~Chapter 9~

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22nd June (5 days left till the boy's managers and team comes to get them)

Ale's POV:
I barely slept last night. I can tell that Kiara didn't either, but everyone else did.

I walked by her bed a few hours ago so that I could spend time with her without the guy's attention on us all the damn time but she shoved me away.

She said that she was tired but I got the feeling that she was really uncomfortable and shy.

I don't know what is going on in her mind. But I can't help myself from thinking... What if she heard Mattia and I fighting yesterday? What if she knows about why we are acting so suss?

Just the thought alone makes me want to jump out of the window and land into a trash can. But I convince myself that she doesn't know. She can never know. I won't let it happen.

My mind drifts off to sleep for about 10 minutes before I am woken up again because of this pounding headache I have. I have had a few hangovers before but nothing as bad as this. I wonder how Kiara looks so unaffected by the alcohol but then I remember what she told us last night. About her drinking problems.

The conversations from last night run through my mind again and I don't know how to feel. This girl lying in front of me, just a few steps away, has lived a life that nobody should ever have to go through.

Getting a kidney transplant at 12? And then again at 15? Because of her addiction to all sorts of alcohol and drugs? Because of the mental abuse in her family? Then losing all her friends and having to regain them for years, only to find out that they couldn't care less about her?

I am so happy that she is in a better place right now but I cannot imagine anyone going through so much shit. I know she has so much more to her, not just her bad past.

I want to know her. I want to know every little detail. Even lame things like, what her favourite colour is? Or what she likes to do? Where she wants to go and who she wants to be? What is her inspiration? I want to know everything. From her favourite ice-cream flavour to her deepest fears. Everything.

After spending the whole night thinking about her, I have come to the conclusion that I do like her. I accept that. I accept that this is a very different feeling to what I have ever felt for anyone. I know that. But I am not ready to find out how deeply I am into her just yet. Because it scares me.

I am not ready to fall in love, that's for sure. But what if I am already falling?- Nooo. That's not right. Nobody falls in love at this age.

This age is for parties, one night stands, making mistakes, fucking random people, getting drunk and getting rich. That's what matters. I need to focus on what I am really here for. Or at least try. After all, money is what makes the world go round.

Roshaun's POV:
This whole drama with Mattia and Ale is getting out of hand.

Deep down, we all know this is not about Kiara, as much as it is about what happened between them 3 years ago.

I do know that Ale has changed. Especially since meeting Kiara. I don't know what it is but she is good for him. And I can tell that he is good for her too. I can tell by the way they look at each other, that their story is going to last.

Kiara's POV:
I wake up and see Alejandro staring at me. He quickly turns his head away and so do I.

This is too awkward for me. I can't believe I told everyone so much about myself last night. I am not like that. These people are strangers. Sure they are nice and funny and all that but in the end, how much can you really trust a person you just met? How could I let myself go like that last night? I should have kept quiet.

Once we are not locked in this stupid hotel room anymore, I am going to go my own way and forget this week ever happened. I am going to stay quiet and not let anyone know anything else. Ill tell them I made it up or something.

Everyone starts to get up but I decide to lay in for a while. Kairi and Alvaro look so pale. I hope this isn't their first hangover.

My first one was awful. Even though it was like 6 years ago, I still kind of remember it. I drank so much, and threw up even more than I had consumed the night before.

I finally decide to go and help them in the bathroom. Kairi is throwing up in the sink while Alvaro goes for the toilet. Yikes. When they are done, I give them water and a bunch of tissues to wipe their gross ass faces.

Then Alvaro says, "I am never taking a sip of alcohol ever again bro".

"You said that last time idiot" Kairi groans.

"Y'all need to shut up and eat something. What do you want? I'll make anything but I can't promise it will be good" I say to liven up the mood.
Alvaro says he wants porridge but Kairi hits him for asking for grandma food. At least we are laughing a little. I end up making some toast for Kairi and porridge for Alvaro.

Alejandro's POV:
I decide to get up to go drink some water while Kiara is helping some of the guys in the bathroom. I can't stand people throwing up. It makes me want to fucking kill myself.

As soon and I am able to find my balance and stand up, Mattia harshly pushes me to the ground, his eyes are red and evil.

"What the fuck??" I whisper-shout.

"Lets get one thing straight" he starts, "you and I... we are enemies now. You wanted Kiara right? I was going to leave her for you but you know what? She is going to be mine now."

"Come on bruh, stop acting like a mf kid. Don't bring her into this. You don't like her anyways. At least not as much as I do. I know this is about what happened between us okay? But that was fucking 3 years ago! I apologised so many times! I am so regretful about what happened bro I never wanted that to happen." I assure him.

"No fucking way. I am not letting go of that. Ever. My sister fucking loved you man. And you had the fucking guts to reject her? Then she kills herself and writes in her note that YOU were the reason? YOU! YOU WERE THE REASON SHE TOOK HER OWN LIFE! Couldn't you have at least faked it? Faked that you liked her too?" Mattia starts shouting while tears are running down his face.

"Mattia! I NEVER WANTED THAT TO HAPPEN! I thought she had a little crush on me. I never knew her feelings were that intense! She even laughed it off when I told her that I didn't want to be with her. I SWEAR MATTIA, IF I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN I WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING. I WISH I DIED INSTEAD OF HER BRO! Just for this once, leave Kiara alone. This is the only thing I will ever ask from you. Please bro!" I plead.

"I am not your bro any-fucking-more. We have never talked about this. We have never talked about what happened. Until now. Now you bring it up because you care about this hot stranger that we met like 3 fucking days ago? You like her that much huh? This is it then. You took my sister away from me. I cannot do something as evil and fucked up as you did, like make Kiara take her own life, but I will sure as hell take her away from you." Mattia growls while throwing me against the counter.

My fist balls up to punch him... how can he still not believe me? Just as I begin to raise my hand, Kiara comes into the kitchen.

"Porridge and toast anyone?" She beams. "Sounds great." Mattia smirks and follows her to the pantry, still staring at me in anger.

Author note: Hello to anyone reading this lmao. I am so terrible for not updating. A lot is going on. I am legit trying so hard to update. I am doing this in the middle of the night lmao I am so sorry. I will keep trying to update more often. If you have forgotten what happened in the previous chapters, I guess try to skim through them again. They are quite short so it shouldnt take too long. I hope you are liking this story. Thanks for 4K!!!! I am screamingggggg. Okay bitches. Take care of yourself! I'll be back. Sooner than later. Promise! (PLS COMMENT LMAO I LOVE THEM + THEY REMIND ME TO WRITE MORE EEEEK)

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