9| Speaking of the devil

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      "FINALLY" Julie Gaffney huffed out as she flopped back on her bed.

November laughed as she leaned up against her own beds headboard while Connie was sprawled out on the floor before she jolted up quickly.

"we're all done unpacking now?" Connie piped up in enthusiasm and hope

Nova nodded and furrowed her eyebrows before flopping onto her stomach and facing towards the end of her bed.

"What do you have in mind?" Julie asked as she sat up onto her elbows.

"well.." Connie began as she sat in a crisscrossed position, "we should all get to know each other- well i mean.. We should get to know you, Julie"

"so we all just share stuff about ourselves?" Julie asked

Connie nodded vigorously while Nova rested her chin on her hand with an intrigued look.

"well.. my name is Julie Gaffney.. i'm from Bangor, Maine and I play goalie" She said softly

Nova chuckled while Connie smiled wider and still persuaded to know more about the girl. "you think anyone on the team is cute? c'mon, we won't tell"

Julie opened her mouth to speak but Nova stopped her before she could. "wait.. I might want to warn you that if you say Guy, Connie might attack you.. Fair warning"

Julie let out a small scared expression before letting out a relaxed nod. "noted," She said, "wait who's Guy again?"

"my," Connie answered as she raised her hand, "boyfriend. Number 00"

"ohh yeah definitely not"

November snorted and moved a bit, leaning off the bed to get closer to Julie's as she gave her a high five.

Connie playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. "whatever," She chuckled, "what about... Charlie?"

Julie just shrugged and shook her head no.

"Portman?" Nova added

Julie let out a loud laugh that indicated 'i can't believe you said that'. "No way"

"Adam?" Connie asked, stealing a glance at Nova who seemed quite unfazed at the question

"Adam.." Julie trailed off, "who was Adam again? was he the guy from earlier?"

Nova hummed and looked down at her nails as she talked. "yep. The blond one with blue eyes"

Julie looked at Connie with a confused expression before looking at Nova. "i thought you guys were a thing- or am i misreading things.."

Nova looked up and shrugged. "no we're not together. He's my best friend"

"you know who else said that they were just friends?" Connie interjected, "Louis Lane and Superman. But you know what.. they always liked each other and eventually got married"

Nova glared at Connie. "you did not just use superman to contrast Adam and I. Connie, you know that just doesn't work"

"w-why doesn't it work?" Julie asked in

Connie looked at her quickly and explained. "November calls Adam Superman. It's like their thing- well one of them.. They have a lot, but that's the main one. Only Nova can call him Superman and well- everyone used to call Nova Supernova but only Adam can call her Super Nova Collins. They're considered the Super duo.. you get it?"

"i think so" Julie nodded

Connie looked back to Nova with one eyebrow raised and a look on her face.

Nova rolled her eyes and mimicked Connie's look. "you know i like Marvel better than DC."

Connie narrowed her eyes. "i also know that that's not the only thing you're getting from this conversation"

"i know that you know that i don't want to talk about the other things i'm getting from this conversation"

"why? because i'm right"

"no because you're embarrassing yourself by saying such foolishness"

Julie watched and looked back and forth between the two in amusement and confusion before they heard a knock at the door.

Connie averted her intense gaze away from Nova as she got up and walked towards the door. She opened it up to where it stopped due to the door stopper, revealing a familiar face.

"Nova it's for you" Connie said instantly as she shut the door, took of the door stopper and opened it fully.

"speaking of the devil" Nova grunted out she she rolled out of bed and walked towards the door. Fixing up her shorts and the tuck of her navy blue tank top in the process.

"howdy" She greeted as she looked out to see a happy looking Adam.

"you done unpacking?" he piped up

Nova hummed and nodded in response

"okay come on! let's go explore!" Adam smiled

Nova chuckled slightly and leaned against the doorframe. "Dude, are you serious? we have a game tonight and i have serious jetlag"

"you say that like i care" Adam shrugged

Nova narrowed her eyes at him as he smiled innocently.

"ok goodbye" She said before turning and beginning to shut the door, Adam stopping it quickly.

"come on Nova! i was kidding"

Nova opened the door again except this time she had her matching usa jacket on.

"you gotta admit," She said as she stepped outside of the dorm into the hallway, "i had you there"

"yeah yeah.. you know i wouldn't have stopped until you came, right?" Adam said as he shoved his hands in his pockets and began walking beside Nova.

Nova nodded and smiled up at him. "yep.. and you know that i'm your partner in crime and would never let out go on an adventure without me"

"who says your my partner in crime," Adam glanced down at her, "what if it's Charlie?"

Nova gave off an offended look and gasped. "i'm sorry, i think i misheard you. Might i remind you that we're- You and I- are the Super Duo. You came up with that. You can't be going around saying Charlie is your partner in crime! who is he? Captain America?"

Adam shrugged and chuckled at his intended accomplishment. "basically"

Nova huffed out and crossed her arms with a pout. "And to think, i'm on an adventure with you"

Adam chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "i wouldn't call walking around this place much of an adventure"

"you just have to make it one" Nova smirked

Adam cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows before he felt a sudden grasp at his hand.

Nova smiled and intertwined their fingers before nodding a ready.

Despite Adam's clear look if confusion, Nova took off, dragging the boy with her.

brynn speaks !

omg i've been so busy recently. I've had two exams and i have a test tomorrow and on top of that, i had 3 hour trades (it's for soccer fyi) yesterday and now 
my feet hurt and i also got my braces tightened and added some brackets so i am in pain. Plus i'm tired bc i'm making this at 10 at night in a Wednesday


𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now