~Chapter 2~

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Kiara's POV:
Emily booked 1 room with 3 beds for us. It doesn't matter that her bf is with us and I'm third wheeling. We are just close like that.

I get ready to meet my favourite tiktokers and decide to wear this:

I get ready to meet my favourite tiktokers and decide to wear this:

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We all gather into the theatre at around 1pm. Everyone starts squealing when the boys jump on stage. They all seem so nice I wasn't really expecting that to be honest. They start recreating some of their famous tiktoks like Mattia's iconic toilet ones (they literally brought a toilet on stage). They did some Q and A's and played some funny games. It was really good and I really enjoyed myself... surprisingly.

Then the moment came up when the VIP person had to come on stage. I almost threw up when I saw Rebecca in her sluttiest outfit. She went to hug all the boys and it made everyone so uncomfortable it was honestly kinda funny. But the best part was when they announced the free VIP ticket winner. It. Was. Me. (I know this is cliche don't kill meh) I must be dreaming. Everyone from my school stares at me as I try to convince Emily to take my ticket and say that she won but she insists that I go. I know that she actually just wants me outta the way so that she can be with Adi in peace but I don't really mind hehehe. I walk up on stage and hug the guys too. Rebecca gives me a bitchy look but I give her one back too.

Once all the fans leave the theatre it's just me, Rebecca and the boys. They all start to ask us questions about ourselves and I kinda make shit up because I'm not really interesting. Rebecca doesn't stop fucking talking it drives me insane.
"You guys should bring your stuff to our room so that you can change for dinner" Kairi says.
"Wait what?" I whisper.
"Oh you know, it's part of the VIP ticket thing, you eat dinner with us at the fancy restaurant on the terrace" Alejandro says while staring at me. Why does he seem nervous?
"Sorry about her ahhaah she is dumb" Rebecca starts ranting but Roshaun changes the topic and I silently thank him with that thankful look 👀 🥺😌

I walk into my room to get my suitcase and see Emily and Adi snuggled up together. "Awwwww look at you guys" I start to tease. "What are you doing back?" Adi asks. I explain the whole situation to them and they seem really happy for me. I honestly am not that excited but I try to be. Yeah ik I'm depressing.

I walk to the guys' room and knock on the door. "Heyyyy KiKi" Mattia smirks. I roll my eyes while smiling and walk into their big room. They have like 15 beds in here. Seems like Rebecca ain't here yet oop okay. Probably packing her life away in 5 suitcases. "We have like 6 beds in here so just sit on any" Alvaro says.

I get a text from Rebecca as soon as I sit down

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I get a text from Rebecca as soon as I sit down. What the fuck?
Author Note: Heyyyyy

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