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Die Moral von dieser Geschichte ist, egal wie sehr wir es versuchen, egal wie sehr wir es wollen...manche Geschichten haben einfach kein Happy Ending.

Cassian joined the Rebellion. He became part of the Rouge One team. He died on Scarif.

Obi Wan Kenobi survived. He escaped to Tatooine.

Kix was abducted a few weeks before order 66 and carbonite frozen. He survived.

Wolffe survived.

Senator Organa became an importend part of the Rebellion Alliance.

Jesse took part in order 66. His chip was never removed.

Commander Fox continued to serve the galactic empire.

Commander Cody continued to serve the galactic empire.

Master Yoda survived. He fled to dagobah.

Echo survived. He continued to fight for his brothers.

Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. Something far worse than death has happened to him.

Padmé Amidala died in childbirth. Her children, Luke and Leia, were seperated.

Ahsoka Tano lived and fought alongside the Rebellion. She faced Darth Vader and lived.

Plo Koon died.

Aayla Secura died.

Mace Windu died.

Count Dooku died.

Asajj Ventress died.

Luminara Unduli died.

Shaak Ti died.

Kit Fisto died.

Boost died.

Sinker died.

Vaughn died.

Dogma died.

Appo died.

Hardcase died.

Tup died.

Fives died.

Anatasia - against all odds - survived. She finally found her place in an unending galaxy.

And Captain Rex? He lived to fight another day. Like he always did.

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