Chapter 1: Love

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A/N: Please, if you don't know what an omegaverse is, look it up, or else this story won't make sense.

P.S: This story is for audiences teen and up.

There is gonna be strong language.

There may be some mature themes that may bother some readers.

There won't be any detailed smut whatsoever, though it's gonna be implied.

I also want to address that this story was written because I suddenly got the idea and decided to write about it before I forgot anything. There's another Dabihawks story that I'm currently working on(which already came out, check out Garden Of Gladioli) that's gonna be longer have more plot, more conflicts, and a schedule. This is just for fun and it's not gonna be updated weekly, that is depending on what my readers want, if this story gets over 500 reads(looking back at this is so funny to me) I'll prioritize it. Thank you for reading! Enjoy the chapter.


Keigo stretched his vermillion wings as he sat up in bed. He glanced to the side to see his alpha sleeping soundly. He smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover's scarred neck that he'd slowly but surely got accustomed to.

"Touya.." Keigo whispered, biting his earlobe. Touya stirs, opening one eye to look at his lover.

"Mornin'" Touya said in the very soft tone that always conquered Keigo's heart.

"Hey handsome" Keigo smirked at his mate. The word still sparked a flame in his heart. He leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss before standing up to pick up all the discarded clothes from prior nights.

Keigo's heat had just ended and they were both exhausted. Sure, the past few nights were incredibly amazing, but everyone has their limits, even when it comes to incredible sweet(or rough)sex.

Touya yawned before going back to sleep, knowing that his mate had to get up early today for a very important meeting with the so called 'heroes'.

"Did you know that the third years of Yuuei graduate today?" Keigo spoke in excitement.

"Don't care"

"Hmm..I thought you'd be more excited about your little brother's graduation"

"What?" Touya asked sitting up in bed, looking at Keigo with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah..Shoto, your brother, graduates today...y'know cause he's a third year"

"Shit. I forgot about that...but like it even matters, a villain can't just show up there out of the blue. Chaos would surely follow and Shoto's day would be ruined" Touya went back to his pillow.

"I know...that's why your amazing boyfriend convinced the press and Yuuei staff to make a live video of the whole thing! It starts at 8:30am sharp to be exact. Am I a good boyfriend or am I a good boyfriend?" Keigo asked. A cheeky smile on his face.

Touya smiled, an action that took a while to get used to. "The best"

Touya smirks, grabbing Keigo by the wrists and pulling him to bed with him, pinning him down. A grunt escaped Keigo's lips.

Touya made his way down to Keigo's neck, nipping and biting at his soft and delicate skin. He paused by his scent gland where he had marked him months ago. He smiled fondly at it, the mark that automatically bonded them together for life. He leaned down and licked it.

"Babe, you know I'd love to, but I have to get going" Keigo tried to shove Touya out of the way but failed.

"Do you really have to? Stay here with me, and let's watch the graduation here together..cuddling, I can cook you a nice'll be in comfortable clothes, you won't have to deal with the press and all those annoying fans of yours"

"Though that offer is tempting, I have to decline. I have to be in my agency in exactly...twenty minutes, after my meeting I need to do a favor for Endeavor and I wanna go to the graduation to support your  siblings, and my fans are not annoying! I think they're awesome! I also may have promised Miruko that I'd get out of the house when my heat was done so.."

"Ugh" Touya got off of Keigo. Talking about that alpha was a real turn off for him.

"Hey, look at me" Keigo cupped Touya's cheeks and forced him to look at him.
"I promise that as soon as I'm done, I'll fly back here as fast as I can, I'll even ignore the paparazzi"

Touya sighed, averting his eyes from the golden gaze that had captured his heart so easily. "Fine..." he said with a groan.

"Yay!" Keigo quickly pecked him on the lips and stood up from bed and rushed to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

Once out of the bathroom and dressed in his hero suit, Keigo took his keys and the graduation gift he'd gotten Shoto a few weeks prior. As he was about to head out the door, he felt a pair of eyes on his back. He looked back to see Touya leaning against the door frame to their shared bedroom, arms crossed and a cute pout on his face. Keigo chuckled "..I love you"

"I love you back soon"

"I will!" And with that, Keigo was out the door and headed for the apartment's roof to take off.

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