Chapter 5| Gone

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(Warning hella angst up ahead)

3rd POV
Kakashi stammered to find words but couldn't think of any "Because...." Kakashi said "Because why Kakashi!?" Rin yelled as she approached him "Because you told someone I cared about to not talk to me! You almost got Obito killed!" Kakashi snapped as Rin backed up "Because I love you Kakashi!" She said tears running down her face "But I don't love you." Kakashi coldly said, Rin's eyes widened in anger as she was heartbroken and didn't care about anything or anyone at that moment of time "You disgust me!" Rin snapped as she pushed Kakashi back towards the waterfall backing him into a corner "How can a guy like another guy?!" Rin yelled "It's wrong! and I hate you!" She yelled shoving him forcefully into the water. Kakashi's eyes widened before fireworks broke in the sky making a loud boom as he fell into the water hitting his head on a rock which fully knocked him out. "" was all Kakashi could make out but no one would be able to understand him, he closed his eyes to what felt like forever "Oh no..." Rin said covering her mouth in shock "Hey! Rin, Kakashi! We heard yelling everything alr- before Obito could finish his sentence he looked over at Kakashi's lifeless body floating in the water the blood making it turn color "Obito! I swear I-I didn't mean too!" She stammered for words as Obito approached Kakashi lifting him out of the water placing his head on Kakashi's chest checking for a heartbeat....Nothing.....Obito's eyes widened as he froze tears filling his eyes before he ran off to the hospital rushing in and calling out "Help!" He cried as tears ran down his face "Kakashi?" Tsunade questioned as she looked over at Obito who was crying "What happened?!" She asked rushing Kakashi into the emergency room "I don't know! He hit his head and I hear no heartbeat..." Obito cried as he fell to the floor unable to move as pain endorsed his body leaving him alone and Gone 'Why would Rin do this?!' He thought standing up waiting in the waiting room for an answer hoping that Kakashi was okay.

To what seemed like hours to Obito..Tsunade finally came back with word, only to find a disappointed look on her face "He's gone..." Tsunade explained as Obito stood up " he can't be!" Obito pleaded as tears ran down his face.

Kakashi's POV
Is this what death feels like?'s so peaceful.... "Kakashi." A voice said as I opened my eyes "Dad?" I asked looking over at him as he smiled "I'm sorry..." he said as I looked at the fire then back at him "You left me alone..." I explained as I trailed off into my mind hoping to find words but couldn't "You don't have to.." dad explained as the fire crackled "Obito needs you..don't give up Kakashi..." Sakumo explained as I looked up, tears filled my eyes "You are far to young to be deserve to find someone to love and that person is clearly Obito.." the words hit me like a punch to the face "Wake up Kakashi...Your not gone yet.." fathers words cheered me up "Thanks dad..." I smiled as tears soaked my mask...

"I forgive you" were Kakashis last words to his father before leaving.

I opened my eyes and I was in a hospital room "Your awake!" A nurse cheered as she rushed out of the room, I rubbed my head and it ached badly as I sat up trying to remember what was all a blur... "Kakashi!" A voice cheered as I turned my head and as soon as I did I was greeted with a hug "Obito.." my voice sounded scratchy "Kakashi what happened?" Tsunade asked as I looked up "I can't remember..."Obito stood up in tears "Rin..." Obito said as all of the conversation we had came back to me "Rin..she shoved me and I fell and I hit my head on a rock I think..." I explained as my head hurt thinking about it "You scared us half to death..." Obito cried as I felt terrible "I'm so stupid..." I said under my breath "Kakashi-Sensei!" Voices shouted as I turned my head to the hospital rooms door "Naruto..Sasuke..Sakura?" I questioned "We thought you died.." Naruto explained as tears were in all of their eyes "I'm sorry.." I apologized clutching the hospital beds blanket "Were glad your still alive." They all explained as tears filled my eyes...tears ran down my face dropping onto the bed "Kakashi?" Obito asked confused "I'm sorry, I made you all worry.." I said through sobs as I tried to stop crying but couldn't... "Kakashi-Sensei.." Sakura said as I wiped my tears away "let's get Ramen once I'm fully healed." I smiled under my mask "Hai!" Naruto cheered as he grabbed Sasukes arm "Teme the festivals still going on." Naruto grinned "Kakashi-Sensei..Help.." Sasuke said turning his head towards me "Nope!" Naruto smiled tugging him out of the hospital room as the two ran out the door "Let go of me you Dobe!" Was all you could here as they fought down the hallway. "Hey! Wait!" Sakura yelled chasing after them. Obito laughed and I turned to look at him "What's so funny?" I asked as he seemed to have a spark in his eye "Reminds me so much of our team back then..." he explained to me as I looked down "Yeah but look at us now.." I said letting out a sorrowful chuckle.

3rd POV
Obito looked over at Kakashi who seemed more depressed than usual "I'm sorry.." Obito said resting his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, he looked up at Obito confused "Sorry for what?..I'm the one who should be sorry..." Kakashi replied "No...I should have noticed Rin wasn't going to change.." Obito answered back. Cheers rung out as the two sat in silence...Fireworks cracked in the air making a beautiful sight for everyone attending the festival, at that moment Obito felt a tug at his shirt and and he turned his face to check, he immediately was pulled into a kiss.. "Will this repay you for ruining your day at the festival?" Kakashi asked sheepishly as Obito smiled "You owe me Dango." He grinned "Get sleep and rest well, I'll keep the house safe." Obito cheered walking out of the hospital room... "Thanks dad..." Kakashi smiled laying down hoping for the best.

(Sorry I didn't post it sooner I was having a bit of writer's block and couldn't think of anything but here it is now it may not be good but it's a new chapter..And thanks for your patience! -Author-Kun)

Gone but never forgotten -Obikaka-Where stories live. Discover now