~Chapter 13~

756 13 17

23rd June

Ale's POV (continuation from previous chapter):
"I will never understand how that must have felt for you. You are the strongest person I know Kiara. I want to say so much more but I know you don't want that right now" I say and she nods in agreement.

"Let me just say one thing. It takes so much more strength to stay alive than it does to kill yourself. I am so proud of you. Life isn't fair to anyone, especially you, and nobody in the world deserves to go through the type of shit that you went through, trust me. I am so happy you are here right now. I am so happy you are okay. I am so glad you didn't give up hope. Hope that you might have a different life. Hope that you won't feel that way forever. Hope to stay alive Kiara. You should be really proud of yourself. Everyone else already is and you know that" I say, holding her even tighter.

"Thank you. I hope you know that means a lot to me. I know you didn't need to know my whole sad story and trust me, I didn't want to tell you but like I said before, you're just different. And it feels like so much weight has been lifted off my shoulders" she says.

I am glad the topic has changed.
"Just so you know... I feel comfortable around you too. It's a totally new feeling. The weird thing is, I like myself around you" I blush and she smiles.

"Oh and if I ever see Jack in my life, don't be shocked if I ask you to help me hide a dead body." I try to lighten the mood and she smacks my arm.

"Look, I know you probably heard what Mattia said... about me liking you" I start and she looks back at the window. "The thing is, I really do Kiara. I really like you. It's not a normal feeling and that's why I was so scared to tell you. I know we have known each other for like 3 days but..." I take a pause. "I would like to get to know you better, you know, when we are let out of this place..."

She nods her head and smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen. My heart races so fast from her reaction. I want her to know that life is not always miserable. Just like bad things happen, good things do too.

"I would really like that Ale" she says while trying to brush her hair off her face.

Unknowingly, my hand reaches her cheek and I softly graze her skin. Before I realise what I am doing, her lips are on mine and it's the best feeling I have ever felt.

Kiara's POV:
Our lips move together softly but passionately. After a few seconds I let go and we both laugh a little bit before going back to making out. My hands rushing through his curls and his hands tightly wrapping around my waist.

We pull away, unable to open our eyes for a while, still having our foreheads touching each other.

Afterwards, we decide to go to bed and call it a night.

"Goodnight ale" I whisper.

But he pulls me back to him.

"Heyyyy where do you think you're going? Lay with me for awhile. PLEEEASE??" he practically begs.

"The guys will see us! Shut up" I giggle.

"Just for a little bit? I need you" he says in a sad tone.

"Oh fine okay" I give in.

We go to his bed and snuggle for about 2 hours. Cheekily making out whenever we can. No matter how many times we kiss I still get butterflies 🦋.  I dunno if I can keep my hands off him tomorrow😂😭🥵.

When the guys start waking up, I go back to my cold and empty bed. I feel so much better after talking to Ale, and I know he does too.

Author's Note: sorry this one is a bit short. Not edited either. Might reread and edit later. I didn't wanna leave y'all with another dramatic cliffhanger bc y'all deserve sum happiness. Btw the next few chapters are gonna be a little smutty (a little bc idk how to write smut) and A LOT OF DRAMAAAAAA ISTG A LOT. Might take a while for my to find the motivation to upload but I hope it doesn't take too long. Feel free to comment or message me if ur really interested in this story and want me to update ASAP bc sometimes I feel that with other fanfics lmao. Okok I think I'm done now. Lemme know ur conspiracies and hopes for further chapters. (Btw if y'all want smut or other mattia/ale fanfics I know some really good ones but most of them are nasty asf😂😂😭💀) comment random shit to make my day I check wattpad comments everyday istg😂😂 thank uuuuu 😍🥰🥰🙈 edit: okijust read the last two chapters 12 and 13 and ewwwww 🤢🤮🤮 can't believe y'all like this shitty writing lmaoooo I need help I can't write for shit😔✌🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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