17| I don't want her getting hurt, Connie

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NOVEMBER groaned in frustration as Iceland had scored another goal, putting them at a 2-0 lead as they neared the end of the first Period.

Bombay had put her in but the moment she got checked to the ground, He pulled her out.

"Come on Coach get me out there!" Nova pleaded as she stood up and talked to her coach, "were dying! I was on for like a minute come on"

Adam looked up at their conversation as he bit the inside of his cheek. Bombay looked at November as she begged him to put her on before he glanced down at Adam. Bombay raised his eyebrows at him before he finally sighed and stood up with a small nod.

"Fine," Bombay said, looking back at November, "Just be careful out there"

Nova had a smile on her face that quickly disappeared as she swallowed a lump in her throat. There again, it seemed like people were underestimating her ability.

Nova jumped over the board followed by Adam, Fulton, Connie, and Averman. Charlie was skating off the ice as November hit it. He grabbed her arm before she could skate further in. "be carful"

Nova pulled her arm away from his grasp and talked through gritted teeth. "It's hockey, Of course i'm not going to be careful."

Nova rolled her eyes and cracked her neck as she skated onto the ice, feeling the aggressiveness Iceland had in .3 seconds as she had instantly been checked into the boards.

Nova huffed out and saw them skating towards the goal. Knowing the team lacked defence quite a lot saying as almost all of them were scorers, November zoomed down as fast as she could, even managing to slightly get past the Iceland player who had pushed her down.

She knew they were going to pass the moment they deked Goldberg out so Nova waited.

The second she saw the players stick wind up to pass to the player in the other side of the net, November swooped in and stole the puck, making sure to get to at least half before clearing it out.

She saw Luis going up the side as she quickly passed to him, hoping that a miracle would happen and that he'd actually be able to stop and score a goal.

Suddenly, November felt two strong forces up against each side of her. The girl screamed out in pain as she fell to the floor because of the tight impact.

Just as Luis expectedly slid to the boards, The referee blew his whistle and went over to where Nova lay on the floor with two large Icelanders towering over her, one of course being Gunner Stahl, the best player in the team.

Adam stopped and dropped his stick on the ice along with his helmet. His heartbeat raced as he skated quickly to November, even shoving Gunner and the other Viking in the process.

November lay flat on her back as she quietly groaned out in pain with her eyes shut, reminding Adam of the first time they played against each other when McGill had checked her hard to the boards.

"your little girlfriend is going down" He heard a thick Icelandic accent say. Adam couldn't help but clench is jaw as he looked up at Gunner.

"Go away." He snapped, seeing the referee come by and take Gunner and the other player away from November. As Adam looked back at her, he slowly saw her begin to calm down, opening her eyes in the process while letting out a small groan of pain when she tried to sit up.

"hey.." Adam began in a soft voice, "hey i'm here.. You okay?"

Nova let out a shaky breath as she sat up slowly. "Yeah.. yeah come on. We have a game to win.."

Adam bit the inside of his cheek as he supported her up to her feet. He shook his head and looked at her with worry. "You know, maybe you should sit this out.."

"No, i'm fine.."

"Nova, seriously. You-"

November looked at him as he talked, making him stop what he was saying when he saw the visible hurt in her eyes. He was suddenly speechless when he looked at her.

She let out a sigh and shook her head is disbelief, harshly tugging her arm out of Adam's grasp. "I'm fine, Adam," She snapped, "i can take them"

Adam sighed and looked everywhere but at her before running a hand through his hair. "Nova i just don't want you getting hurt. These guys are-"

"Three times bigger than me?" November interrupted with a soft but hurt laced voice, "Adam.. why can't you just believe in me.. please"

"I do believe in you, I- I do! but-"

"Then let me play."

With that, November skated off as she fixed her helmet.

Adam couldn't help but shut his eyes and let out a long sigh, just praying that Bombay would do a line change soon.. or maybe just get November off because she was the last thing he wanted to see get hurt.. especially if he knew that he was able to do something to prevent it.

"hey Connie.." Adam began as he skated up to Connie's side when the period ended. The two took seats in the box along with everyone else on their line, talking quietly as Bombay spoke.

She hummed in response, looking at him.

"Can- Can you convince November to.. I- i don't know.."

"You want her to sit out, don't you?" Connie asked

Adam sighed feeling a wash of guilt spread around his body as he gave a small nod. He didn't even focus on the game as he would usually be eager to watch the second period commence- however, he felt this was much more important.

Connie gave him a sympathetic look before she judged him lightly. "I'll tell you something right now.." Connie began, "you and I both know that there's no way we can get Nova out if this game.. right?"

Adam nodded before she continued

"Look Adam, I know you want to make sure she doesn't get hurt but... You can't hold her back from this. The worst thing to do would be pulling her from the game... especially now that Portman's out."

"Well- yeah I know she's a great player but-"

"No Adam... that's not what I meant. I- It's hard to explain.."

Adam let out a sharp sigh as he ran his hands through his head and held his head in the while he rested his elbows on his knees. "I don't want her getting hurt, Connie"

The girl couldn't help but feel her heart drop when she heard the slight voice crack in his voice. "I know you care about her a lot but she's strong... she can handle them"

Adam breathed out and closed his eyes, staying silent for a moment. After a while, he finally looked up a Connie to see her giving him a knowing and sympathetic smile and look. "I can't stand seeing her in pain... i can't"

Connie chuckled to lighted the mood as she nudged his arm. "Then close your eyes"

Adam snorted and laughed back lightly before glancing around and looking for a pair of bright green eyes he knew well. He needed to see if she was alright.

The boy knew he found them when he felt his heart and stomach close in. As he looked at her, he gave her a nod and smile. And now, as the girl smiled back, he couldn't help but feel a bit better about situation and how he felt about the game...

brynn speaks !

i've been working on this chapter all day 😤 i've deleted so many paragraphs and rewritten them.. i might scream


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