3| It's not funny

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"I KNOW!" Nova exclaimed as she sat at the table the next morning for breakfast. Her mother, Samantha, and her were currently eating breakfast together as they talked about hockey and The Goodwill Games.

At first, November was procrastinating about whether she would be able to go or not as she wasn't sure if her mother would let her. However, the moment she got home the previous day, Samantha was sitting with a smile as apparently, Bombay had already informed her and she was all happy about it.

"I'm actually kind of nervous to meet the new guys.." Nova said as she took a bite from her toast.

Her mother took a sip of her coffee before setting it down on the table and nodding understandably. "Well these new kids must be good or they wouldn't have been chosen"

"But what if they're way better and basically just carry.."

"No Honey," Samantha Collins laughed out, "don't think like that. You really think that they'd be able to outshine Adam and you together"

Nova nodded vigorously. "just because were the Super Duo, does not mean we're all that super"

Samantha furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head as if she had heard something stupid. Nova looked up a bit and thought about what she had said.

"Okay.." Nova began, "maybe i'm overthinking this a bit.."

"really November, i haven't noticed?" Her mother said sarcastically before picking up her plate and kissing the top of Nova's head as she walked by towards the kitchen.

Nova snorted and took another bite of her toast before a loud series of knocks came from the front door.

"HOUSEKEEPING!" Nova heard. The girl rolled her eyes playfully and quickly grabbed her plate, bringing it to the kitchen.

"Averman is here" Her mother said nonchalantly as Nova set her plate down.

"really? i couldn't tell," Nova laughed sarcastically before kissing her mother's cheek, "well we're going to the rink now"

"alright sweetie," Samantha smiled, "tell Connie's mother that I say hello and thank you for the ride"

Nova was already at her front door slipping her shoes on as she yelled: "yep! i will!"

The girl checked herself out in the mirror before she left as it was a habit of hers. She slipped on her white converse which matched her blue jeans quite well. She wore a plain black spaghetti strap shirt with a red flannel overtop like a sweater.

Her hair was down but with the three hair ties she always had on her wrist, you already knew she would tie it up.

Nova opened the door, readying herself for what type of awkward scene she would see her friends in as she walked out.

"you're kid will be a literal carrot" She heard Guy say as she stepped outside with her hockey bag slung across her shoulder.

Nova furrowed her eyebrows at them and slowly grabbed the hockey stick that stood against the wall as she gave them confused glances. Averman was the first to notice her.

"Finally. I'm growing grey hairs out here waiting for you." Averman over exaggerated as he grabbed the stick in Nova's hand and began to walk off.

The girl scoffed and gave Guy a smile before following behind him. "good to see you too, Lester"

"who's Lester?" Averman shrugged sarcastically, shoving Nova's hockey stick at the back of Connie's mothers van. Nova rolled her eyes as she walked to the back of the van, putting her bag in.

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now