14| Apologise to her

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CONNIE AND JULIE ran into the classroom that early morning as majority of the Ducks sat and waited for Miss McKay. The two girls had frightened looked on their faces as they each approached a certain group of boys.

Connie quickly went over to where Averman sat and talked with Guy, Adam, and Charlie while Julie went to go warn Fulton and Portman about what was to happen in the very near future.

Connie quickly slammed her two hands onto the table, looking the redhead square in the eyes.

"did you happen to be involved in that prank Goldberg, Luis, and Ken pulled on Dwayne... you guys are roommates after all"

Averman furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "I don't know what your talking bout.. Jesse and I went over to Adam, Guy and Charlie's dorm last night and ended up falling asleep there.. I think Ken went to my room though.. i didn't hear about any prank.."

Connie's eyes then widened before she quickly bolted away from the group towards another who contained Luis, Ken, and Goldberg.

"you boys are in deep shit.." Connie said bluntly at them

The three exchanged glances and looked up at her questionably before they heard three voices coming towards the classroom along with an irritated groan.

Connie and Julie looked at each other from across the room, both backing up from their designated group of boys.

They went to go sit by Adam, Guy, Charlie, and Averman who all sat there with curious looks.

"you gotta hold her back.." they heard Jesse's voice before an annoyed November came storming into the classroom. Dwayne followed behind her with a oblivious look with Jesse facepalming beside him.

She looked around and spotted Fulton and Portman snickering about something as she stomped over to them.

She grabbed them both by their shirts and forced them to stand up, looking at them intimidatingly. "Next time you twats decided to blast heavy rock music in the middle of the night while having an imaginary concert on your beds, you'll be lucky if you're still physically capable of playing hockey."

Fulton looked extremely frightened but by the look on Portman's face, he seemed like he was challenging his luck.

November both pushed them down roughly as she turned and made sure to hit Portman in the face with her ponytail. She quickly walked over to where Luis, Ken and Goldberg sat and obnoxiously slammed her hands onto the table and looked at them all.

"and you guys.. well- lets just say that if you decide to play a prank on someone, you best not be coming to our door screaming for help at midnight"

The girl looked like she were about to strangle the five boys she had talked to in the span of a minute as she turned to go back to where Portman looked like he were about to talk smack to the smaller but mighty girl.

"Oh god" Adam whispered as he pinched his nose and watched Portman approach the girl.

Nova stood her ground and narrowed her eyes at him as he looked down at her. "Aye you can't tell me what to do... munchkin"

November jaw dropped as she clinched her fists and let in a deep breath. Portman stood with a proud smirk that November was ready to slap right off his face.

Adam abruptly got out of his seat and in a panic, he quickly swooped November up and over his shoulder.

"What the? ADAM PUT ME DOWN!" November whined

"Darling you're tired, you need to sit down.." Adam said calmly before placing her in the seat he previously sat in.

She huffed out and fixed her top before standing up and beginning to walk towards Portman- However, Adam placed his hands down on her shoulders and gently pushed her back down to sit.

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now