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I should be exited, since I've been waiting two whole years for the day that I will leave this place, and today is that must-have-been-special-for-me day. But something doesn't feel right, and I don't know what that thing is. I decided to just let these thoughts slip away and took my breakfast with the other patients.

"Rose! I heard you're going out today. Well, good for you." I heard a girl's voice speaking from behind me, I hope it's not her; Nancy. I turned to face a tall girl, with her grey clothes looking angrily at me with her deep brown eyes.

She's my uncle's daughter. My goddamned cousin.

I stand in front of her and I know I must be looking scared right now, which must be a sign of weakness, but I can't help it.

" Can't you just stay away from me? I'm freaking tired as hell from your games. Two years of bothering me weren't enough. Right?" I try my hardest to avoid the freaked-out look on my face but I certainly failed.

"Look you know that I can't let you live your life without my revenge. Once I'll get out of here, I'll make you regret what you did to us, because of your stupid family," Well, now I can't let her finish what she's saying.

"No! Don't you fucking dare talking about my family!"

"Well, the 'good girl' is defending her family... as if you have one"

"I'm not going to waste any of my time with you anymore, you better go find something to do with your life" I said calmly before leaving the 'leech' behind me and heading towards the breakfast table.

I greeted the patients in the table with a small smile then sitting next to a black haired guy who always looked a little bit weird than the other patients. He seemed lost eating his breakfast like he was really enjoying its taste.

I didn't really want to eat, I was too busy thinking about my life after getting out of this place. I was bewildered, excited, euphoric... all at the same time; a strange combination of emotions.

"could you, please, give me some of your pancakes?" I stopped swallowing my coffee to turn my face to the right and find the black haired guy looking at me with his kind of weird glances. He kept staring for what seemed like ten seconds.

"yeah sure," I placed two pancakes in his plate with some honey. He thanked me and then ate them so fast. Unbelievable. He seemed to be really hungry. "um... you can have some more, from over there, just ask the old nurse sitting there y'know"

He unexpectedly let out a slight (cold) laugh. What was making him laugh? He, for the first time since this conversation started, looked at me. I was seriously captivated by his blue eyes; they weren't a deep blue, nor were they an ocean blue. Fascinating.

I didn't realize how lost I became while staring at his eyes, trying to recognize their (exact) color, until he said "I know, I really do. I just.. I don't know if I should tell you this, but I don't like talking to nurses here, they're all so harsh to me because of my brothers-"

As he stopped talking, he was staring straight at me and so I had to ask " what ? what's with your brothers?" as always, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"no. I don't even know you. I just don't like talking to these nurses. Not even the idea of it." He took a sip from his cup of coffee refusing to look at anyone or anything except that cup in his hands.

"Well, okay." I said turning my head to the other side of the cafeteria. I shouldn't talk to strangers here. God, I really didn't have to start a conversation with that weirdo. I shook my head (drinking my coffee) and pushed those bothering thoughts to the back of my mind; you know, trying to be positive since I'm finally going to meet people and have a good life when I'll get out of this rehab.

* * * *

After what seemed to be a good two hours, I was already in my aunt's house. The ride to home was almost half an hour. Not too much, but with aunt Sarah's insisting for going to school tomorrow and me (of course) refusing to, it seemed like time has stopped back then.

The first thing I did when I finally came home was taking a hot shower. I missed this feeling so badly, taking a good shower (not the rehab's shower of course) and just lying in bed while listening to music. Indeed, I missed all the little things about life outside the rehab. And it feels so good to finally have those little things back in my life.

"Rose! Come to the living room! Kurt and I need to discuss some stuff with you." I heard my aunt's voice echoing through the stairs, when I was just lying in bed and enjoying the good feel of it. Unfortunately, I had to get up and get to know what they want to "discuss". Every time, I think about my aunt or when she talks to me, I have this anger (that, in a weird way, I feel it rushing through every atom of my body) towards her.

Maybe it's because she was the one who started all this shit (and ruined my teenage years).

Pushing those negative thoughts right at the back of my mind, I ran down the stairs, hoping she's not holding some (bad for sure) surprise for me.

I entered the living room when I saw my aunt sitting in the couch and Kurt sitting only a few inches away from her. Kurt smiled at me and I smiled back, he's my aunt's husband, they've been married for fourteen years ago, but still they ain't got no kids. I sat in the armchair next to the black couch and said " so you wanted me here? What for? "

My aunt nodded with a little smile on her face, she looked at Kurt who gave her another glance. Seriously, what the hell are these two planning to tell me? I'm really not ready yet for any surprising news, I need rest from the two last years spent in the rehab.

"Rose, you know that you're our responsibility and we have to take care of you as our kid since your parents-"

"Can't you just not bring that subject please? If what you want me for has something to do with that subject just let it go, please."

Kurt shook his head. I took a glance at my aunt who was smiling at some flowers in front of her and playing with the little curls of her hair. Weirdo. I took a look back at Kurt again who was trying his best to explain the situation for me " No, no... it really does not, it's just about your school, Rose,"

Oh dear god give me strength. "And?" I murmured.

"You really have to go tomorrow, the lessons they were giving you at the rehab aren't enough. You know that don't you? So for the rest of your school years you don't have to waste any of your time. Starting from today, you should take time as the most precious thing you have in your life."

I'm really not ready for this ridiculous lecture. But I always have to lie "Yes, of course."

What can I do? That's it. Tomorrow I'll be going to school again. I needed to have at least one week to rest but I can't help it, they decided I should so I should. That's my aunt and Kurt's logic.


Hey there everyone! First, thanks for reading so much (: You might think that the whole book is just a routine but no, it is not. After just a  few chapters, everything will be changing. Just keep reading and pleaaaase if you liked it, vote and comment :) xxx

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