~Chapter 5~

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Alejandro's POV:
I wake up at the sudden feeling of emptiness on the bed next to me. Where is Kiara? I get scared. Did she leave? But then I smell something amazing. Oh thank god. She is in the kitchen making something that I literally cannot resist. I get up and see her in her cute outfit. Damn. Why she look extra good right now? The other guys wake up and I suddenly realise I'm not alone with her. I wish I was. Wait no what the fuck. I need to slow down. Why do I feel the need to slap her butt? Maybe I'm just horny. Yep. That's it.

All the guys rush to the kitchen and Kiara has the biggest smile on her face. I see pancakes and avocado toast and juice and a whole bunch of other things. She can cook. Everyone digs in while she watches us enjoy the food. Her eyes are on Roshaun. We all notice that he makes a weird face as if he hates the food. He has to be joking. All he eats is plain ass bread everyday when we are on tour. This is like a feast. Kiara loses her smile and I feel like punching Roshaun in the face so hard just so I can see her smile again. He starts laughing and she slaps his arm in a sarcastic way.
R: "HAHAH I'm sorry but this is just so good."
Alvaro. "Right? I haven't eaten like this in years."
R: "Shut up your mama makes good food too. Don't lie. I eaten that shit."
Alvaro: "okay you right."
I start thanking Kiara and tell her how she really didn't have to do all of this. Everyone smirks at me but Mattia is too busy staring at her boobs. When Kiara goes back to get herself some food I whisper/yell at Mattia.
Me: "what the fuck was that?"
Mattia: "what the fuck was what?"
Me: "stop staring at her like you about to eat her up. It's weird asf."
M: "Bro don't lie you know she is fucking hot."
Me: "Mattia back off. She isn't like the normal girls we hang out with and you know it."
M: "Ohhhh. I see what's happening here. You want her."
Me: "No shut up bruh"
M: "Hmmmm you sure?"
Me: "Yeah she already been through a lot. Don't make her even more uncomfortable."
The other boys agree with me. Thank god.
M: "Okay so you wouldn't mind if I asked her out?"
I hit Mattia in the head and I find myself wishing I did it harder. Kiara comes back with her food and we all go back to silent eating.
After breakfast, we clean up and everyone showers because we feel kinda gross.
Kiara's POV:
Alvaro: "Sooooo... today is the 21st. We have until the 27th to do whatever the fuck we want"
Alejandro: "Or kill eachother out of pure boredom"
Mattia: "Nah this is gonna be fun. But first, we gotta make a pact."
Everyone bursts out in laughter.
Kairi: "Bro what the fuck we aren't 7 years old"
Mattia: "Just hear me out. We are stuck with eachother for a week. It may not seem like long but we have no internet or anything. Secrets are bound to come out because we won't have anything to do except for talking and shit. So, whatever happens in this room... stays. in. this. mother. fucking. room."
Mattia looks at all of us with a hopeful look and I feel like he has got a point. I really don't want the world to know that I had a panic attack on the first night I stayed with a room full of hot celebrities.
"Deal" I say while putting my hand in between us as if we are going for a soccer match.

Alejandro's POV:
I feel like Kiara is gonna be weirded out by Mattia's sudden interest in keepin everything a secret. Little does she know he is only saying it because-
"Deal" Kiara cuts me off my trail of thoughts. I somehow just know she is agreeing to it because of what happened last night, so I go with it. Just as I am about to put my hand ontop of hers, Mattia beats me to it. "Good" he says with his hand gently placed on hers, everyone else follows. A sudden burst of rage goes through me and I can't help but death stare Mattia for trying to get close to her. Who am I to judge when I know his real motive and still can't do shit about it? After all, one of us has to have her.

Author note: Only if Alejandro wasn't so busy glaring at Mattia, maybe he would have noticed that Kiara's eyes were focused on him...

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