Part 2| "Friends"

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Obitos POV
I woke up a little late and made my way to the training grounds excited to see Kakashi, I think I might like him...but honestly who doesn't? He's perfect in every way his graceful white hair to his fit body and just his personality can make any girl fall for him in an instant, but everyone knows Rin has a massive crush on him and sooner or later shes going to tell him...But hey! We have a special Mission for today! I ran over to Minato, Kakashi, and Rin smiling.

"Obito your late again.." Minato said disappointedly "Sorry..seems I slept in a little!.." I sheepishly smiled as he explained to us what our mission is going to be today. "Alright! Today we will be heading to the village hidden in the waves in search of a wanted man." Minato Sensei explained as I couldn't stop staring at Kakashi, 'Get out of my mind Hatake!' I yelled in my mind "Ready?" Asked Minato,
We all nodded and began our walk to the Village hidden in the waves, we walked along a dirt path and followed behind Minato Sensei.

"Kakashi! Later do you want to come with me and look at the shops together?.." Rin asked placing her hands behind her back as Kakashi still began to walk "No thanks..." Kakashi said, Rin frowned.
I smiled placing my goggles on and running around
"I can't wait to taste all the great Dango!" I smiled hopping around, as we walked along the path
Kakashi took out a book it long after from his bag and began reading it as we walked "Whatcha reading Kakashi?" Rin asked leaning over his shoulder "A book." Kakashi said, she's clearly annoying him that's not good for her. The more we walked, more the sun began to set and it became closer to night
"Down this path should be the village!" Minato Sensei smiled as we walked, and he was right.
The village was very pretty and Sakura petals blew in the wind making it a lot more elegant, everything seemed to glisten at that moment, I got butterflies in my stomach from looking over at Kakashi who's eyes seemed to glow at night.

"Come on let's go guys!" Rin yelled grabbing Kakashi "Hey!" Kakashi yelled as Rin dragged him off
"Obito help!" He yelled "Coming!" I yelled back
"I'll meet you guys there." Minato smiled as I ran after Rin and Kakashi, the wind blew against my goggles which were set tightly on my face.

3rd POV
Kakashi was dragged by Rin as he noticed Obito running after him they ran past many booths and it seemed a festival was going on in the Village at the time, "Look Kakashi!" Rin stopped and pointed at a kitsune mask that hung on the booth. Obito stood beside Kakashi as they both looked at the masks Obito liked an orange mask with a black spiral And Kakashi liked the nine tails mask.

The two boys bought masks placing them on their faces "Eek!" Rin yelled as Obito turned to her "That masks scary Kakashi!" She said frightened, Obito and Kakashi laughed, this was the first time the group had ever heard him laugh and it was a rare but beautiful sight honestly. Kakashi stopped laughing as he noticed Obito walking off, he walked with him as Obito stopped at a booth "Dango?" Kakashi asked confused, Obitos eyes lit up as he nodded "Two Dango please!" He said as he was handed his Dango. He gave one to Kakashi "Try some it's good!" Obito smiled, Kakashi took it and held on to it as Obito slowly ate his "Wonder where Minato Sensei and Rin went.." Kakashi said walking with Obito. "Good question." Obito responded back as they sat down by a Sakura tree on this small hill near the village "It's really peaceful up here..." Kakashi Said "Yeah your right.." Obito agreed.

"Obito! Kakashi!?" A voice yelled "Minato sensei." Kakashi said as the boys stood up "Oh! There you two are." Minato smiled "Rin is back at the hotel we begin our mission tomorrow." Minato explained, the two boys followed behind Minato as they walked to the hotel together "You and Kakashi get to share a room." Minato sheepishly smiled "Alright." Kakashi said as he walked in the room, Obitos face heated up as he walked in as well setting his bag on his bed "At least we don't have to share a bed." Obito said relived as he laid down on the bed "Right." Kakashi agreed as the two were ready for bed. Kakashi placed the Nine tails mask on the nightstand then fixing the mask on his face, Obito removed his goggles setting it on the nightstand as well.

-The Next Day-

Obito woke up rubbing his eyes as well as Kakashi, Obito yawned before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day, Kakashi stood up from the bed getting dressed and the two were ready as they headed out the door "Ready you two?.." Asked Minato sensei as Rin smiled "Yup!" Obito smiled "Alright." Minato smiled back as the three walked behind him "How did you guys sleep?" Rin asked smiling "It was comfy.." Kakashi said reading his favorite book "Icha Icha paradise." Obito followed behind as he placed his goggles on his face "I slept great." Obito smiled as they walked "Well that's good to hear." Rin smiled. The group walked along a dirt path until they stopped at a forest to talk about the plan.

"Kakashi will be your leader for this mission, Obito and Rin you two are going to help capture the guy while I go and talk to nearby townsfolk about the incident with lord 3rd." Minato explained, Kakashi nodded as well as Obito and Rin "Alright!" Minato smiled, Kakashi nodded as the group dispersed into the forest together "Rin, Obito, be my back up once we find the guy." Kakashi said "Right!" Obito and Rin said following behind Kakashi. A Kunai came out of nowhere inches away from hitting Rin, the Kunai hit the tree Kakashi, Obito, and Rin stood on together "Watch your 6" Kakashi explained as he looked around defensive "Haha! Your really scared of kids?" Yelled a guy as two of them approached the group "That's our guy!" Kakashi said "Rin, Obito, you go for his companion I'll go for the main one!" Kakashi Yelled as Obito and Rin nodded.

Kakashi ran at the suspect kicking him and blocking his attacks, Kakashi then drew his sword blocking the other guys katana. Kakashi threw the suspects sword hitting the tree, Kakashi grabbed the guy waiting for Minato. Obito and Rin tackled the other guy as he ran for the sword then running at Kakashi, the suspect grinned "Kakashi!" Rin yelled as Kakashi turned around only to be hit in the eye by the sword giving him a large scar on his eye, Obito tackled the guy holding him captive "Kakashi are you okay!?" Obito Asked holding the guy. Blood ran down Kakashi's face as he pressed his hand tightly up against the wound to stop its bleeding, soon enough Minato showed up "Sorry to keep you waiting." Minato apologized sheepishly "We'll get you patched up Kakashi" Minato smiled as he took the two suspects "Are you sure your okay Kakashi?" Asked Rin as she was going to touch his face but Kakashi turned away "I'm fine." He said looking away as they approached the Village hidden in the waves, Kakashi held his hand to his scar as blood ran down his hand soaking his uniform "Here, you can hang onto me as support." Obito smiled as Kakashi wrapped his arm over Obitos shoulder which supported his body
"Thanks.." Kakashi weakly said as they made it to the villages hospital where a nurse attended to Kakashis wound on his face, Rin stood next to Kakashi who now had bandage wrapped around his eye "You need to be more careful Kakashi." Rin said as she poked him "Leave him alone Rin.." Obito said as he leaned on the hospital bed, Rin gave Obito a glare and walked out of the room "Alright let's head back to the hotel and leave back to Konoha in the morning." Minato smiled as Obito supported Kakashi and helped walk him to the hotel so he could rest and let his wound heal for the night.

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