6| It's not my fault i'm smart

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      THE WIND BLEW in November's hair as she walked up towards where Guy, Connie, and Adam were sitting. The three were chatting up a about something as they waited for their tutor, Miss Mckay.

As Nova came up to them, she moved her sunglasses up her head and rested it on her hair, tucking some strands back.

She yawned and sat down on the log, sitting between Adam and Connie before stretching her legs out in front of her.

"i thought you just went to go for a nap" Guy laughed as he looked at her. The girl shrugged as everyone reminisced on earlier that day when they were all called upon for a shared breakfast as a team and Tibbles showed them advertisements and gave out their USA gear.

Back then, November was nearly falling asleep by every word Tibbles said where as everyone else watched her while still attempting to keep their attention up.

The girl was not a morning person and it showed through the fact that when she got to the place, she was just wearing grey sweatpants and a black spaghetti strap tank top- making Portman wolf whistle at the tired girl. She would have almost beat him up if it weren't for her being so tired and grumpy and Bombay telling him off and telling Nova to cover herself up. Fortunately, Adam had a hoodie for her to wear at that moment.

"here," She said to Adam as she placed the relatively old black, Hawks hoodie saying, Banks 9 on his lap, "thanks by the way."

"I don't want it," Adam laughed, giving her the hoodie back, "just keep it. i was going to get rid of it anyway"

"what are even the chances of you having this hoodie at that moment?"

Adam shrugged while folding up the hoodie carefully and placing it onto the ground. "i was wearing it on my way out but then i found my blue and white windbreaker in my dads car and just decided to wear it. Besides, this hoodie is kinda small for me"

Nova nodded understandably and stood up to fix her new USA top, which was tucked into her jean shorts.

"hey i just realised something," Connie began, causing Nova to turn and look at her, "you're the only one here who's not wearing the new track pants."

Nova nodded and sat back down. "well... a) red and blue aren't my colours," Nova began, putting a finger up to count her reasons, "b) i'm not wearing the same colour on the same colour, c) this USA windbreaker and these shorts are cute together, and d) these were the first things i got my hands on after my nap"

"so we basically just had to ignore all those first reasons until the last one to know why you're really wearing what your wearing?" Guy inquired as he leaned forward to look around Connie.

Nova nodded and smiled, "yep. basically."

Eventually, the entire team had showed up and sat around at the park while they listened to Miss Mckay speak. Some sat at a table, some sat near the tree, some sat on logs, and some even sat on canoes.

November was sitting on the grass with her legs stretched out in front of her. She was leaning up against the log that Ken Wu and Adam were sitting on. Currently, Nova rested her head on Adam's legs which also rested his elbows as he had his knees up.

"Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilisation," Michelle McKay began to say, "see in Greece, they didn't have professional sports or wheaties boxes. So, the athletes competed for another reason... anybody?"

November's hand shot up eagerly as Miss McKay looked around the group. Nova was up straight and raising her hand up as high as she could before Goldberg decided to blurt out an answer.

"falafels?" He joked

Nova calmed down a bit as his snarky remark caused her to give him a look- nonetheless, her hand was still up in the air whilst everyone laughed at him.

"Charlie?" McKay said calmly as she looked at the brunette boy sitting on top of a picnic table.

"Pride" He replied as he put his hand down

Nova huffed out silently before resting back into her previous position with a pout.

Now, the girl was unbeknownst to the boy looking at her and the small smile that grew on his face. Adam nudged her with his leg, snapping her away from the lesson as she looked up at him.

He leaned down slightly so he could whisper in her ear. "you might dislocate your shoulder from how aggressively you're raising up your hand"

Nova scoffed and turned her head completely to look at him. His face being inches away from hers, slightly grew red at the close proximity before the two decided to back away slightly.

"it's not my fault i'm smart" Nova whispered

"it is your fault that you just lied" Adam retorted

November rolled her eyes playfully and stuck her tongue out at him. "i can say pride in five different languages"

"November," Adam began to say, trying to contain the laughter coming out, "darling, you could barely speak proper English this morning"

"okay Mr Hotshot," Nova snorted quietly, "I will have you know that i get quite good grades"

"oh no, i know you do. You were top of the class all through middle school- but sometimes, you're brain just doesn't function properly" Adam whispered before looking at her and smiling softly

"look man, it hard when you get waken up at 7:30 in the morning after... i don't know- you're neighbour decides to call you at midnight saying that his dog pooped on his floor and that the poop looked like me..."

"aw November," Adam whispered in a baby voice, "don't get so mad. I was just joking around"

"i don't care. I lost about five minutes of well deserved sleep there" Nova pouted as she looked ahead and diverted her attention away from the boy

Adam smirked and punched her shoulder lightly, signalling her to look at him again. She refused to turn her head so Adam continuously did it until she was annoyed enough to look at him.

As she turned her head, she opened her mouth to speak and say a snarky remark but then looked into his eyes as the sun rays moved to hit them. It was a perfect blue- like an ocean she could just get lost in.

Adam, at this moment, looked into her green ones. Even after all the times he as looked into those eyes, all the things he noticed in those eyes, he could still get captivated by them as every time, he noticed something new. Even if it was the smallest change, he could see it.

So now, as they looked at each other's eyes as the sun rays hit them, Adam noticed the small specks of light brown that scattered around near the outside of November's eyes; while November noticed the light lines of white that contrasted perfectly with the blue- making it look like waves of water.

brynn speaks !

so sorry i haven't updated in a while. I've been dealing with something this weekend with this person and writing this story reminds me a lot of him for reasons... also, I'm just trying to figure some stuff out... so i apologise for not updating- i will try my best to keep this daily and of course good.

In the meanwhile, make sure to COMMENT and share, and vote...


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