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Sunday afternoon, around 5 pm...

Yesterday (Y/N) said I couldn't hang out with her that evening, today, however, she had the time to, so did I. It was a plan we thought of together: stay at her home, watch movies. I even thoughtfully bought some oranges as snacks.

But something wasn't right to me.

I am with (L/N) in the living room, as usual, legs currently tucked under the heated kotatsu. She was struggling to peel an orange and was being very quiet. Every few glimpses I take of her I see her grumbling or pouting.

What is she thinking?

Something about the quietness was abnormal which made me feel a bit strained. A part of me really wanted to say something to break the tension, but another part of me is too uncomfortable to speak up, a little afraid that I might say something wrong and make it worse than it already is right now.

She's not usually like this. I thought as I side-glanced at her. Is she maybe angry with me? Did I do anything wrong?

"...Do you like oranges (Y/N)-chan?" I quietly asked with a sheepish smirk.

"Yeah." (Y/N) replied, continuing to struggle.


She didn't even smile back?! A very short reply that was. One with a cold effect to it, I literally felt the frost.

Sad or angry, I'm not completely sure. All I know is that she's definitely feeling really low!. The chatterbox I'm used to being around is dreadfully silent and I'm itching to make her talk again. So maybe I should do something about it.


What the heck do I say? Where do I start? What do people usually say in these sorts of situations?


I pinch my eyebrows during my brainstorm, gathering up theories on why she looks so down and possible conversation starters, "Uh, (Y/N)-chan?" I call.

Cliché (Miya Atsumu)Where stories live. Discover now