Part 7| Sasuke and Naruto

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Sasuke's POV
I may have a tiny crush on Naruto....honestly his personality is so adorable even if he is a sore loser, but that's what makes him Naruto!

After I had shoved Obito into the lake I ran to hide in the bushes with Naruto and Sakura, that then was when Naruto put both his hands on my shoulders to look at what was going on since he was to short, I smiled "Short stuff." I grunted "It's happening Sasuke!" He said as we both watched Kakashi-Sensei turn into a blushing mess, Naruto got out of the bushes and walked over to Kakashi-Sensei taunting him. I laughed a little. "What are you laughing at Sasuke?" He asked walking back over to us, I blushed "Nothing.." I said crossing my arms "Whatever. But now we have to search for Kakashi-Sensei since he ran off." Naruto said as he smiled. His smile was always beautiful and was never fake as well. "Alright let's get searching guys." I said indicating it towards Naruto and Sakura.

We first searched the town but we didn't find him anywhere so Naruto asked Shikamaru and Choji and they said the two had saw him running with Gai-Sensei and he pointed into the direction of the Sakura tree, and to no surprise he was there with Gai-Sensei and Obito to "Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto and Sakura said running at him "Why did you ditch us at training today?" Naruto said crossing his arms. "Yeah, why did you ditch us?" I smirked, Kakashi-Sensei turned red blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "Kakashi! You ditched your students!?" Gai-Sensei asked "My bad.." Kakashi-Sensei said "It was getting hot and I didn't feel good" Kakashi-Sensei said covering up the truth "He was running a temperature." Obito butted in. Naruto and I turned to each other fist bumping as our planned worked out perfectly.

Kakashi's POV
'Why is everyone targeting me like I just killed a guy and got away with murder?!' "I should get going." I said stuffing my hands in my pockets, before anyone could say something I was already walking home 'Why did this have to happen to me today?' I asked myself walking back 'Do I really have feelings for Obito?' All these questions filled my head as I ruffled my hair, I just want to read Icha Icha Paradise! "You okay Kakashi?" I heard someone say as I looked up "Oh...Lady Tsunade.." I said "You seem to look stressed." She said tilting her head to the side "Just have a lot on my mind." I said sheepishly smiling "You want to go out for a drink?" She asked smiling "Actually that doesn't sound bad." I said "Yes! Let us drink our stress away!" She cheered pulling me to the bar.

I just drank Sake with Tsunade "What's been on your mind?" She asked as she drank a shot of Sake. "Have you ever had feelings for somebody Tsunade?" I asked Drinking a shot of Sake as well "No one in particular now, but yes." She said drinking "I'm not sure if I like this person but it seems whenever I'm around him I feel this sensation in my heart." I said. "The real question is why do you like him?" She asked, I looked over to at her and she already looked pretty drunk "You clearly like this person..but your mind doesn't think you do, so you must ask yourself why do you like him." She said taking another shot, I drank another shot of Sake then stared at the table for a minute "I like him because he's Kind and is a terrible sore loser that always brings a smile to your face." I said feeling a bit tipsy but smiled slightly thinking about him. "There's your do like him but your afraid of telling him because your afraid he won't feel the same way." Tsunade said downing another shot finishing her 3rd bottle of Sake "Your advice really helped Tsunade." I said finishing my first bottle of Sake and placing my payment on the table "I'll see you later Tsunade," she just waved and fell asleep on the table.

I exited the bar beginning my walk home, and halfway there I began to feel drunk and unable to keep my balance. 'Darn Sake' I cursed making it to my door struggling to unlock it when the door suddenly opened "Obito...Sorry if I woke you up." I apologized slurring a little "Are you drunk Kakashi?" He asked me.

Obito's POV
When I heard the lock rustling on the other side of the door I thought maybe Kakashi forgot his keys so I opened the door for him but that wasn't the reason. "Obito..sorry if I waked you." He said slurring, no one just slurs unless their drunk or their mouth is numb "Are you drunk?" I asked, Kakashi just stood there as he sighed "I drank with Tsunade.." he admitted, at least he's honest with me about it and I can't really be mad at him because his face was really red and he looked like a tomato which was pretty cute "Come inside and go to bed." I said closing the door behind him as he stumbled to his bedroom "Call me if you need help with anything!" I said from my room. No answer. I got worried and opened the door to his room, he had passed out on the floor.

I sighed laughing quietly to myself making sure not to wake him up, I picked him up from the floor placing him on his bed "Night Kakashi." I said blushing before shutting his bedroom door and headed back to my room where I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling "I should really tell him how I feel.." I said quietly to myself as I sat up on the bed looking at the door in my room.. 'Why was he drinking with Tsunade?' I asked myself thinking 'Must have been really stressed..' I said laying back down closing my eyes and falling asleep comfortably in bed.

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