2| It's a habit

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     THE DUCKS cheered as they stoped skating along the long trail of the park. They had just found Fulton- exactly the person they were looking for.

Nova had been previously smiling after getting news that they were going to play in the Junior Goodwill Games- also means her dream of playing internationally was happening.

Currently, Fulton held up a bunch of clothes that belong to Larson, McGill, and another Hawk.

He celebrated as he accomplished tying them to a tree in their boxers with fisherman string.

The group skated down towards the tree they were tied to and patted Fulton on the back.

Averman, however, made faces at the hawks tied to the tree, making them struggle as they tried to get to him. This caught Nova's attention as November smiled and turned around to face the four boys.

Nova looked at Averman and rolled her eyes playfully before looking back at the hawks- primarily catching Larson's loathsome glare.

The boy looked at her and calmed down before letting a smirk settle onto his face. She internally groaned knowing what was coming next.

Finn Larson has had a crush on November Collins since last year on the first day of seventh grade. She, apparently to him, had a glow up over that summer and he sure hasn't been scared to show his affection about it.

Nova, on the other hand, has rejected the boy so many times that it could be in the book of world records.

"Well hello November," He smirked, "long time no see... i've missed you"

Nova rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip sassily. "i saw you yesterday, Finn." She sighed, "it's only been 24 hours... can't you do math?"

"if i say no will you tutor me?" he said with a smile as he raised his eyebrows in hope

"I'd rather spend my days doing something i like.."

"you could like doing me." He laughed out with a smirk.

November's jaw dropped. She bent down and picked up a handful of grass and threw it at him. "i'd rather not!" She said in a grossed out tone, "we're fourteen for God sake!"

Larson cocked an eyebrow, trying to act seductive. "Fourteen is just a number," He scoffed, "just like nine.. i'd be the one you need"

Nova crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, Averman watching amusingly at his best friend reject the brunette boy stranded in his blue horse boxers.

"a) that didn't even make sense, and b) can't you take a hint?" Nova scoffed, "i don't like you"

"just give me an hour and we'll see what you say after that" He said with a wink

Nova grew furious and physically facepalmed at the boys stupidity. "and you wonder why i won't date you.."

Larson sighed and rolled his eyes as his amused face went down. "whatever..." He said, "just because i'm not Banksy over here you won't give me a chance?"

Nova snapped her attention upwards and quietly growled before walking up to the boy and placing an intimidating finger on his chest.

"you listen here, Larson," She began harshly, "Adam has nothing to do with it. I won't date you because you're a horny, superficial dork who cares only about looks. Oh! and did i mention that for two freaking years- from ages ten to twelve, you bullied me! You're just a jerk Finn Larson and i don't know about other girls but i for one would never, ever! date you."

Nova huffed out and quickly turned around, making sure to whip him in the face with her braid. She walked over to her team and some- like Connie, Adam, Averman and Guy- watched with curious looks as she walked back.

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now