Chapter 2: After The Graduation

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"Awww! I'm so proud of you!" Natsuo said as he embraced the youngest Todoroki in a tight hug. "You're gonna be a pro hero!" he wiped tears of joy forming in his eyes. Shoto smiled at his brother's excitement.

"We're really proud of you Shoto" Fuyumi said smiling brightly, wiping tears of her own.

"Thank you." Shoto flushed.

"SHOTO!" Endeavor- Enji shouted as he stomped towards the Todoroki siblings.

"Dad!" Fuyumi exclaimed.

Once Endeavor got to them, his eyes softened "Shoto, I—" he took a deep breath "I know I wasn't the best father and I never will be, not after everything I've done. I've tried to repair all the turmoil and chaos that I inflicted upon us, but still..everything I do it- it isn't enough and it'll never be enough, for all of the pain I caused you and your siblings...and your mother and Touya—I- I think- no, I know that if you, Fuyumi, and Natsuo hadn't given me a chance, I wouldn't have made it this far. We couldn't have made it this far. I wouldn't be happy..we wouldn't be happy" Enji paused, trying to hold back his tears "Who needs to be the best? To be the top hero when I get to return home to all of you? Thank you...for everything"

Natsuo released Shoto from his bear hug and looked at his father with a flabbergasted expression. "Whatever old man" He said, trying to hide the crack in his voice.

"Thank you dad, for trying" Fuyumi teared up again. She was overjoyed that her family had finally found peace and closure.

Shoto didn't know what to say, he'd never been good with words. He didn't know how to instead he went over to his father and awkwardly hugged him. "Yeah...okay" he whispered, a small smile on his face.

Enji's eyes widened for a second before wrapping his arms around his omega son.

"SHOTO" A strong male voice interrupted the family's bonding moment. A figure quickly approached them.

The omega's ears perked up immediately as he recognized the voice. It couldn't be...
Shoto pushes his father aside, a blush already spreading throughout his face.

There in front of them was a very tall and broad alpha, with dark brown buzzed hair, that was mostly covered by Shiketsu's uniform cap, and black eyes. He was holding a slightly deformed bouquet of roses.

Shoto gasped.


"SHOTO TODOROKI" He interrupted Shoto "Now that we're both graduates, I want to settle with you and start courting you properly" He paused and took a deep breath before shouting: "PLEASE! BE MY MATE"

Inasa Yoarashi. Quirk: Whirlwind. Secondary gender: Alpha. A very energetic and enthusiastic young man. He's loud and can come off as obnoxious but he's actually oddly polite.

"Um Ina-sa...Inasa— well I..." Once Inasa noticed his boyfriend was struggling with words he glanced around their surroundings and finally took note that his family was there. Staring at him. Bewildered and flabbergasted expressions on their faces.

Oh sh-

"AHHHHI'MM SO SORRY" Inasa bumped his head hard on the ground "I didn't mean to interrupt— I should go—" As he was about to turn around to leave a small hand laced with his. He looked down to see a pleading look on Shoto's face. Inasa calmed down and offered the now ruined roses to Shoto. The latter smiled and gratefully took them.

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