~Chapter 3~

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Rebecca's POV:
Ugh I can't believe Kiara won the free ticket while my dad wasted $1000 on me. Eh who cares. I have a plan. I'm gonna lock Kiara in her room so that she can't get out. By the time she actually gets out, the boys will be on a plane to their next destination. I'll text her.

Kiara's POV:
The text says 'What room are you in?'. This dumbass must have forgotten which room the boys mentioned. I confirm with Alvaro, "yeah room 353". I text her the number and text my parents that I'm having a good time. They always worry about my depression so I just give them want they want to hear.

Rebecca's POV:
I speed walk to room 353. After bribing the reception for the keys and lock the door with a quick snap. My plan is going so well. I drop the keys into the closest elevator I see and watch it disappear. Kiara won't be able to get out. I'm finally rid of her. I also told the reception to cut off her network and electricity. Why? Oh... because I can.
Oh wait... what room were the guys in though?

Kiara's POV:
It's been an hour since Rebecca's text. Where is she? Wait why am I worried for her lmao. I still mention it to the boys but Mattia says "I'm honestly having a much better time without her ngl". "Same" we all laugh. Dang I thought it was just me who couldn't stand her. I start to tell the boys about her and how much I hate her. I don't know why they care but they really like when I tell them the whole story we almost cry from laughing.

"It's like 8pm we should probably go for dinner" Kairi mentions. The boys tell me to wear something formal so I go into the bathroom to change while the guys all wear their tuxes in the bedroom. "Bruh can I come out nowww?" I knock on the bathroom door. "Not unless you wanna see my huge dick" Mattia slurs like a pervert and the guys laugh, including me. After about 5 minutes they tell me to come out and their jaws drop when they see me:

 After about 5 minutes they tell me to come out and their jaws drop when they see me:

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"Close ya mouths damn" I laugh. "Mamma miaaaaaa" Mattia flirts. He's funny lol. As I get my purse, the guys head towards the door, Alejandro stays beside me and says in a quiet voice "hey Kiara you look really beautiful". Why is he so nervous goddamn. "Oh thankyou. You look great too." We both kinda blush but are snapped back to reality when Alvaro starts groaning.
"Why is the door fucking locked??".
"Shut the fuck up weakass" Kairi says trying to open the door but fails.
"Get outta the way Olaf" Mattia laughs but also fails to open the door. We all panic.

I try to call Emily and Adi multiple times while the guys try other numbers. There is no service omg what? The hotel phone isn't working either. I have no idea what's going on but I'm not okay. The lights ain't working too omg.

I finally am able to reach Emily but the service is extremely bad. I tell her about the situation and she tells me that she saw Rebecca lock our door because she thought it was just me in there. I beg her to get help but she just says "Noooo you are gonna be locked in there. Have fun. I'll stay here with Adi until you get out. Good luck!". "WHAT THE FUCK EMILY THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE JOKING AROUND GET ME OUT OF HERE" I whisper/yell at her so the boys don't hear me. "Just tell the boys that I'm in hospital or something and that's why I can't get help. You will thank me for this Kiaraaaa. Live your life girl. You gonna enjoy this. Btw I know you got food in there." "EMIL-" my phone dies.

I come out of the bathroom and see the guys kinda just chilling on their beds while I'm having a literal anxiety attack smh. "Soooo, I have news" I start. "What happened?" Roshaun says. I tell them the situation about Rebecca and Emily (the hospital version) and they laugh. "Wow. Well it's okay. We aren't really in a rush anyways" Kairi giggles. "But don't y'all have a flight tomorrow?" I ask. "No actually we are in Melbourne for like a week. So we chillin. You got anywhere to go?" Mattia says. Me: "Uh..."
Mattia: "Great."
Me: "what do you mean 'great'?"
Kairi: "We all have nowhere to go, nothing to do, and we are locked in a fancy hotel room, with food, a shower and a bunch of people. Seems pretty lit to me."
Me: "But we have no electricity, or phone chargers or anything!"
Roshaun: "we all have our suitcases here. It will be fine. Someone will find us soon. Chill."
Me: "hm. Okay... I guess. What are we gonna do? We could be stuck here for days."
Alvaro: "yeah probably the whole week. Until our manager gets us for our flight on the 27th."
Alejandro: "we can talk"
Alejandro looks at me. I look away.
I can't believe I'm stuck here.
Author Note: what up y'all?

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