~Chapter 7~

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Kiara's POV:

Mattia pours some vodka into a few glasses.
Kairi: "Y'all sure you wanna drink that shit straight up? Like neat? No mix-ins like juice or something? At least some lime and salt or some shit??
Mattia: "Yo kai stop being a pussy. It will take way too long for it to hit us anyway. Since it's yours and Kiara's first time, you can go slow."

"It's not my first time," I say. Everyone looks at me and I kinda wish I didn't say that.
*what the fuck* Mattia mouths while laughing his ass off.
Alejandro seems to notice I'm embarrassed so he changes the subject.

Ale: "Soooo, what are we doing? Just drinking vodka while sitting on the goddamn floor like we're in some type of satanic cult?"

Alvaro: Truth or Dare?

Everyone groans and I thank the Lord in heaven bc I don't wanna end up sucking someone's dick lmao. (Author: I didn't wanna make this a typical 'truth or dare' storyline but I can't think of anything else sksksksk)


Roshaun: "what the fuck we all gonna be kissing each other now? Didn't know y'all were into me like that oop-"

Ale: "Okay let's just say something nobody knows about us?"

Everyone agrees and I guess it can't be too hard for me since these guys don't know shit about me anyway.

Kairi: "Okok to make it more interesting let's make every round have like a theme or something. First one is easy, something embarrassing that nobody knows about you"


We all take a huge sip of our drinks. It was kinda gross but not something I am not used to.

Ale: "Okay who's first?"

The room goes silent.

Alvaro: "Goddamn okay I'll go. Hmmm, I like to grind on pillows when I'm bored and horny."

Ale: "Bruh everyone knows that about you the fuck"

Me: "Yup even I have seen the videos"

(Author note: If y'all don't know what videos I'll put it in this chapter somewhere)

We all laugh but Alvaro gets the pillow from the sofa and starts mf grinding istg this guy needs a therapist😭💀

Kairi: "I shower once a week. Sometimes once in two weeks."

"OOOF" everyone's reactions are priceless.

Roshaun: "You're a gross mother fucking child oh my goddddd this guy bruh"

I don't know why but my mind goes to Emily and how I lied to the guys that she is in hospital. I decide to tell them the truth.

"Guys I have something to confess" I start.

Mattia: "Let me guess, you lost your v card when you were 10? You are gay? No, no wait you're actually a guy!?"

"Shut the fuck up bro. You're gonna be mad when I tell you" I snap. Everyone goes quiet and I get even more nervous.

"So, my friend Emily is not really in the hospital. When I called her, she told me how Rebecca locked us in but Emily purposely left us here. She said to me that I will 'thank her later for this'. So she is still in this hotel with her boyfriend, just living life while knowing that we are stuck here. There is no way I would do this on purpose I didn't mean for this to happen-"

Alejandro cuts me off by bursting out in laughter. "What?" I say. Everyone else also bursts out laughing. I'm so confused right now. These guys are stuck in this room for a week because of me. This is not the reaction I was expecting.

Kairi: "That's what you were worried about?? We don't care, Kiara. This is probably the most fun we have had in a long time."
Everyone else agrees. Wow.

Mattia: "Yeah bro you really need to learn how to relax." *smirk*

I roll my eyes at him but am silently so relieved. I thought these guys would hate me. Maybe people are right when they say I overthink too much.

*Everyone goes back to the game, getting more and more drunk with each round. Alvaro dares Kiara to twerk and she surprises everyone with her talent*

"Dayummmmm" everyone goes.

*Mattia is dared to kiss Kairi*

Mattia: "Easy ass dare. Not something I never done before come here bby."

*The games continue on like this until it's Kiara's turn*

Alejandro's POV:

I notice that Kiara is really not impacted by the vodka. Either she is used to it, or she is really good at hiding it. I know she said it's not her first time but I can't help but wonder how many times she has actually had alcohol and god knows what else.

Mattia asks Kiara truth or dare. I get kinda stressed when she says 'dare'. I'm silently hoping he doesn't make her do something she doesn't want to. I would beat him up if he did anyway.

Mattia: "I dare you to tell us all, the story about your first time drinking."

Kiara seems so nervous and her face gets really red. Nobody else seems to notice. Are they blind? Just as I am about to open my mouth to speak, Kiara says "I have... well, I HAD a drinking problem..."

Everyone goes super silent and all we hear is the light traffic coming from below our building. It stays like this for a long time. I feel extremely bad that she is opening up to us like this.

Kiara: "So, yeah. I don't really want to get into it..."

I can't seem to open my mouth and I don't know why. Kiara doesn't seem like the kind of girl to have drinking problems.

Mattia: "Hey, it's alright. We all got issues right?"

Kiara finally starts to smile but everyone else starts asking her questions about it. I try to change the subject.

Me: "You know my cousin Mateo, he had a drinking problem too. It lasted for like a month tho. It happened a few years ago when he caught his girlfriend cheating on him. He got better once his whole family found out. They all rolled up to her house to smack tf outta her."

Alvaro bursts out laughing: "I don't mean to laugh but that shits funny."

Alvaro's weird laugh is contagious and everyone else's laughter follows.


Kiara's POV:

Mattia: "Wait Ki, how old are you again?"

Me: "Did you just call me Ki? The hell?"

Mattia: "Fucking answer bruh, I can't believe I never asked you. Guys! What if she is like 12? Or 27??

Kiara: "Yeah ok shut up. I'm 16. Oh, well actually 17 today. It's the 22nd of June right?"

Alejandro: "It's YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY?"
Author Note: HELLO DONT KILL ME FOR UPDATING SO LATE I KNOW ITS BEEN A MONTH AND I DESERVE THE HATE but honestly ur comments kept me motivated 😭🥳🤝 the next chapter is going up soon. I'm literally writing it right now. (It's gonna be emotional tho💪)

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