinced me to do something with Charlottes body. The walk to the lake was awkward and uncomfortable."

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

"No, I need to." She took a breath and puffed air out. "We found her right where I left her. She looked like she was sleeping except where I lunged my sword in her stomach with blood running out."

"Does anyone know?"

Abigail shook her head. "We tossed her into the lake." She got choked up and tears started running down her cheeks. "Her parents noticed she was gone and started looking for her. Some fisherman found her a couple of days later."

"Sh, it's okay." Joshua wiped the tears from her eyes. He kissed her.

Before Abigail knew what happened he was on top of her. She was kissing like she had never kissed before.

Abigail put a hand on Joshua's chest. "The crew is drinking and partying on the other side of the boat."

Joshua got off and laid beside her to her right. She snuggled her face into his side and he put his arm around her shoulder.

"What was your mother like?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know. My mothers been gone for years, and my father doesn't like to talk about it. I saw her last 17 years ago when I was only a few months old, but of course I don't remember it. Whats your mother like?"

"My mothers a good woman. She loves kids. She has 6 of her own. I'm the oldest except for my older brother. I have 3 little sisters and a little brother."

"What about your father?"

"My father farms. He's a quiet man and loves his family as much as my mother does."

"And your brothers and sisters?"

"My oldest brother is helping my pa on the farm. He's only 2 years older and engaged. I didn't like farm work and wanted to go on adventure so I came on here. I have a 15 year old little sister. She's usually out with her beau and friends. She's sweet and perky. My 12 year old little sister is more quiet and usually has a book in her hand. My 8 year old sister is the same way and they get along weirdly for sisters. They're both so much like pa. I think my parents were done having kids when my 3 year old little brother was born. He's wild and I can see him becoming a pirate one day." Joshua smiled in the dark.

"I don't have any brothers or sisters. I wish I did, but I lost my mother so long ago that she didn't have time to give me a little brother or sister."

"Well, maybe we'll get married one day and I'll share mine."

Abigail smiled. "Okay."

Abigail just later there listening to the beating of Joshua's chest and watched the twinkling of the stars above her. Everything was perfect until they heard the shuffling of drunk feet and jumped up.

Abigail and Joshua were about to go to bed when there was extra rocking of the boat and commotion. Joshua broke their kiss to run to the other side and see what was going on.

There was a boat and the captain was talking to Jack. He was wearing the uniform of a British solider.

"Abigail Swann? I don't believe I've heard of her," Jack told the man.

"Abigail Swann is wanted of murder," he stated.

Jacks eyebrows shot up. "Murder? That little thing."

Joshua watched eyes huge. He noticed Angelica slipping behind men to him.

The captain moved his sword to Jacks neck. "Get me the girl. If you don't I will have you hung."

"Hung? You have nothing on me."

"Oh, but I do."

Angelica was now at his side. "We have to hide the girl!" She yell whispered.

Joshua ran and found Abigail. "The British want you. They know about Charlotte," he quickly explained to them.

It took everything she had not to cry. She has never been so scared in her life.

She followed Angelica into their sleeping quarters and watched as she threw off the rug and opened a door. It lead into a small room below deck. She left Joshua and Abigail there warning them not to make a sound.

Abigail stood there hugging Joshua chest for protection and to muffle out her sounds.

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