Hand in hand

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Stephen's POV

Tony and I sat next to each other during lunch with the rest of the group. Steve and Bucky apparently had some announcement to make, I'm pretty sure they're dating. Maybe Tony and I should come clean too. I mean, we've been making this work for around 4 weeks. I don't know. But then Steve stopped my train of thought when he cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention. "So guys...", Steve said nervously looking towards Bucky who was sitting next to him. "Bucky and I have something we'd like to share with you guys", Steve said shyly smiling a bit. "What is it Rogers?", Tony said as if he was waiting impatiently for something. "Well....Bucky and I hav-", Steve said but he was interrupted when Tony said, " Been secretly dating?". Natasha playfully smacked Tony as Steve nodded in silence next to Bucky. Bucky moved a long strand of hair out of his face and spoke up, "Yea, we've been dating for 5 weeks", Bucky said putting his metal hand into Steve's flesh one.I know it! "Aw, well I'm happy for you two!", I said as the rest started to agree with me. Wow, a week before Tony and I, maybe Tony and I should say something, I thought to myself. The bell rang before the rest of us could continue our conversations, and we made our way to our next classes. 


As my last class ended, I packed up my stuff and walked to my dorm room. Once I arrived at the door, I heard a loud crash. I panicked and busted the door open, creating two shields with both my hands in case I needed to protect myself. "TONY?!? Are you okay?", I said worriedly as I saw him lying on the ground covered in some red and yellow metal. I close the door behind me. "Oh hi, Stephen I forgot you were coming", He replied getting as bunch of clanks of noises followed. "I kinda live  here, with you, Tony", I said walking up to him, letting my shields faded into little sparks. "OH...right", He said smiling up at me looking into my eyes. "oh come on, kiss me already, I've been dying all day for one", He whispered walking closer and closer towards me until I could feel his breath on my lips. I kissed him as soon as he finished those words. He kissed back and I realised he was still in that weird Iron suit thing. "Wait what is this", I said stepping back and taking a good look at him. "Oh.....just a little project?", he said as he turned around swaying a bit teasily earning a little chuckle out of me. "Just a little something, I made during my free time", Tony said smiling proudly.

 "Is it safe?", I asked him as his suit started to make room for him to get out of it. "So far", He sang as he looked at the suit in amazement. "Did you make that on your own?", I questioned as I was astonished in the way it looked. "Well...Bruce did help me a little, you know on the parts I couldn't do alone, but it was my idea", he answered as he walked over to me and hugged me. "What's this for?", I asked smiling down at him, wrapping my arms around him bringing him closer. "I just wish I could do this in public Steph", he said into my chest as I kissed the top of his head. "That's what I wanted to talk to about actually", I said as Tony looked up at me. "Go on...", I said as he wanted to hear about what I wanted to discuss. 

"I was thinking...", I said as I looked into his eyes, "Why not", my eyes trailed down onto his pink almost soft-looking lips. I smiled as I thought on what to say. "Why not, tell everyone about us", I said as he smiled softly at me, backing away and taking my hand as he lead us to his bed. We sat and I continued, "Well, not everyone, at first we tell our friends and then family, then everyone", I rambled on as he grabbed my hand and chuckled. "Stephen, I'm more than happy to tell everyone about us, but-", he paused, looking up at me. "But?", I say asking him to go on. "There's no but, I'm just happy that we finally go global", Tony finally responds. "We're not a product Tony", I laugh as he also chuckles at his joke. "But we are technically an item", Tony said smoothly, as he started leaning closer towards me. I could practically feel myself blushing. "God...", I say as I look down at his lips and back into his eyes, as I bit my lower lip. "What?", Tony questioned smugly as leaned even closer until I could basically feel his breath near my lips. "What are you doing to me~" I say softly as I grab his shirt collar and smash my lips onto his. I felt him move on top of me, straddling me. I look up at him, smirking. He hovers over my face, "Stop teasing me", I say as he finally kisses me.

 After that, we made love.... Gosh, I don't even know, it was my first time, okay. Leave me alone. Oh no, the Ancient One is gonna kill me, I broke the number one rule, don't have se-, nevermind. All I can say is that whenever I'm with him, I...I always feel safe? Like this feeling that I could never explain, but it gives me a feeling that comforts me. 

Sooner or later after we finished stuff...we ended sleeping in my bed together. I slowly feel asleep playing with his hair as he snuggled into me.


Tony's POV

I practically am in pain, well I woke up in pain. My butt hurts, that's the problem. Anyway, the best part of it was waking up in Stephen's bed, with his arms wrapped around me, he was fast asleep of course, he tends to sleep in on Saturdays. But, I tend to wake up, because I could never really sleep. But I couldn't sleep because last night, Stephen and I were....doing stuff, having fun? Whatever you like to call it. 

I turned my head slowly and stared out the window. The sun was rising ever so slowly, soon the little rays of lights made their way through the window, into my face. I blinked adjusting to the light. I slowly moved Stephen's arms away from my body. I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed. But thank god I left my laptop here, on the bedside table. Don't ask how it got there, it just is. I moved up, sitting up next to Stephen as he snuggled into my body, with I find cute by the way. I placed the laptop on my lap and started working on things that would help me not be bored. I looked down at Stephen and smiled, I don't think I've ever been this happy with someone. I was using one hand on my laptop, and the other playing with Stephen's hair, or should I say massaging his head? But, I could tell that he enjoyed it, although I think he's asleep. Wait, can people be asleep and awake at the same time? 

Suddenly my phone started ringing. "Hey JARVIS, can you please answer the call for me", I say as quietly as I can, trying not to wake Stephen. "Yes Sir", J.A.R.V.I.S. responded through the little earpiece hidden in my ear, don't ask about that either. "Hey Tones, it's Bruce", I heard him say through the phone. "Hey Bruce, what's up", I said as I looked down at Stephen's sleeping face, moving a bit of his messy hair out of the way. "Well, the group are wondering if you and Stephen were going camping with us this weekend with us, you know, because Monday is a public holiday", Bruce said as Tony panicked as he didn't know what to say. "Well, yes! Stephen and I would love to come", I say happily and a bit to loudly. "Okay, see you at the parking lot at 5:00PM", Bruce said happily as the call ended. "Great..", I say to myself. 

"What was that about?", I heard a groggy voice from underneath me. "Oh, morning babe", I say kissing his forehead as he chuckled tiredly. Great, now I need to break the news to the one person who hates the outdoors. "So, Stephen?", I say to catch his attention. He moved around and then stopped so he was facing me. He hummed in response. "What if I told you, that our group is going camping, and I kinda said we were going, so now we need to pack stuff...?", I asked as his eyes widened in shock. "What?', he responded as if he was angry. "Haha, surprise~", I said as if it was some kind of surprise, which to him it was. I watched him slowly get out of bed and then slowly looked at me. "You didn't think to tell me about this", Stephen said to me as if he looked like he was about to kill me. "Stephy, baby, come on, it's just two nights in the good old outdoors", I said as I too got out of bed, with a slight pain in my butt. "Ohhhhh, don't you, Stephy, baby me", He mumbled as he walked off into the bathroom to shower. "Fine, be like that! But you need to be packed by 5!", I said going out of our room and into the second bathroom, which was mine. I don't get why we have to share a room, but have two bathrooms.


.....so yeah, i dont know what I did.....

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