~Chapter 10~

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23rd June

Kiara's POV:
Once I finished making breakfast for everyone (even though it was so late), we all sat at the table together.

I tried my best to avoid Ale because of last night and I don't want him all up in my business.

The pact that I made with myself of avoiding Ale and pretending that he doesn't know all that sensitive information about me, is already ruined when I ask him if he's okay. I had to because anyone could sense the tension between him and Mattia.

I am just confused as to why they aren't talking it out and why the other guys aren't helping them. It's like they are pretending not to notice.

Ale is occupying my mind way too much for someone I just met. I know that I like him... actually I definitely have a major crush on him but I know we could never be together.

He is too popular and perfect and I am just too fucked up. I'll end up pushing him away. I bet he thinks I am ugly as fuck anyways.

It's just hard to sleep in the same room every night and not stare at his perfect face.

Sometimes, when I can't sleep, I used to imagine having sex with someone. It used to make me relaxed and idk why.

Before I met Ale there wasn't any face to the guy I was making love with in my imagination. But now, his face is clear and it's not what I was expecting. Honestly, why does he have to be so attractive?

It's not just about his looks though. I feel like he looks at me in a way that nobody else has. He cares for me. Who am I kidding? Lmao he doesn't. Maybe I'm just an attention seeking bitch. I'll throw myself at anyone who pretends to give a damn. It's annoying that I care for him more than he will ever know...

I clear everyone's plates up because they never clean lmao but I don't mind.

As I am washing the last plate, I feel arms snake around my waist. I can feel that it's not Ale and that is why I turn around so quickly. "Mattia what the fu-?"

Alejandro's POV:
I was going to help Kiara in the kitchen but I decided not to.

I keep telling myself to stay away from her and it never works.

Once I am out of this place, I am going to fuck a random tiktok girl and pretend that Kiara never existed. She is taking up too much space in my  mind.

Who am I? I used to fuck 2-3 girls almost every night but now, all that is in my mind is images of me and Kiara, snuggling? Whenever I try to imagine fucking someone, her face morphs into Kiara's and I feel- wait...

Is Mattia actually hitting on Kiara right now? I swear to god if he even smirks at her I will kill him.

Did they just ki-?!!

Kiara's POV:
Before I can finish my sentence Mattia's mouth is on mine.

I try to push him away but he is  too strong and my hands are still wet from washing the dishes.

His hands travel into my sweatpants and onto my butt and I almost cry. This feeling is way too familiar.

He is harshly pressing his privates against mine while forcing his tongue into my mouth.

I finally gained enough anger and strength to push him away and slap his face. Hard.

He is pushed against the kitchen counter and he shouts in pain. I am so out of breath and panting louder than I ever have before.

I try to punch him in the face or hurt him in any way but my sweatpants fall to my feet and I can't walk.

I quickly pull them back up, still panting, but when I lift my head to where Mattia was standing, I see blood all over his face and Alejandro's knuckles.

Author Note: Already written the next chapter! Comment when you want me to publish it!

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