Months have passed

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Stephen's POV(about Stephen fangirling about Tony? IDK)

"Months have past and I still don't know how I feel about Tony..?! HELP ME LOKI?!", I look up at Loki as he smirked looking at him as he was putting on his black nail polish. "Oh boy, I knew it, Strange likes Stark~!", He teased. I raised my eyebrow and was about to ask a questions, THE GUY THAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT COMES RUNNING IN. "oh h-h-hey Stephen, Hi loks, I was wondering if you've seen my screwdriver, I think I left in your room when I was trying to steal you blanket cloak thing", I think he was talking about Levi? WAIT, DID THIS BOY SAY STEAL. "I'm sorry, Tony..did you just say steal?", He looked at Loki then at me. "Actually I think I'll go find my dad..,". but his dad's office is all the way on the other side of campus...? He quickly ran out of the room before I even got up. "You know....Stark might like you too?", Loki says looking at me weird. "I told you, these aren't feelings of love,Loki", I say annoyed. "Well, Stephen I think you need a makeover..", I'm sorry, what did he say....a makeover. I turned to look at him, my messy hair covering my eyes. "I guess your right, Loki", I agreed as we got up. "Well, since we have the rest of the day off, let's go to the mall!", Loki said making a portal into the mall. "Are we allowed to go?", I asked not wanting to get into trouble. He smirked and pushed me in. I looked around the mall and there were so many places to get clothes. "First we need to get you a haircut!", Loki said pointing to my hair, I smiled as we both walked into the hairdressers.
Once I cut my hair, I looked like Benedict Cumberbatch from one of those movies! (lol). I put a hand through my new hair and I actually liked it. Damn I look hot, I think. We finally both some clothes. I have a few blue long sleeve shirts, black jeans and converses. Who knew Loki could pay for all of this. Once we finally came home I decided to put on my new clothes to show Tony.

"Hey Tony?", I said slowly coming into his room '
watching him fix some weird machine thing. "Y-yes Stephen?", He replied without looking. "Notice anything different?", I say smiling fondly as he slowly turned around, his face turning a shade of pink. "Wow...Y-you look ama-awesome!", Tony said going back to his work. "T-thanks!", I stuttered out. OMG WHY DID I STUTTER. I walked out looking at my new look through his mirror.
Tony's POV
OMG. Last night, Stephen looked so hot. His new haircut, new clothes, HIS RIPPED JEANS. OMG, I can't even process what I saw. "Mr Stark!", Mr Coulson, my Social Studies teacher yelled out my name snapping me out of my daydream. "Y-yes, Mr Coulson!", I mock his tone as he started to get angry at me. "Pay attention, this is going to be in your exam!", he simply said. Damn, my mind keeps playing Stephen and his new look. The bell rang for Lunchtime and I saw Stephen at the cafeteria. I smiled at me as I sat next to him. "Hi Tones!", he said smiling at me with that beautiful smile he does. "Hey Stephy!", I reply looking down at my food. "God", we hear a voice in front of us. It was Bucky. "What is it Bucky?", Stephen asked confused. Bucky scrunched eyebrows together as if he was annoyed. "Just GET TOGETHER ALREADY!", Bucky said as everyone at the table started agreeing. "I-I-I'm s-sorry what!!", I said as I felt my cheeks get warm. "You know what I mean Tony", Bucky said smirking as he started eating. Steve just stayed quiet as he moved into Bucky as if they were snuggling up together. "You know who should get together already?", I said smirking as I looked as Steve lying his small head on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky looked up still chewing his food, but nodded eager to know who. "You and Steve, I mean cmon look at you two!", I replied. Bucky choked on his food as Steve just blushed helping Bucky recover from his choking extravaganza giving him a water bottle. Everyone started laughing as it was Bucky's turn to blush and stay quiet.

So who thinks Stucky should be in this story!?

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