Chapter 4| Because I love you.

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3rd POV
Kakashi, Obito, and the rest of team 7 were on a mission today helping guard an important relic of the sand because Gaara was out on a mission with Kankuro, the mission went smoothly just a few assassins here and there but Sasuke and Naruto got rid of them easily til the day was almost over and there mission ended. "Hey Naruto can I talk to you privately for a sec?" Sasuke asked blushing "Sure!" Naruto said cheerfully as they both walked off together. "Wonder what their talking about.." Obito said walking next to Kakashi "They're probably talking about girls they have a crush on!" Kakashi teased nudging Obito as the two began to laugh aloud "Kakashi-Sensei! You and Obito are so childish!" Sakura scolded them stomping off. "Reminds me of Rin a lot.." Obito whispered to Kakashi as the two laughed again. "Kakashi! Obito!" A voice called out as the two turned around "Wanna get dinner together as a reunion?" Rin asked smiling "Sure." Obito smiled "Let's go to ichiraku's!" Rin smiled grabbing the two boys and heading to the Ramen shop.

They finally made it and ordered their food "So how did your first mission today go Obito?" Rin asked smiling, fidgeting with her fingers before lightly touching Obito on the arm as if nothing in the past had happened between the two of them. "It actually went smoothly." Obito replied eating his ramen oblivious to Rins little touchy movements on him.
Rin continued to ask Obito a whole bunch of questions and Kakashi became annoyed of Rin asking him all these personal things and most importantly all the seductive touching and constant looking at his lips..Not that Kakashi also was looking at Obitos lips! He just so happened to uh, notice is all. Was he Jealous of this? "Hey Rin can you quite down your being a bit loud." Kakashi politely asked, Obito looked at him oddly "You okay Kakashi?" Obito asked "Just have a headache from the mission." He explained. "Why are you even getting all upset for? We're just talking." Rin said looking over at Kakashi with a innocent smile, Kakashi looked hella pissed off "Are you Jealous Kakashi?" Rin asked with a little laugh and a small smirk at him.

Kakashi's face heated up with embarrassment "No, I'm not jealous. Your just being annoying.." Kakashi snapped, "I'm finished here, so I'll see you guys later." He said placing money on the table and leaving. Obito did the same following behind him all the way to their house "You okay Kakashi? You seem stressed." Obito asked "I'm fine." He responded fumbling to get his keys to unlock the door growing more upset as he failed to grab his keys the first time, he was clearly nervous "Then why were you getting all jealous at the bar?" Obito pushed as Kakashi stopped looking for his keys, and pinned Obito to the wall which made a loud bang when his hands hit the wall behind him. "Because I love you Obito." Kakashi said looking him in the eyes. Obito was a bit shocked at first before he started laughing, "What's so funny?" Kakashi asked. "It's just that..I never thought you'd like me back." Obito smiled looking at Kakashi, Obito then kissed kakashi grabbing onto his vest and raising him to his level soon parting his lips from his lovers "I love you too Kakashi." Obito smiled blushing a little. "You know that really wasn't a kiss." Kakashi explained with a pout removing his hands from the wall "Oh...Then what is a real kiss Kakashi Senpai~?" Obito joked.

Kakashi then pulled down his mask covering Obito's eyes so that he wouldn't see his face as he pressed his lips against Obito's who was shocked by the sudden action of Kakashi, but he soon sinked into the kiss. To what felt like hours to the two they soon parted their lips and Kakashi fixed his mask before uncovering Obitos eyes. "We should probably go inside" Obito smiled unlocking the door "Oh, Yeah." Kakashi said "Or I mean we could just stay out here and do that again.." Kakashi suggested trailing off "Your such a pervert Kakashi." Obito laughed walking inside and locking the door from behind the two "Want to watch a movie?" Obito asked walking into the living room "Sure." Kakashi said sitting on the couch next to Obito as he turned on a movie, Obito rested his head on Kakashi's shoulder before breaking the silence "Hey does this mean we're know..a thing now?" Obito asked, "Yup, now I'm your problem." Kakashi responded smiling as the two soon enough fell asleep together peacefully after a long mission.

Sasuke and Naruto sat by the Sakura tree on the training grounds watching as the sun set. "Naruto I have something to confess to you.." Sasuke said sweating as he didn't know if Naruto felt the same way for him "What's up?" Naruto asked turning to him "I like you." Sasuke confessed blushing "I know you don't feel the same way bu- before Sasuke could continue Naruto had placed his lips on Sasuke's as the two sank into the kiss before they parted lips "I like you too Sasuke Uchiha." He smiled. "You could have at least warned me...Dobe..." he said blushing and turning away "I'm sorry Sasuke did I hurt your feelings?" Naruto joked inching closer to his face "You dobe!" Sasuke shouted standing up and crossing his arms blushing a crimson red "I love you too." Naruto responded standing up beside him. "Now let's go get some Ramen Sasuke!" Naruto yelled as the two held hands walking to the ramen shop together not leaving each other's side at all.

Wow two ships in one chapter that should be a freaking reward honestly, I give myself a pat on the back for this one..don't get me wrong this ain't the last chapter of this book.
Thanks for reading this chapter and I'll come out with a new one as soon as I can!


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