Kita left the shop. Irritated at both Atsumu and (Y/N).
She didn't listen to my viewpoints at all did she? In fact she didn't even tell me that she was dating him either...
He thought hard for a long moment. And so Kita, the usual calm and preserved individual he was, turned annoyed. He clutched the strap of his sports bag tightly, frustratingly and angrily too, his face still showed barely any signs of his emotion but on the other hand his mind was befuddled.
The girl he likes is dating someone else.
But why? Why him? Why him out of everyone?
Kita thought harder, his face now finally earning that hint of distress.
He wanted his feelings for (Y/N) to be returned for the longest time, but that hope was easily taken away by someone that clearly doesn't want to make a true effort and only lingers in relationships for his own personal entertainment. He's been friends with her much longer, he's been with her longer. His feelings towards her should be more genuine, yet she chose someone that was undeserving. Thus feeling unfair.
He likes (Y/N) too. He loved her since her first year. And it started because the high achievers of the second years in class 7 were asked to help tutor groups of first-year students in class 1 and class 2 for their first-year exams.
Last year:
Kita and another second-year from his class were put in a group with two first-year female students and two male students. They carried their study sessions usually in either of their own classrooms that was also being used by other groups sometimes.
One of the female students that caught Kita's eyes was (Y/N). At first, Kita thought that she was a little tiring as she struggled on every question and got distracted very easily, but he thought it would be impolite to give up on her as this is still her first high school year.
She was struggling and no matter how many times the second years explained, even the people in the same group as her (the first years from her class) tried to explain once they understood, but she just did not understand a single bit of the question. So if it had to be described simplistically, information would go through one ear, then fall out completely in the other ear. That's why it always seemed to take at least two sessions for her to understand a single maths equation for instance.
Eventually, it was around the week before the first-year summer exams, and these assigned study sessions were close to coming to an end. And after being with the group, everyone was ready to leave the classroom they studied in.
"Thank you for your hard work." The first years said to the two second years whilst they all left one by one.

Cliché (Miya Atsumu)
FanfictionA somewhat unorganized and confusing love in this relationship. Atsumu wants to play, but this girl is full of surprises and isn't as cliché as he thought she would be. The only person who is trying to stop his plans is his own upperclassman and cap...