30| Platonic Flirting?

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"COACH SHOULDN'T WE HAVE our gear on?" Luis asked as the team skated onto the ice rink for that last practice that season. It was bitter sweet feeling for November- more bitter but she wished it was sweet.

"Guys, it's our last practice, you know what that means?" Bombay asked

"The return of captain blood.." Averman snickered

Everyone laughed while Bombay rolled his eyes playfully. "No.." he trailed as he reached behind him to grab a beach ball, "it means let's have fun!"

He threw the ball onto the ice and everyone chased after it except Charlie and Guy who both exchanged knowing glances before skating up to Adam and pulling him to the side.

The boy didn't have his sling on anymore but the boys seemed to forget about his wrist so accidentally, they pulled him by that arm.

"Ow Charlie!" Adam hissed as Guy leaned up against the wall while Charlie let go of Adam's arm and sent him an apologetic look.

"Sorry Adam... but we need to talk"

The blond furrowed his eyebrows and looked between his two friends. "Alright..."

Guy glanced over to Charlie and nodded before looking to Adam with a hesitant look. "Uh... so.. When are you planning to tell November how you feel?"

Adam chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Never?"

Charlie's eyes widened as he shook his head vigorously. "Nah man! You gotta tell her!"

"Yeah please!" Guy added

Adam gave off a confused expression. "Why? I already told you guys that it's a tiny crush, I'll just let it blow over. I don't want to ruin our friendship"

"That's the thing Adam..." Charlie began, "it's not a little crush.."

"It is-"

"No it's not. You may think it is, but you've never liked or payed attention to any girl aside form her. It's always been hockey for you. You can't say that it's just a little crush"

Adam held his breath and bit the inside of his cheek as he looked away from the two boys in silence. You could hear the distant laughs and voices of the team but it was basically all blurred out to the three.

"Adam you have to tell her while we're here.." Guy said to break the silence.

Adam shook his head and looked back at the two with a curious yet thoughtful look. "Why do you guys want me to tell her so bad?"

"Just trust us!" They said simultaneously, shocking them slightly as they gave each other weird glances.

"She doesn't like me that way, there's no point.."

"Bull crap." Charlie remarked while Guy nodded

"She likes you man!" Guy pushed on

Adam raised an eyebrow at him and tried to hide his hopeful look. "Did she tell you that?"

Guy tilted his head to the side and sighed. "Well no-"


Charlie, who had just about reached his limits, huffed out a sharp breath before grabbing Adam's shoulders and made him face him. "Listen to us! She likes you back! It's so obvious! You two flirt with one another like all the time!" Charlie said a bit too loud for Adam's liking.

The boy blushed red and glanced around to make sure nobody was listening to them talk. "Shut up, keep your voice down Charlie!" He whisper-yelled, "and we don't flirt-"

"Yes you do! Are you stupid?" Guy exclaimed with a frustrated tone

Charlie glanced between them and nodded. "Yes he is, we're past that though..." Charlie said quickly, "Look Adam-"

Adam rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Guys!" He interrupted, "look... I like November, yes, but I'll tell her how I feel when I want to... and we don't flirt it's more like.... platonic?"

Charlie opened his mouth to speak before he shut it and gave Adam and weird look. The boy took his grasp away from the boy and tilted his head in confusion. "Platonic flirting?"

Adam shrugged and nodded with a flustered look. "Yeah..."

Guy blinked and looked at him with a slightly stunned expression. "Ok yeah he's stupid," he said as he and Charlie exchanged glances. Guy turned back to Adam with a small bewildered expression, "what the hell is platonic flirting?"

"Flirting platonically?"

Charlie facepalmed while Guy just stared at his friend in stupidity.

"I can't..." Charlie whispered to himself

Adam just rolled his eyes at the boys and backed away. "Look guys... it our last practice and I would really like to have fun... I'll- I'll tell her, alright? Tomorrow. Maybe- most likely... I don't know but I'll tell her eventually ok? Just let me be"

Guy and Charlie watched as Adam skated off while shaking his head. Charlie took this moment to huff out in frustration.

Guy looked over to see Charlie stomp his skate onto the ground aggressively. "Calm down Charlie.."

"I can't calm down, Guy! We're about to lose our best friend..."

Guy bit the inside of his cheek and looked off to where November skated with Connie playfully in circles. "I know... but it's best for her-"

"But what about Adam?" Charlie interrupted, "if he doesn't realise how he truly feels about her soon..."

"I know," Guy sighed, "I know you don't want her to leave- none of us do... but we can't hold her back Charlie. We always knew she'd have bigger things coming for her..."

Charlie swallowed the lump in his throat and shook his head. "If there's one person who we both know will make her stay, it's Adam..."

Guy nodded in agreement and shrugged. "But you know Nova... even if we told her to stay and she would have-"

"But that's different... we're her best friends. We need to support her and let her do what's best for her-"

"Adam is her best friend too... don't you think he'll tell her to go- no matter how much it kills him inside"

Charlie ran and hand through his hair and let out a sharp sigh. "Ten days ago, I would have... but now.. It's just unpredictable"

Guy shrugged and agreed with him but didn't say anything more on the topic. "Look Charlie... Adam was right, it's our last practice- we should be having fun... it's Nova's last practice and it may be our last one ever with her... can't we just enjoy it?"

Charlie looked at Guy and pondered for a moment before giving in. Just as the two skated back towards the team, they couldn't help but catch Adam staring at Nova from one side of the rink as she laughed and spun in circles with Connie.

That was when realisation flashed Guy Germaine's mind. That was when he knew that when Adam Banks finds out about November... At least one person would inevitably get hurt...

Brynn speaks !

Ok I'm almost done this book and I already made the cover for the third one and omg! It's actually so good, I'm so proud of it!


𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 [𝟐] ✓Where stories live. Discover now