Camping and Stargazing

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Stephen's POV

I cannot believe what just happened. cAMPinG?!? seriously, I'd rather freeze on Mount Everest than go camping. But, I should go, at least it would make Tony happy. But I'm still mad at him. So here I am, eating breakfast in our kitchen and I already packed since, I'm an organised person, at least I think I am. "Hey Stephie~ ", I hear a familiar voice say. 

Oh lord, be mad Stephen, not even his adorable face would change your mind about being okay with the fact with Tony making you do the one thing you hate. Tony walked into the kitchen with his bags and dropped them near the door. "Wow, you're so organised", I say sarcastically, cleaning my plate I just ate out of. He clearly ignored my attitude and responded with, "Oh yea, there are a lot of thing you don't know about me", He said walking up to me and kissing me on the cheek. 

A smile slowly spread on my face as he chuckled at me. "Oh, quit acting like a baby, Stephen it's only camping, it's not like we're going be living in the woods for a while!", Tony says cheerfully as I went back to frowning. "And if you don't want to think of it as camping, think of it as....a way to tell our friends about us, I could finally kiss you, while....stargazing", Tony said trying to cheer me up. "How romantic~", I say sarcastically again. He rolled his eyes, but then suddenly they brighten as he had an idea.He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Or...we could have a little fun in our tent~". I shivered at the thought. I can't even describe my imagination, it's like some sexy erotic fanfiction, playing in my head....STEPHEN VINCENT STRANGE! SNAP OUT OF YOUR FANTASY AND STAY CALM...."You aren't bribing me with that", I say shyly blushing at the fact he was indeed being seriously. He smiled at me as he turned away. "Your loss", he said walking off.

Tony's POV

"Hey guys", I say to everyone as Stephen and I hopped into Thor's van, it surprisingly fitted everyone. We put our bags in the back and we were ready to go.

The campsite was 1 hour and 30 minutes away so I have 1 hour and 30 minutes to either make my relationship with Stephen obvious, or 1 hour and 30 minutes to annoy everyone. Ok...I'm picking annoying Stephen.

I turn my head towards Stephen and smiled. "Hii Stephie~ ", I say as he looked at me surprised, he and I both know that I'd never use that nickname in front of anyone. "Pft, Tony...already making a move?", Bruce teased as he looked at Stephen and I. "I've already made it", I responded as everyone turned around looking at the us, shocked. "W-WHAT", Stephen in a funny voice trying to deny that fact. He was failing at that. "Stephen stop lying", I heard Natasha say as Stephen looked at me and then everyone. "Urgh, fine", he groaned as I put my hand in his. "I hate you", Stephen mumbled looking out the window. "Aw, I love you too~", I said happily kissing his hand.Stephen broke into a little giggle but then stopped because I think he was embarrassed. Everyone awed at us, and then slowly went back to their own business. Nailed it!

Stephen's POV

God, I hate this. None of this is going to plan. Tony just full on made everything obvious. I'm not mad at him, well I am for bringing me here, but that's a different story. At least I don't to hide my feelings for him anymore. I smiled to myself as I got out of the van, stretching my arms and legs turning slowly and taking in the view. I watched as the sun shone onto the lake as we started to unload all the stuff out of Thor's van. I turned around opposite from the lake and saw a small hill, flat enough for us to put our 4 tents on. You maybe asking why there's 4 tents right? Well Tony and I need 1, Thor and Bruce, Steve and Bucky, Nat and Clint. "Hey guys!", I say as they all turn to look a me. "We could, um, put our tents up there", I said pointing up at the hill. "Cute, I love that idea", Natasha said as she casually grabbed heavy items and started walking up the hill, leaving everyone in awe. "I agree with Nat, this is gonna be cool", Bucky said running up the hill with his stuff, Steve following him making sure he was being careful.

Once we set everything up, the sun was already gone. It was dark, not to dark though because we had little lanterns around and a campfire. Ugh, but these bugs are killing me. WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO CAMPING. I sat on a little chair next to my tent and picked up a book a had beside me. Might as well read this while I have the time. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. "Hey Stephen", I looked up and it was Tony, obviously. "Hi", I said blankly as I tried to go back to reading. "Why won't you come join us at the campfire?", Tony asked playing with my hair, which I have to admit I don't mind it. "I don't feel like it", I say as I flip to the next page. He sighed then grabbed a chair and sat next to me. "What are you reading?", Tony asked smiling softly as I looked up at him. "Just something about Ancient Magic", I said quietly as I closed the book placing it on the grass near me. "Why'd you stop?", He asked softly as he grabbed my scarred hands. I smiled, "Because I felt like you were bored", I said. 

I suddenly had an idea to pass the time and spend time with Tony. I never mentioned this, but I have a cloak, well at first I thought it was a huge table cloth. I never brought him with me but I think I know where he is. 

"Wait here", I say before getting up and running into the forest, Tony yelled something out but I couldn't really hear it. I looked around the forest taking in the view of trees and the stars in the sky. I closed my eyes and focused, I held my sling ring between my fingers and focused on making a portal to my room in Kamar-Taj. Levi would be floating around in there. I opened my eyes and the sparks around the portal fluttered towards me. "Levi!", I whisper-shouted into the room. Suddenly the cloak flew up to me and rested on my shoulders. The collars patting my cheeks as he greeted me. "Hello to you too, I'll explain what I need you to do on the way", I say as Levi flew me back to the campsite. 

Tony's POV 

Urgh, where is Stephen, he's been gone for like 15 minutes. I think he's mad at me for bringing him here.  I sat on the chair leaning back and looking up at the navy blue sky, I closed my eyes feeling the wind pass my face. I felt a hand on my face, it's Stephen, at least I hope it is. I opened my eyes and saw Stephen smiling while looking down at me with some weird cape thing on him. "What's that?", I say as he helps me up. "Just a little something", he said as the cloak started moving, it floated of him and straighten up horizontally like that carpet from Aladdin. "What are you doing? Recreating a scene from Aladdin?", I asked jokily. He chuckled, and he bowed and reached his hand out to me, "Wanna go on a magic carpet ride with me Tony?", Stephen said smirking up at me. I felt myself blush. "I-I was joking", I stammered as I grabbed his hand and jumped onto the cloak thing. "And I am being serious", Stephen said as the cloak flew up into the clouds carrying us with it. "This is super dangerous", I say quietly holding onto him, "But isn't it fun?", Stephen said as he looked up, putting his hand through the clouds. "Yea..I guess", I responded. The rest of the ride was Stephen and I laughing around and having fun. I've never felt happier.

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