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(keep in mind that this is a bit different to the movies)

Tony's POV

I feel, betrayed. Hurt. Broken. I feel Stephen has torn away from me. I don't think Stephen is himself though. Right now, I'm flying to Stuttgart in Germany to confront Loki and...Stephen. With Steve there to help me, of course, he's already there and I'm late. I heard that they were stealing Iridium or something like that for some big thing.
"You know, he's right, there always men like you...Loki", Steve said agreeing with the old man he protected. "The soldier", Loki said mockingly. "A man who believes he should put others needs before his", Loki said standing up chuckling menacingly. "At least I'm good at it", Steve said back.
A Quinjet flew above, revealing a gun. "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down!", Natasha said over the PA. Loki smiled, then shoot a blast from his sceptre at the Quinjet. Steve throw his shield at Loki. They both started to fight. Loki pushed Steve to the ground, but Steve got back up, throwing a punch at him, but missed. He used his shield and hit Loki in the head, but his helmet was in the way. Loki grabbed Steve and throw him back onto the ground. This time, Steve struggled to get back up. Loki laughed wickedly as he placed his sceptre on Steve's head. "Kneel", Loki spoke.
Steve took a deep breath. "Not today!", Steve jumped back up, trying to grab the sceptre to get up and did a pivot kick in Loki's face. "The guy's all over the place", Natasha mumbled as she tried to get a good shot of Loki. Steve punched Loki and grabbed his shield. Loki got back up, and Steve throws his shield at him. What no one knew was that Stephen was watching at a distance but no one noticed him.

"TOny!, where are you", Natasha said as if she was worried Steve couldn't hold Loki off through the ear-piece. Suddenly I made a rock song play through the speaker. "Agent Romanoff, miss me?", I say as I flew in. Shooting Loki in the chest, causing him to fall back onto the ground.

"Make your move, Reindeer Games, I dare you", I say as I held an armed missile and a repulsor up at him. "Tony", Steve greeted. "Cap", I reply. All of a sudden of out nowhere, a familiar orange blast was thrown at me and Steve. And there he was, all in his glory. Stephen. His eyes were a bright blue, which I'm guessing is that stupid mind control. "Make your move, Tin-Can, I dare you?", Stephen said mocking me. "S-Stephen", I say shocked. "Greetings, Tony", Stephen said as he hovered in the air, with Levi helping him. He hovered down, landing gracefully as he grabbed Loki's hand helping him up.
"Stand down, you two", Steve said as he held his shield up. I got up, holding a repulsor up at them both. "We surrender, don't we darling", Loki said kissing Stephen on the cheek. I clenched my fist. This can't be real. I accidentally blasted a blast at Loki, causing him to pass out. "TONY", Steve said as Stephen held Loki's unconscious body close to in fear. "Just get them on the Quinjet", I say lowly. This can't be happening.

Are they saying anything?", Fury said through the speakers. "Not a word, since Loki was UNCONSCIOUS for a bit", Natasha responded, "And why is that?", Fury asked. "Stark blasted him in the face", Steve said not impressed by my actions. "Just get him here, we're low on time", Fury said impatiently before getting offline. Steve looked at me and started to speak. "I don't like it". "What? Rock of Ages and Mr Magician giving up so easily?", I say giving them nicknames. "I don't remember it being that easy...this guy packs a wallop", Steve said back looking at them both staring into the eyes of each other like lovesick idiots. I look away jealous. 'Calm down Tony, Stephen isn't himself', I thought to myself.
Suddenly thunder came out of nowhere. "This is Coulson to Agent Romanoff, Thor is coming to you, I repeat Thor is coming to you and he isn't happy", we heard Coulson say through the PA. Oh no, this isn't getting any easier. "Lokiiii!??", We heard Thor roar as he came into the Quinjet. He grabbed Loki by the neck and looked furious. "Thor! Put Loki down we need him back at S.H.I.E.L.D. in one piece", Steve said trying Thor to not kill Loki right then and there. "Yeah what Steve said", I say trying to calm Thor down. Stephen tried to grab Loki from Thor's grasp. "Do as they say, brother, you can't kill me even if you tried", Loki said trying to piss Thor off even more. Thor dropped Loki and backed away. Stephen stood in front of Loki, his blue eyes staring at Thor making sure Loki was protected.

