~Chapter 12~

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23rd June
Kiara's POV:
I can't stop thinking about him. Alejandro. He likes me? Mattia said 'he's in love with me'. I feel so-
It can't be true. I overthink so much. It can't be. I roll back into bed and try to forget what just happened.

After about an hour or two, Mattia comes up to my bed and apologises again. I decided to start afresh and let it go. I know I shouldn't because I still feel very uncomfortable around Mattia but I just want to avoid any drama. Right now I made up with everyone, except Ale. Is he mad or something? Ugh, I hope this week ends quickly. I cannot stand this.

Everyone is sound asleep by 1am. Except me and Ale. I catch him staring a few times but ignore it. Eventually he falls asleep.

I cannot fall asleep after what happened today. I need to get out of here. But I can't. I decide to go to the very corner of the whole hotel room. Where nobody can see me but  it has the best view of the city. I rest my head against the cold and plain glass window, watching the cars go by and the flashing lights light up the city at night.

I feel like I am sitting here for hours until I feel a hand on my shoulder

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I feel like I am sitting here for hours until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Kiara? Hey..."

"Hi Ale..." I whisper.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh... I ju-just couldn't sleep." I hesitate. Why am I being so dry?

"Yeah me too." He says, equally as dry.

"You wanna come sit with me? The view is hella relaxing." I start to pull his hand so he sits down.

We sit in silence for a few seconds, but it's not uncomfortable.

"Kiara..." he starts. I turn my head to face him. His eyes are sparkling with the reflection of the city lights, his face glowing in neon red, blue and pink, his perfect little curls messily resting on his forehead... I can't take my eyes off him.

"Yeah?" i say softly.

"Are you sure you're okay? After what happened today?". He snaps me back to reality. I turn my head back to the window and nod my head yes, while my hands are fiddling with my bracelet.

"You know I would fully support you if you decided to file a complaint against Mattia. Even though he is my friend and he has a reputation online and shit, he still hurt you. Nobody should ever go through that" he assures me and holds my hand.

I look down at my hands to see they're shaking again. Well shit. I don't like talking about this. Especially not when Mattia is in the same room.

I don't look him in the eyes. I can't. I'll break down.

"No. Seriously it's- i'm fine. I've gone through worse" I say while pulling my hands out of his.

I make the mistake of looking him in the eyes. Those stupid goddamn eyes bro.

"You know it's okay to not feel fine right?" he whispers while his eyes start to water.

I start crying and he hugs me. I hug him even tighter. I don't want to let go.

After a few minutes I eventually do.

"Can I tell you what happened... this one time I was at a party?" I say to him while wiping my tears with my top.

He nods.

"Just promise me not to tell anyone. I haven't even told my parents" I look him in the eyes so he knows I am serious.

Ale's POV:
"I don't want you to treat me any differently or pity me in any way... I just need to let this shit out and I know this sounds stupid but I am really comfortable around you" she says in a stern voice.

"You can share anything with me. Always know that" I say.

She takes a few minutes to compose herself.

"So, about a year and a half ago, I was at this wild party. One of the lowest times of my life.

I was sick of my life and sick of being a disappointment to everyone. I was on a high dose of antidepressants. I was on my way home from the doctor's and there was this huge line of people outside a frat house.

Then I saw one of my school friends, Jane, and she invited me in. I got so drunk. I threw up like 5 times but never stopped drinking. I smoked so much I couldn't even see or feel anything. I was planning on ending my life. Not at that moment but I just knew I wasn't going to live very long. So I just did absolutely everything I wanted.

Then this guy, Jack, Rebecca's brother, started dancing with me and touching me. I didn't really care at that point because I kinda threw up on his shoes and he ran to the bathroom and left me alone. My friend made me stop drinking for like a few hours and I'm thankful for that because what happened after that, would have messed me up if I wasn't at least a little bit sober.

Jane left with her boyfriend and I assured her I would be fine getting home. I wish I hadn't said that. After I was sober enough to see a little clearly, the same guy, Jack, came into the room I was in and locked the door.

He started pulling his pants down and then his shirt. I was trying to get away from him but he was way too strong. He pushed me on the bed and started ripping my clothes off. He took off my underwear and literally shoved half of his dick into me but luckily, Emily heard me screaming and her boyfriend, Adi, knocked down the door.

I couldn't talk to anyone after that shit. I stayed home for months and went to school maybe 1 day a week. People at school knew about it and they looked at me weird. I felt like Hannah Baker or something. You see this type of shit in TV shows and movies but it really happens to people.

From then on, I kind of changed my life. I took care of myself and kinda said 'enough is enough'. It was so hard to pick myself up everyday but I made sure I celebrated little accomplishments. If all I did in one day was a face mask and one maths equation, then it was still something. Just doing one small thing for myself everyday really helped me change.

My antidepressants helped... but not with my negative ass mentality. I used to think they didn't work but I was partly to blame. I had to think positively which was harder than I could ever imagine.

That was kinda the turning point in my life."

I hold her hands again. We stay silent for a few minutes and I just hold her. Both of us crying in eachothers arms.
Author's Note: THANK YALL FOR 7K+!!!!!!!!! This is not edited sooooo I'm sorry. But at least it's a long ass chapter :) comment as much as u can. :))))

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