10| A cute girl is a cute girl

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      "THAT WAS YOUR FAULT" Nova pouted with her arms crossed as she stomped beside Adam.

"My fault?! You're the one who decided to go up to that french swimmer and talk like a fish!" Adam exclaimed

"That was before the entire Italian boys soccer team walked in! You decided to make fun of me and push me their direction" Nova said as they turned the corner and walked outside to go to the garden trail leading to their dorms

"you were making heart eyes at them, admit it!"

"i was not! you just embarrassed me for no reason and because of that, we got a complaint"

"alright i'm sorry," Adam apologised in defence, "but i gotta say, i did see that one guy- Number 19, checking you out"

"what?!" Nova piped up as she turned in Adam's direction with a hopeful look, "really?!"

Adam chuckled and shook is head as a smirk of triumph crept onto his face. Nova pouted and narrowed her eyes at him before stepping closer, placing an intimidating finger on his chest.

"why is it that it's always moments like these where we walk in on you two?" They heard a voice say, snapping their attentions to the side.

Connie stood with a smile with Guy beside her, holding her hand.

"yeah," Guy agreed, "it's like Nova is always just about to give you a lecture but we always somehow show up"

Adam looked down at Nova with a smirk before looking back at the pair. He shrugged, "just my luck"

Nova rolled her eyes and stepped away from him slightly, entirely facing the couple. "yeah whatever.. So what's up?"

"we were actually coming to find you," Guy said as he scratched the back of his neck, "well- i was looking for Adam.."

"gee Guy, really feeling the love" Nova said sarcastically

The boy chuckled awkwardly before letting go of Connie's hand. "uh- yeah sorry... if you don't mind me taking him away for a minute, i just have to talk to him about something"

Nova shrugged and crossed her arms. "knock yourself out. It's not like i own the guy"

Guy chuckled awkwardly again before taking Adam's arm and pulling him away to a far tree where the girls couldn't hear them.

"you would think he'd tell us whatever he's telling him.. i mean- we've been the three amigos since day one" Nova told Connie as she watched the distant boys conversations

Connie shrugged and looked off too. "it's probably about some stupid guys night they're planning that they don't want us to know about"

"that's insulting. As if we're not one of the guys"

"right! i mean, sometimes we're more manly than they are"

"Honestly, You, me and Julie are having a girls night. It's settled" Nova said as she held up her chin in triumph

"yep. When the boys are off on their boys night doing whatever, we'll be having a girls night that is way better than theirs"

Nova laughed and looked back at the boys who seemed to continue their conversation. "you know," Nova began, turning back to Connie, "let's go back to the room. Adam seems preoccupied with your boyfriend anyway"

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now