1| Some things never change, do they?

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about three years later

NOVEMBER felt the sun rays of the bright spring day creep through her window. She had a content smile plastered on her face as she stretched and yawned, knowing it was Saturday and had no school.

The soon-to-be fourteen year old brunette stood up from her bed and walked over to the calendar that hung on her wall. She crossed off today's date before her eyes wandered over to a date exactly three days from it- her fourteenth birthday. Sadly, it was on a Tuesday, meaning she had to go to the horrid place she called school.

Now, lots has changed in November's life ever since they won their first playoff game in peewees. For instance, November and the rest of the remaining ducks can't play peewees anymore as their last season just came to an end. Most ducks however, quit this previous season as Bombay was much to busy with his future career to coach them, so they got a new coach that some weren't too fond of.

Nova's father did pass away and she does get sad about it from time to time but she has healed in these past three years. Although, her mother has too, she hasn't healed as much as Nova has. The women still works a lot and would come home late due to the fact that she'd visit the cemetery a lot.

She smaller girl has grown too- not so much but still. Back when she was ten years old, she was no taller than 5 foot where as most of her friends were around 5'3- 5'4.

Unfortunately, They've all grown too. the boys more than the girls. Her best friend, Connie Moreau, now stands at good 5'6 height. November is around 5'5 whereas Adam Banks is 5'9, Guy Germaine is 5'8, Charlie Conway is 5'8, Averman is 5'7... The list goes on.

Nova walked away from her calendar and kicked the size five soccer ball that sat in her room. November hasn't played actual soccer in a while, however, she would play around with the ball in summer sometimes and needless to say, her skills have improved quite much.

She walked over to her closet and looked at the clothes hanging around. She grabbed out a pair of short denim shorts and a white tank top. She slipped on a pastel yellow windbreaker with three white stripes going down each sleeve.

She brushed out her brunette hair that was naturally wavy at the bottom and straight at the top. The girl grabbed some hair ties from her table and slipped it onto her wrist before going and brushing her teeth.

Nova skipped down her stairs as she slid her hand on the railing every time she stepped down a step.

As she reached the bottom step, she hopped down and sighed as she looked around the room. She found her mother passed out on the couch with the television on.

Nova walked over and pulled up the blanket that was slightly draped over her mother. She kissed her on the forehead before walking out the door.

Her rollerblades and helmet sat beside the door with knee pads and elbow pads beside it. She could hear the faint sound of cheering and hockey playing in the near distance.

November smirked as she quickly slipped on her skates and pads before jumping over her two porch steps. She didn't put on her helmet just yet as she held it under her arm like a basketball.

She grabbed the street hockey stick that leaned up against her garage door before she skated over to the house beside her, on the little island of grass between their houses. she looked around the corner sneakily.

Nova quickly grabbed the hair tie that was tied around her wrist and did her hair into a side braid that fell down her shoulder.

"across goalie..." She heard as she peaked around the corner to see her neighbours driveway.

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now