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My breath suddenly became irregular and my heart was beating in my chest, I was scared maybe I'll pass out. I stood there, completely and utterly chocked, my mouth wide open and I can barely breathe.

I will see Nicholas everyday in school. Maybe I should've stayed in the rehab. I can't bear his presence in here.

But no, I should face him.

Nicholas Wilson is my cousin, my goddamned cousin. But he's not any cousin. His dad (my bloody uncle) used to be a serial killer and he was the (only) reason of my parents' death. After having to deal with his sister in rehab, I should bear his stupid-coming-soon-actions too. And let me tell you, Nicholas is so much (I mean so much) worse than his sister. I can't even think about this, I can't help it. they ruined our lives. I was sent to rehab because of them, I had to suffer so much I thought I can never make things better, because of them. I lost two of my teenage years because of them.

How am I supposed to see him in school and still feel comfortable? I can't, I really can't.

"Rose, s'been a while we haven't met, huh?" he stepped forward and a half (disgusting) smile crossed his face.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes in disgust before walking past him but, as expected, he followed and I heard his mumbling "you know that I'll always annoy you, Rose don't you? Darling! Haha" stupid leaving creature.

I turned around and said "don't call me that again, or I'll have to rip your stupid face off."

He kept laughing and finally decided to leave me alone. I made my way towards the common room and sat on one of the chairs at the back of the room reading a book.

I was interrupted from my reading by a voice from behind me, I heard her say "The new kid, right?" I turned around to find one of my classmates looking at me with a wide smile, she took a chair and sat herself next to me. I closed my book and put in back in the bag.

Seems like I'm gonna make friends.

"Yes, it's me... umm.. Rose Wilson." I answered her and smiled back.

"So, I was saw you sitting alone and thought maybe you'll need some company!"

"Yeah, of course. I-I'm... just not really used to it, you know."

"Well, don't worry. And let me tell you something; If you stay on your own the whole time, they can't leave you alone. You'll hear too many bullies and rumors," she sighed and crossed her legs to continue again, "You know this is one of the most popular high schools in Sheffield, and that's the thing with poplar schools now-a-days. They can't leave anybody comfortable until the person has enough strength and self-confidence."

She seemed like those kind of fashion girls; her blonde hair straightened with some curls at its end, she was wearing a ripped (blue) boyfriend jeans and ankle boots, she put it with a kind of bohemian (I guess) shirt and a black leather jacket. Her style looked cool. I liked it. And her face was full of make-up. I've always hated girls with too many make-up, honestly.

"Yeah, I get it, it's obvious... well, what's your name?" I looked awkward as hell, but I was sure I was going to fix it later when I'll get accustomed with school and everything.

She smiled widely at me and said "Sorry, I'm Tessa, and you must be..uhh..?" Of course, I'm not that important, no one should remember my name.

"Rose. Rose Wilson." She seemed to be chocked. I knew it. The Wilson's are too, in a bad way, popular. They must be calling us the killers and murder family. Such a shame. I'm sure she's gonna hate me after this, I'm damn sure.

"So.. you know Nicholas Wil-"

"Yes. And well, you really don't have to befriend me, I'm a horrible person, I'm a Wilson, right? So I'm not worth making friends. You can leave if you want to, sorry." I quickly took my bag and rushed to the door until I felt someone grabbing me by my arm.

"No. No. No. Really, it's okay. You have to know I'm not the kind of persons who will judge you by your past and looks and stuff. I'm really not." She kept apologizing.

"How am I supposed to know you're not a liar?" I told her shaking my head and rolling my eyes. They're all liars. I knew I could never make friends here, they bloody ruined my life. Sometimes I wish I could change my last name.

"You can trust me as your only friend in this school."

After a while of several weird glances, I finally came to the risky decision that maybe I should try and trust her, I can tell from the look in her eyes she's friendly so I sighed and said. "Uhm.. okay, then."

She smiled for what seemed like ten seconds and we walked in the hallway. I had to search for fifteen minutes to find my locker. Unfortunately, it was located far, far away from Tessa's. This is just a good first day of school. I expected something better but that's just the bitter truth.

When the bell rang, I quickly took my bag and got out of my math class. Oh, so frustrating. Three hours math. Isn't it too much? Hell, yes.

Anyway, I hurried as much as I can so that I don't miss my bus, I wasn't going to go with my aunt.. well, that's if she cares enough to come pick me up after the fight we had this morning.

On my to the bus, I decided to buy me coffee from Starbucks, since I had enough time and money.

I sat myself in a table next to the window staring at the people; some running, others talking, some just walking and so on and on. It has always seemed so fascinating to me; how everyone is unique in just the way they are.

It was always 6pm when I checked my watch, so I had to get up and run to the bus station, I only have fifteen minutes to make my way there.

I was hurriedly walking and worried as hell if I ever miss the bus because I'll be too late and I'll have to listen to my aunt's ridiculous lecture.

But I was running near one of the coffee shops, I saw someone I know, but not anyone, it felt like I remember them and I don't, too, at the same time.

As I was closer, I recognized the person just from his eyes' color.

And that's when my heart was pounding so much I seriously thought I'll die, and I had no clue why this was happening to me every time I get lost in those eyes, only those eyes.


So, this is basically the real beginnig of the story. Just keep reading and you'll realize how suddenly everything will change for Rose :)  And, I know I'm updating late, I'm so sorry, I just have too many schoolwork and exams... Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter ! Pleaaaase, vote and comment :D xxx

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