Part 3| Truth be told

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Obito's POV
We left early in the morning to head back to Konoha and the whole time Rin annoyed the crap out of Kakashi and you could tell he was getting upset.
"Can you leave him alone Rin?" I asked looking up and putting my hands behind my head walking, Kakashi looked up with a surprised expression. Weird...I thought but at least Rin stayed quite. As soon as we made it to Konoha we all headed back home because that's what I did, I ran home and rushed in the door and grabbed my katana and was headed back to the training grounds to the same Sakura tree we always trained at, I drew my katana and held it in front of me swinging it a few times as sweat ran down the side of my face. My leg slipped and I fell dropping my katana "Ngh.." I groaned rubbing my head and picking up my katana and the mask I got at the village which hung on my belt. I placed the mask on my face as I swung a few more times before I sat down to take a break.

The sun began to set as I heard approaching steps, I looked over at the noise "Rin?" I asked confused as she sat down next to me "Can we talk?" She asked looking down "Sure..?" I said confused, she looked over at me with a stern look "I like Kakashi, Obito.." she said. 'Why is she telling me this?'.. "I don't know why he always wants to hang out with you..." she said, I could tell she was getting jealous of me and Kakashis relationship... "Why are you telling me this?" I asked, she looked up at me with an angry expression on her face "Because I don't like how he always wants to hang out with you..So just back off him Obito!" She screamed at me stomping off, I sighed. I was angry! She's telling me to stop hanging out with Kakashi just because she's jealous? "Fine!" I yelled not knowing what decision I just made. I sat down tossing my katana which rubbed against the dirt and I looked up as the pink cherry blossom petals fell hitting my katana.

3rd POV
Obito stood up punching the Sakura tree, but he didn't do any damage to it "I hate everything!" He yelled punching the tree again as tears ran down his face, he placed his head against the tree as he cried to himself. All this pain filled him, Obito placed the mask on his face as he walked over picking up his katana and walked home.

-The Next Day-

Obito stood near the Sakura tree the mask still on his face and his orange goggles rested on his messy hair "Wow..your here early Obito." Kakashi said surprised, Minato and Rin came walking towards the two boys Rin scowled at Obito as she passed him, he looked away from her. Kakashi noticed this and stared "Alright let's get practicing!" Minato smiled, Obito walked over to his own area swinging his sword, Kakashi came over "Hey, wanna practice together?" He asked as Obito ignored him "Hey Kakashi train with me!" Rin smiled, Obito hid his pain under his mask Kakashi frowned before he walked over to Rin looking back at Obito "Don't mind him.." Rin smiled.

That was Obitos last straw, he then threw his mask on the ground making a loud clunk "huh?.." Minato looked up walking over to Obito. Obitos eyes were filled with tears and anger "I'm done with having to deal with all of this.." he snarled as he walked off into the woods "Obito!" Kakashi yelled running after him into the woods "Kakashi!" Rin yelled chasing after him. Obito ran until he made it to a cave. "Obito!" Kakashi yelled stopping at the cave entrance "What's going on with you?" Kakashi asked "Why don't you ask Rin?!" He snapped back, Kakashi turned to the red faced Rin "Why are you so idiotic Obito?" She asked snarling. Obito stood up his eyes were different "Sharingan?" Kakashi looked at him Obito clenched his fist punching the cave wall, rocks came falling down "Obito!" Kakashi yelled running towards him as rocks blocked the caves entrance, Kakashi looked up as a rock was going to fall "Kakashi!" Obito yelled pushing him out of the way.

All Kakashi could see was dust And he looked around before his eyes widened "Obito!" Kakashi yelled running over to him, Obitos face was smashed under a rock and Kakashi couldn't move it no matter how hard he tried "Obito.." Kakashi cried. Obito smiled "Hey keep smiling man just please promise me something. Protect the village." He said lifting his hand to his eye taking it out and handing it to Kakashi "Just to remember me.." he smiled weakly as another loved one had soon died in front of Kakashi again.

Tears ran down Kakashis face as he put the sharingan eye in a safe place awaiting to have it replaced with one of his own "Goodbye obito.." he said grabbing Rin and running back to the training grounds. They made it back meeting Minato Sensei
"Where's Obito?" Minato asked "he's dead." Kakashi snapped as he walked back home ignoring anyone who tried talking to him, Rin looked shocked and paranoid "What?.." Minato looked confused and frightened "He's right Minato Sensei..." Rin said paralyzed. The two walked back together...
Rin never wanted this but now Obito was dead...and she knew it was all her fault for being so selfish,
Rain started pouring as Kakashi sobbed running through it, rain hitting his face.

Kakashi's POV
Obito was dead and I knew that. I didn't understand why though, tears ran down my face as I clenched his goggles running into my house, my mask soaked with rain water as I sat on my bed "Obito.." I croaked through sobs as I cried. I heard a knock on my door and refused to stand up or even answer...I placed the goggles on my nightstand setting it near a vase of flowers I had, but they were wilted already so I grabbed a few Ryo and left my house rain hitting my face as I walked to the flower shop. I opened the door and noticed Rin was here, I quietly walked past her grabbing a bouquet of flowers and leaving the ryo on the counter. "Kakashi!" She yelled as I ignored her and left the shop "Wait!" I heard her call out as I walked away.

As I approached my house I felt something tug on my arm I turned around and it was Rin.
I pulled back "Kakashi please!.." she pleaded
"Why?!" I yelled, she looked at me wide eyed as I yelled "I know what you told him because I over heard you that day!" I yelled, It was true. I happened to pass by that day overhearing their conversation. Tears ran down Rins face "Why is it always Obito?!" She yelled "Your just jealous!" I said my eyes narrowing, I turned around and walked inside my house locking the door and slumping down sitting against it. Tears ran down my face... "He's really gone.." I said as I rubbed my hand against my face wiping my tears away, I stood up and replaced the flowers, then set the photo of our team next to his goggles making a little shrine as a Memory of him.

Obito's POV
I woke up my body hurt like hell but I was alive?..
My arm was gone and I had bandage on my face, I sat up on what seemed to be a hard wooden bed in a cave. There was a man "You shouldn't get up, your badly injured.." He said. "but I need to get back to my friends.." I said getting off the wooden bed "I can help you get back to them..." spoke a gravely voice, I looked up and a figure as white as snow spoke, his face had a spiral "I can become your new limbs." said the spiraled white figure approaching me. Obito agreed to these circumstances not knowing the consequences...

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