~Chapter 1~

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Date: 10th June

Kiara's POV:
I wake up to the sound of my stupid alarm ringing in my face. Another day. Same routine. School, Homework, Eat, Sleep, Repeat. And das it. My life is so boring. I hate this.

I go to the bathroom and start scrolling through TikTok and Instagram. There are so many notifications on my phone wtf? A post by Alejandro Rosario, one of my favourite tiktokers, pops up. It says: World Tour! The New Jersey boys will be travelling to these countries listed below: ...
I don't even bother to check because I know that there is no chance that they would ever come to Australia. I just know it. I put my school uniform on, eat breakfast and walk to Emily's house. She literally screams in my face so loud that I start to run away from her dumbass.

We meet at school after like 10 minutes and she starts to calm down.
"Bruh what the fuck happened?" I ask while legit wheezing .
"The Nj boys, you know the ones on TikTok that we are obsessed with?"
"Yeah... what about them?"
"They are fucking coming to Australia are you dumb didn't you check Instagram today?"
"Stop playing I don't believe you" I huff.
"Kiara just look!"
Emily shows me the post and it says: 'Australia: Melbourne - 20th to 21st June'
I have never been this shocked in my life.
We both start squealing so loud we almost get a detention lmao kinda worth it tho.

We meet up at Emily's house after school for planning and discussing the whole thing. There are just so many things to consider. Like, why are they staying in Melbourne only for 1 day? How will we convince our parents to let us go? What will we give them? What will we say to them? What will we wear!?
We start freaking out after legit only 5 minutes.

As Emily is FaceTiming her boyfriend Adi, I finish up my homework. To be honest, I have never really been obsessed with the Nj boys. Sure they are attractive and shit but I'm only into this for Emily. She is my best friend. Plus I kind of like pretending to be excited about something. I'm really happy to have something to look forward to. My life has been pretty depressing so far. From my parents divorce to my illnesses, everything is just shitty.

After hours and hours of convincing our parents they finally let us buy tickets to see the guys. It's so cool that they are having their meet and greet thing in such a fancy hotel. I have never really been to one before. In total we buy 3 tickets so that Adi can go too. Emily and him really can't stay away from each other for even a day huh😂.

We spend the next 10 days in agony just waiting for the 20th. One of the days, we bump into Rebecca. That skanky ass bitch.
"Oh hey Kiaria!" She says sarcastically.
I don't respond.
"So I heard you and Emily are going to the meet and greet. Too bad you don't have... (she starts to scroll through her photos on her phone) ... VIP tickets!!"
"We don't even care about that. There is barely any difference." Emily snaps at her in my defence.
"But there is... I get to spend a whole day with them. Just me and them" she smirks.
I'm not gonna lie, I am pretty jealous of her. Her rich parents must have bought those.
"Yeah don't get so happy, there is still a chance for us to win the free VIP ticket" says Emily.
"Yeah there is like a 0% chance of you winning that ahahaha" Rebecca laughs. This dumb bitch don't even know math. Anyways, the school bell rings and we speed walk to our next class.

Skip ahead a few days...

We finish packing on the last day and I realise later that I accidentally packed too much. Oopsies. Adi drives us to the hotel (that's like 2 hours away from our houses).

As soon as we reach the lobby I see loads of people from our school there. It's kinda embarrassing but whatever. I came here to have a good time. As long as I don't bump into Rebecca, I'm good.

Author Note: This is weird lol but hi to anyone who reads this!!

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