Once we arrived at the helicarrier, Loki and Stephen were separated into two cells. Fury allowed me to see Stephen if I wanted to, also to figure how to get him out of it. So here I am, sitting on a little chair, while Stephen's sitting in the cell looking at me, as he doesn't even remember me.
"Hey Stephen...", I say shyly as he looked at me annoyed. "Of all people, why are you here", he responded. "Y-you don't remember me?", I asked anxiously. "Why would I?", he scoffed as he looked at me. "Because it's me, Tony, and Loki has you under some type of Mind Control", I said explaining to him what's happening. His eyes widened as if he had just heard a lie. "You're lying", He said crossing his arms. "May I ask a question then?", I say smugly as he nods at me the continue. "Do remember anything from the last couple of days?", I ask to see if he could remember anything. He stayed quiet, shocked. "Stark we need you back up here, NOW", I heard Bruce through the speakers. "Guess you better check on that", Stephen replied as he started playing with his magic. "I better", I say as I stood up taking one last look at him as I started to leave. "Bye babe", I say unknowing of the state he's in. I froze, and looked back, "what?", He asked flustered. I left quickly embarrassed at my actions.

"He really grows on you..doesn't he?", Bruce says nervously. "Loki's gonna drag this out", Steve spoke out looking at the table. "So..Thor, what's his play?", Steve asked Thor wanting to understand Loki's skills. Thor stared off into the distance, "He has an army, called the Chitauri", Thor said now looking at Steve. "They are not Asgard, nor any planet known", Thor told as he trying to figure things out. Bruce went up to him and stood next him allowing Thor to wrap an arm around his waist. "They will win him Earth", Thor said looking at Bruce then back at the team. "In return...I suspect for the Tesseract", Thor finished. "An army.....from...space", Steve said looking at Bucky in surprise who placed his metal hand on Steve's hand. "That's what he said Steve", Bucky said confirming Steve heard that right. Bruce took his glasses off, "So...he's building another portal?", Bruce said thinking about what Loki and his people are doing. "That's...what he needs Erik Selvig for", Bruce stated as he looked up at Thor. "Selvig?", Thor asked. "He's an astrophysicist", Bruce replied smiling sadly. "He's...a friend", Thor said looking upset now.

"Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with...two of ours", Natasha chimed in. "I want to know why Loki let us take him with Stephen back here ", Steve said. "He's not leading an army from here?", he continued. "I, I think we should be focusing on Loki", Bruce said worriedly. "That's guy's brain is full of cats right now...you can smell the crazy on him", Bruce said. "Have care, how you speak", Thor replies looking down at Bruce. "Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he is my brother", Thor went on. "He killed 80 people in two days", Natasha said reminding of his brother's actions. "He's..adopted", Thor answered. "I think it's about the mechanics", Bruce thought out loud.

"Iridium....why do they need Iridium for", Bruce said as I walked in, making my dramatic entrance like always. "It's a stabilizing agent", I say as I walk towards the table. "It means the portal won't collapse on itself as it did at the campus", I say putting my hands in my pockets. "It also means that the portal can open as wide and stay as long as Loki wants", I continue. "Raise the mizzenmast...Jib the topsails..", I say trying to imitate Fury. "THAT MAN IS PLAYING GALAGA...he thought we didn't notice, but we did", I say pointing the guy out. "How does Fury even see these?", I asked covering an eye than looking around. "He turns", Agent Hill says annoyed at my actions. "Sounds exhausting", I replied turning back to the rest of the group. "The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily", I say continuing on the main subject. "The only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy-density", I say looking at the screens. "Something to kick-start the Cube", I say. "When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics", Agent Hill asked. "Had to listen to something in class...am I right", I said high-fiving Bruce. Our hands missed as the helicarrier turned a bit as something hit it. "Everyone stays alert, and suit up", Steve said getting up, putting his cowl on and picking his shield up. I ran to put my suit on. This is going to be huge.

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