Chapter 10: Before it's too late

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Touya took Himiko's advice.

After their little meet up, he rushed to get to his and Keigo's apartment. He needed to get there fast, before it's too late.


What he wasn't expecting was to find a furious Miruko already inside. He tried to speak with her but got punched instead. To be fair, he did deserve it.

"I deserved that"

"You're fucking right, you did" Miruko was about to lay another punch, but was stopped by Touya's free hand. "Look" he started "I know I fucked up. I shouldn't have ran away like I did-"

"Like a coward"

"Yeah...a coward. I shouldn't have acted on impulse. I should've stayed calm. But I didn't- I'm an idiot- I know, and that probably gave off a bad reaction but-"

"You think?"

"..I know it gave off a bad reaction- just let me talk to Keigo- Where is he-"

"Not here"

"Then where?"

"Like hell I'd tell you" She growled at him.

"Look I know you have your reasons to hate me and not trust me, but please let me talk to him. Let me apologize for acting so awfully. For not considering his feelings. Please Miruko, let me make things right..for Keigo"

"..." she thought for a moment "Fine..but only if Keigo agrees to talk with you- if not..I'll not only kick you out, but arrest you as well. You're still a villain in society's eyes"


Touya was almost a hundred percent certain that he'd just made a deal with the devil. But that's fine..he'd do about anything right now to get to him.

They need to hurry up before it's too late..


The clock hit 10:45pm.

Naomi tossed and turned in bed. She tried to reach out to her mate, but was only met with blankets and pillows. She opened her eyes and sat up.

Naomi stretched and yawned as she stood up. She grabbed her phone and checked the time. It was late.

"Where are you Rumi..." she mumbled to herself.

She stood up and went to open the door. She peeked her head out and saw the kitchen lights on.

"Rumi?" She asked as she stepped into the kitchen, but instead of finding her wife, she found a depressed and pregnant omega eating a tub of ice cream.

"Oh Keigo.." Naomi said in a soft motherly tone.

"Hey Nao-Chan" Keigo sighed and put the ice cream tub down on the counter "Sorry for eating all your ice cream"

Naomi chuckled "It's fine, there wasn't much left you know where Rumi is?"

"Went out to get me some stuff" he muttered.


Keigo gave her a small smile before going over to the living room, Naomi followed after him. He had a tear stained face and crumbled up clothes. The usual cheerful, funny, and chaotic Keigo was gone. Now all he was, was an empty vessel sitting sprawled across her couch.

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